Friday, December 28, 2007
Avoiding Gender Bias
A brand new store has just opened in New York City that sells Husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:- "You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascend the flights. You may choose any item from a particular floor or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
The 1st floor sign reads::
Floor 1 - These men have jobs.
The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
The 3rd floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely good looking.
"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the 4th floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework.
"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the 5th floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have A Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.
The 1st floor has wives who love sex.
The 2nd floor has wives who love sex and have money.
The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Comments on SULTRY
Its wonderful to read things from other couples perspectives.
WOW! ... Can't wait for the next one..
C and I went to the Libido Events Sultry party on Saturday and had a fantastic time.
I was definately excited to go and experience this new event. I have always wanted to experience a bath house - it has always held an appeal because of its history and seediness and I have heard great stories from other couples about it.
Jennifer organized the entire downstairs area for our group. As you walked, the first room was set up with chairs and TV with porn playing - turn the corner and the locker area room was set up with benches on one side and access to the lockers on the other. Two small tables with snacks and lots of water and pop.
There were three massage tables also in that area, and some nice music playing. Once we changed out of our clothes, we ventured into the cooler of the two steam rooms.
As we got warmed up, the conversation started to heat up. We had some great conversation about lifestyles events etc. Just getting to feel comfortable with everyone at that point.
We left the steam room to cool off, have a shower..
As we were showering, I decided it was time to pay attention to my sweethearts now engorged cock - it was fun to watch the others reactions as they exited the steam room two by two.
At this point, Jennifer jumped into the mix and that started the booby slide in the shower room - she got all the girls sliding their boobies together - and the boys were adding soap to the center of it all to help us with the sliding part.. lol.
As the group started to gather in the shower room, Jennifer suggested we all introduce our coochies.. so we went around the room twice - first the ladies and then the gents. Needless to say, this broke the ice and from that point on there were no more inhibitions and folks went about having fun. Every corner and every room had something sexy going on.
I have to say, after being at lots of lifestyle events, this one was very unique, and tons of fun.
I think Jennifer is hoping to hold the event quarterly, and I for one will be on the list for the next Sultry party!
Kudo's to Jennifer for the Georgia Straight article, and for continuing to forge the way ahead in our kinky world.
Thanks again for a great night Jennifer (and RC)
J & C
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Burlesque in Vancouver

Two days ago I happily received a reminder that Friday was the burlesque Christmas show, for local talent, the Screaming Chickens. I really wanted to go. RC and I went and dragged some friends with us as well. They found a sitter, we picked them up, and off we drove together, to The Cobalt on Main Street.
We found over 15o people easily out on this Friday, specifically to see these hotties take it off. Since we arrived half an hour before the show we found upfront and personal seats together for the four of us, making the view of stage, perfect! But with so many people in attendance, I only saw a handful of the people I was hoping to say a warm hello to!
The latest and greatest Taboo Revue show featured singing, dancing and comedy from Melody Mangler, Darla DeVine, Violet Femme, Fanny Fabulous, Lola Lockehart, Bonbon Bombay, April O’Peel, Mad Madam Mimz, Bobbi Whiskey. The night was hosted by Evil Bastard and Bernie Bombay. (I removed the name of the opening comic because his drug humor was offensive and he was the only down side to the whole evening)
It was nice to spend an evening out with friends, in a sexy atmosphere and not have to lift a finger to do anything. No one even looked to me to do anything resembling work. Ok, except to drive them home. I was the designated driver, being the non-drinker and all.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Walnuts, Fame, Fortune and a Laugh
I require the nut whole, in the shell.
They are not to eat, so quality of nut is irrelevant.
And I need them free or very inexpensive.
The project they are to be used in begins for me in the first week of January 2008.
Leads, tips, ideas anyone?
Now for some awesome news.
The Taboo Sex Show hired me to teach eight classes for them in January. This is very exciting for me, and doubles the load of what I taught for them from last year. This is my fifth year working at and for Taboo.
Of course, this does mean, being in the bright lime-light again next month as well. *sighs* The media attention will again be heavy, and the thousands of new people to meet me and Libido Events will be lining up in droves at the opportunity to know more about my work and activism after meeting me on-stage in classes.
To make you laugh at both RC and I, here is a link to something his mother created using our heads. If I didn't laugh out loud daily, I swear, the negativity that I face in sex-activism would eat me alive.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Catching you up
I enjoy writing on my blog, it was daunting in the beginning, but now, it is a place where I look forward to leaving my thoughts behind. I resent the loss of it, and am slowly planning on returning to writing again somehow.
Regarding all the attention I've garnered as of late: It's all been disconcerting and heavy on my mind. This simple one line confession is huge. I never mention anything personal like that on this blog, this revelation reflects my need to show you the severity of what is going on.
I have retreated from view, as I make some serious decisions surrounding privacy, anonymity, and politics. A first, for me to draw back from something. That something would be the public view of my activism from my blogs perspective, as testament to who I am and what I create. I resent this.
It can be said, that I have needed and spent great numbers of hours already mulling over the matters at hand.
There is still much for me to figure out. The issues are large and matters sadly cross over into my personal family life.
How do I show you (ie the general web population) who I am, be true to my self in my writing, and keep safe my family? This, is my struggle right now.
There are few of you reading this right now, under two dozen.
Any brilliant ideas, amongst you chosen few? (there is only one of you I do not know, and you're a work friend of RC's)
Just to be clear, I have a file, FILLED with email requests from readers who want to become able to view and read these pages again. And the requests, and in some cases demands are continuing on an hourly rate to fill my in box ... the longer the blog stays down.
I knew my readership was and is large, but the onslaught of interest from new comers (due to the GS article), is much more than I am comfortable with all at once. They email me with positive questions, requests and at times hostility for my being "who I am", my in-box is regularly swamped, lately it has become a nightmare of people looking to suck me dry of information.
It is true I am a strong woman and I say that loudly. Though I am no force against vengeful, hateful behavior. It is not in my nature to fight, or war.
I also have only so much in me professionally to give away for free. I have a family, a life and I need, NEED down time.
My activism has grown much larger than I ever thought it could and is now providing me with opportunities that are shaping my future and defining me as a professional today.
There are individuals that have anger about my being seen as a professional. They resent both who I am and what I represent and they had found my blog and were attempting to manipulate my reality.
I am simply the face, the public face for sex-culture, and sex-politics locally to some. My mission of sex-positivity will prevail.
I am not frightened, just rather cautious. And tired of second guessing people and actions.
This is both *hugely* positive for me professionally, and as fucking negative on ones personal life as anything one could ever imagine. The negativity at the hands of people who feel as though that by strangling me, they can make the much larger issues disappear. The upswing, my mission and the goal of our culture is sex-positivity, and it is mainstreaming.
It is humbling at times, to be in this place for me and I find myself short on role models in similar pursuits. I am learning as I go, and would like support along the way especially at times like these. I am crippled lately by the bashing and the weight of this on me.
There are some fights attempting to break out in my world and in order to avoid an all and out war right now, this blog remains locked as I watch and wait.
(Just to ease everyone's minds, this all has absolutely nothing to do with Libido Lounge)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Georgia Straight

As you can imagine, this is making my knees shake.
Got sex?
Yup, that's right, the Feature Article.
Photo and everything.
Here I go.
Monday, November 12, 2007
loose ends
An aromatherapy mineral bath.
Had my hair done.
A pedicure.
A facial.
Then a fantastic dinner out.
I shopped for a swimsuit with no luck. Grr!
Spent a leisurely evening home alone, packing and relaxing.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
G-Spot Workshop
The class was a different sort of group, not as questioning as others in past. Or, perhaps I am just getting better at my job. Tonight's class was quiet though, and intense. Five couples and everyone else singles, including women.
My lovely volunteer was doing her "first" appearance as a stunt vulva for me. She did great and I hope she will help out again in such ways.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
keeping track of it all
- We went to The Kiss Store yesterday, excellent service and what a great sex store. It's a little tucked away, but damn if it wasn't full of tonnes of quality adult products that are usable and not of the disposable variety. Main & Broadway - check them out!
- I'm the proud new owner of a very menacing and dangerous knife as a gift from RC. It came with a sleek case, has a fixed blade and a glorious "gut hook". Utilizing it in play shall make for a very hot scene.
- A purchase of a Guess open toed pair of shoes in burnt red with a brilliant heel, happened just in time for our trip to the Caribbean next week. They are incredibly sexy.
- Due to said trip next week, I have already started packing my luggage and sorting through my summer clothes to see what I will be bringing with me and what I still need to purchase.
- I am looking for a driver, with a closed in van or truck, who is able to drive & move equipment for our November 24th Play Party. You get FREE admission to the party for your efforts. Email me for more details and with size of your vehicle.
- I am looking to own some stanchions. Two or three sets. I do not want to buy them on-line if possible. My preference is to find and purchase them local to me, and ideally even used. Does anyone have any idea where I would find these here in the Vancouver, Lower Mainland area?
- A new friend "Martin" showed up in class with me bearing this thoughtful gift. I can't wait for the chance to lay on the beach and read it shortly.
- The vulva project is underway. There is a large, yoni being designed for me right now, and I can not wait for the chance to show everyone once its complete.
- PRE Travel Must Attend To's: Manicure, Pedicure, Hair Dyed, Find & Purchase Swim Suit
- Write the 2008 Libido Lounge calendar. Then get it in-on line.
- I was just interviewed for a very intriguing article, and believe I lent much to the subject. Once it appears in print and on the web, I'll point you towards the piece in case you hadn't run across it already by then.
- The Creme Piedes from L'Occitane En Provence is simply a spectacular product. I picked some up the other day and the whole family is using it with wonderful results.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Big Day
The next couple of weeks will be rolling on by with lightening speed as for part of this time, I'll be away in the Caribbean on holidays, then returning to the last days of readying before opening our doors.
There is much to accomplish still, though all the shopping is done. It's just the details remaining at this point and they will make you fall in love with what we've created.
Libido Lounge members can expect a mail out from me shortly, filling everyone in on where we are at now after our unforeseen absence this past summer as we battled legal and ethical issues both from the general public and from within our own local sex culture.
Exciting news on my bold move of Kiss My Tiara to Surrey City Council and on "Stink" our new lounge campaign will also be announced in this mail-out. Watch for it.
Monday, November 05, 2007
This class has a live model and we do a demo on the g-spot and female anatomy lesson, it is worthwhile to take this class, if you have not before.
You MUST pre register to get the address and to be included in the group. Singles and couples are welcome.
See you there.
Finding & Stimulating the G-Spot & Female Ejaculation (with live demo)
Venue: Club Eden, Delta, BC
$45 couple or $25 per person includes tour of facility
Register: (exact address given then)
Are you a squirter or gusher, or aspiring to be? Want to help your
lady enjoy her G-Spot? This is the class for you. Join Jennifer and
one of her lovely woman friends for a hands-in demonstration on
techniques to please for G spot stimulation & ejaculation potential.
You'll learn: Clitoral & G-Spot Anatomy from both an internal and
external view. Choosing a toy or your own hands? Getting you both
ready for the often trans formative experience. When the G-Spot is
stroked, there is often a sensation or urge to urinate.
By learning techniques to both understand then move beyond this urge
many women can experience heightened arousal and for others
ejaculation becomes possible. Tips that are tried, tested and easy to
grasp so you can finally stroke your own G-Spot or that of your
*please bring a notebook & pen to class
Sunday, November 04, 2007
what a life
Some time soon though I am going to write about Rock Star status, and the treatment I get at times, that makes me feel like one. It is a post that I've been toying with for some time.
In other news, RC took me shopping today, and I left Nordstroms with the most incredible pair of Seven Jeans. They make my butt look spectacular and the fronts of my thighs look like I am ten years younger. I just may be hooked now on the most expensive pair of jeans that I've ever owned and how they look on my body.
Next a trip to a quaint jewelery store, to find the perfect pair of earrings and matching bracelet in red stones. The service you get in US stores while shopping is so professional that it saddens me to have to return to the service neglected stores here in Vancouver.
We were back home by 7:00 this evening, feeling good about our weekend and happy to have our Christmas plans firmed up as well.
Sleep is next and required at this point in order for me to function again.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
RC is in the kitchen naked, cooking a scrumptious breakfast for Bella, himself and I.
I am off to teach two classes back-to-back shortly, leaving my partners to spend the day together.
Tonight, the three of us, have a date.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Out of Town
Like, readying for my weekend trip to Seattle to stay with Bella. Oh how I miss her so much.
I've also got three classes to teach at The Wet Spot which have been on the calendar for months, which individually require that I pack specifically for each.
Like all plans so far were not enough we are attending two very different unique events on Saturday night together. One being a dress up fund raiser dinner and auction, the other a fancy shmancy house party amongst many many friends over at Max & Matisses.
I bought a new dress just yesterday for Saturday evening and can't wait to wear the extravagant little number, along with the stockings I found to complete my outfit.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Contrasting Emotions
This is an emotion I am not all that familiar with. Not even one I experience often.
And a circumstance that although I do not want, its acclaim I do.
This person is not close to me, though we know one another.
Our paths are similar, though different.
I am much more dynamic, engaging and rising.
This person is washing out on many levels.
What bothers me right now, is that I am unsure if I should just
A. march right out and create the same opportunity for myself
B. await my turn, for what is inevitable
In other news. ...I mentioned the other day we were perhaps going to take a holiday to Cuba. Turns out I misspoke.
We are all officially leaving for the Dominican Republic in two weeks. The three of us are taking a family vacation together.
I am super excited. With so many activities around the resort and out-trips easily accessible, we are sure to have a memorable trip.
But a nine hour flight? Eeeww.
Todays it was 32 degrees, I don't mind the plane ride so much now knowing the temperature.
Time to air out the suitcases!
think before you write
i am a sub. male and a vergin at 64 i have since i was young seen women as being more powerful than men my grandmother was afraid of men and i was to so i ran to women for protection so i need your help seeing women as stronger i am not happy being a guy but i am not gay i worship boots and know they should be licked clean please get back to me
Dear vergin,
Think about what it is you want from me, before you contact me next. Then ensure you articulate it to me, in easy to read English.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Kinky Costumes
There was a costume contest where we were at. One of the categories, was for the Most Vanilla.
I went as a Vanilla Baker, hence my taking a swig of my bottle of vanilla.
and I won the prize for "most vanilla" costume.....a butt plug!
RC made his whole costume himself with fabric, a sewing machine, pattern and some creativity...he also made my bakers hat. What talent.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Decadence along with personal pampering attention from a place of beauty & tranquility. There a number of treatments that soon will be lavished on my body leaving me soft and feeling beautiful in my own skin. A luxurious day spent here will leave me as a puddle of a woman.
Shoes, shoes and yes, more shoes. It would be improper for me to say just how many pairs, but enough to get me through an entire year in style. Yes, that many.
Custom made paddles, three of them. Stained naturally and a set, two of them anyways, I am eager to use them.
Something small and pretty in a little green box. Treasures that were most pretty and needed.
Money (and lottery tickets), my parents feel like that is an acceptable gift.
Flowers. Well, two dozen stunning red roses that is. They are still exquisite looking in my living-room.
Many wonderful cards, e-mails, letters and short phone calls with friends.
The cake was so grand. I mean GRAND. WOW, did T ever make something superb. Belgian chocolate and a massive double layered, iced Adult cake. Photos to follow shortly. (M & T please forward them to me)
and much much more. To write more, would be to reveal how spoiled I truly am. So not going to happen.
Rumor has it that next month we will be in Cuba as well! Right before the Lounge opens officially.
Busy and happy birthday for me and life continues to be grand.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Kissing Class Squamish BC

KISS ME LIKE THIS-- an interactive couples class
We're once again proud to present Jennifer of Libido Events to facilitate our first erotic workshop of the season.
Kisses are at times tender, endearing, sexy, suave, teasing and sophisticated. From the subtle, the pre coital to the full on public display of affection variety, this class will ignite some passion between your lips and in your relationship.
You and your partner will be guided through an awakening of oral delights. You'll be shown how to deliver a multitude of kisses and given tips to interpret smooch reactions and read body language. Learn to be the recipient of kisses as well as how to differentiate and master many lip locks to have your lover feeling everything from teased to toe curling pleasure from your intimate lip touch.
We encourage you to check out this event. Jennifer is a fantastic host, and it'll make for a romantic evening with your special someone in an open, and caring environment!
**please bring a large blanket and two pillows to class.
Date: Tuesday November 27th
Cost: $50 couple
Venue: Trinity Romance Shop @ 38155 2nd Ave. Downtown Squamish
Phone: 604-892-2266
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Birthday 35
I am a Scorpio and I'm 35 today, thirty five years young. And I celebrated at midnight with a fantastic group of people.
Later on today, I just may tell you about my evening last. It was well planned & orchestrated. Excellent times all the way around, and friends who are so kind, what a loved woman I am.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
silly fun
vibrators, memberships to sex clubs and private dungeons, cock rings, lube condom and bath salt samples, quickie sex kits and free tickets to upcoming Naughty Parties.
I can't wait to see, who actually smashes the damn thing open. I'm bringing my red nerf bat specifically for this purpose.
My bags are packed and shortly I'm off to meet the volunteer crew.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sex Party Vancouver
Hornby and Dunsmuir Streets for those driving
easily accessible bus and by Sky Train
as we are one block from the Burrard Street Train Station for those
relying on Transit.
This is your opportunity to partake in carnal
pleasures, meet new friends and
watch others enjoy themselves.
Join us...
October 27 Saturday 8:00pm - 1:30am
PLAY PARTY- a sex-positive event
and Jennifer's 35th birthday celebration at midnight!
brought to you by Libido Events
The Hornby - 3rd Floor 595 Hornby Street Vancouver BC
Tickets: $25 Woman / $50 Couples & Single Men - pay at door, cash
FREE for Libido Lounge Life Time Members (your guests pay $25 rate)
Dress Code: fetish, lingerie, risque, pvc, leather, dress up or else
NO STREET WEAR- for what to wear see below #'s 19 & 20
*No membership required, must be 19 years +
The elevator doors open into a red-carpeted room lit with light
bright enough to see by yet dim enough to create an inviting mood. A
smiling volunteer offers to check any coats and bags you won't be
needing for the evening ahead of you. Then after making your payment,
you are finally permitted to see what is behind the screen blocking
your view of the rooms and noise beyond.
A full pay bar sits at one side of the main room (you can leave your
credit card with them), which holds chairs and candle-lit tables with
light snacks for a casual socializing atmosphere. Further on, there is
a massive room, 2500 sq. ft set up with BDSM furniture (suspension
frames, spanking benches, tables with anchor points, intermixed with
massage tables and other naughty sex pieces) and beyond them is a
no-voyeurs room for couples only sex play with seven full beds and
1000 sq ft. The space has music piped in and contains a stocked area
of safer sex supplies, fresh bedding, massage oils and cleanup
supplies. Even if you are early, you may see someone already at play
in the rooms -- people here are keen to have fun and make the most of
their night out.
A Libido Events Naughty Party has an atmosphere distinctly different
from a fetish night. It shares the no-streetwear rule: wear your
fetish wear, sexy clothing or even nothing at all (the temperature on
this floor is set to "naked"). No jeans, sweat pants, boxer shorts or
flannel pj bottoms. Dress to impress. However, the main difference is
that sex and kink are not kept separate. You are as likely to see
someone tied to a table and receiving oral sex as you are to see
someone bent over getting a spanking or flogging. Swingers,
kinksters, voyeurs, exhibitionists and people of every sexuality are
welcome. Come see for yourself what a Naughty Party is like.
jennifer AT
of Clean, Used Double, Queen & King Sized Fitted Sheets. Bring them to the party
and deposit to the bin at front registration. Thank you greatly they'll go to
really good use as you can well imagine.
Massage Information
nicole is a local sensual masseuse who is delighted to add some
sensuality to your night. She uses a combination of swedish massage
techniques and acupressure to gently coax the stress out of your
Come get a massage to relax you before you start a scene or to calm
you down afterwards...
1$ per minute or $20 for 25 minutes
**please bring cash, OR there is a bank machine in the building
Want a little bit more? Add $10 to the price of your massage for some
super sexy topless body sliding.
Jennifer's Tips for a Successful Experience
at a Libido Events Play Party
Read About The Parties
Thursday, October 25, 2007
my 35th birthday
Saturday night is our monthly Naughty Play Party. And at midnight it becomes my birthday, I am going to celebrate with all who attend, do celebratory spankings, eat cake and break a very ADULT pinata open wide.
RC's parents went on an Alaskan cruise together. As a gift they brought me back a genuine fur pair of pasties and an absolutely stunning pair of matching panties with a deliciously smooth soft fur front, and a rear fur little tail. I've never seen anything like these, I can't wait to wear them. I adore uniqueness and frown upon boring and usual. This new little number, all the pieces for the outfit, sit easily in the palm of my hand and will sure to be attention getting. Who knew my mother and father in-law would be so sex-positive!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cunnilingus all over the city
RC leaned over from the passenger seat and after licking one finger, traced it slickly & slowly along my right inner lip. The pouty one. I moaned excited as he smelled me on him then rubbed my taste across his tongue as I slid into my seat next to him for the drive home.
With my legs parted, he ran his free not driving hand along my stocking clad legs that he'd only been able to see across the room all night. I was moist, and all a wiggle.
Finally the elevator door closes and he is on his knees in front of me, nuzzling his way between my thighs and up towards my scent. With barely just the tip of his tongue, he traced the creases of my sex until the wetness upon my lips was my own self lubrication.
The elevator door opened, right as I was ready to give my self up to him completely. With my knees shaking, RC took me by the hand and led me home for what shall be called very endearing love making.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Threesome Vancouver
TONIGHT.....October 22 Monday
from 7:00 - 9:00pm
Creating a Good Threesome (for the inexperienced)
presented by Jennifer
Venue: The Love Nest 4687 Kingsway Burnaby BC
(directly across from Metrotown)
$25 per person OR $45 couple pay at door, no advance tickets
The threesome, a.k.a. the menage a trois is a common fantasy held by
many healthy adults. Three people of any combination of males or
females having sex with each other, can also be called group sex.
As a single person looking to meet up with a couple for a sizzling
good time or a couple wanting to find another couple or a single to
add to your sexual experience, this is the class to prepare you for
this rewarding play time.
Planning on having a threesome can seem intimidating however with a
little preparation you can go into the situation with confidence, a
clear understanding of your own rules & boundaries, and imaginative
ideas for how to initiate your own threesome opportunity.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wizard has a surprise
Dumbledore, head of Hogwarts school is gay!
News like this, just makes my day.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Bondage Classes Vancouver
December 9 Sunday AND December 10 Monday
from 7:00 - 9:00pm
Two Rope Bondage Classes
both classes will be Interactive
Venue: The Love Nest 4687 Kingsway Burnaby BC
(directly across from Metrotown)
pay at door, no advance tickets
bring your own rope if you have it, though not necessary
Mark your calendar now for Lee's upcoming classes.
The Libido Events website will shortly have the exact class titles listed along with the rest of the details.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Bath House Vancouver
We've rented an entire bath house in Vancouver and are hosting the event there.
It's called...SULTRY.
An evening for the playfully adventurous.
Just you, your partner and 24 other couples, locked in for an evening of debauchery.
Fifty people sweltering in the heat of passion.
Fifty people looking sultry in the steam of the sauna.
Fifty people parched with torrid feelings of lust.
Get your tickets soon as this event will be a sell out, with limited tickets only sold.
$80 couple
Tickets are first come, first served and can be purchased at both our October 27 and November 24 Play Parties.
Email me to arrange pick-up of your tickets if you are unable to pick them up from either of the above events.
*all inclusive: entrance to the event, snacks, non alcoholic beverages, entertainment, play stations, safer-sex supplies
*you and your partner must arrive and leave together
Thursday, October 18, 2007
slow day
Seven loads of laundry.
A trip to the produce store.
Four movies from Block Buster.
Shoppers Drug Mart for chocolate and post box.
Home cooked dinner in.
The whole family including the cat, on the sofa for movies and cuddling.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
period relief
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
for Kathy who brought up calm...
- A Couples Only Play Event
- A Women's Only Play Event
- A Weekend Conference and Gala Evening Play Party
- Two Interactive workshops with a well known sexuality author (open to all)
The Couple's Only Play Event is now going to be a quarterly party with 24 couples only, so limited tickets each time. The Women's Only Play Event is now going to be a quarterly event and it will be limited to 50 tickets per event.
The Weekend Conference is a yearly event, and is an enormous undertaking. Watch how well we do it too as our team of volunteers is inspiring.
The two workshops with the acclaimed author are long overdue, we've been friends for a few years, working together finally just fell into place now. You'll love this educators books, they make learning the sexy stuff, really easy.
The Who What Where When and How Much questions will be answered shortly for those of you who are fascinated already by the intrigue of all these exhilarating delights.
This has all become possible because, as you may have been surmising we're about to make yet another incredible announcement from Libido Events as to what we've been doing at Libido Lounge. Very very soon.
Monday, October 15, 2007
the play by play
The other two entries for today reflect how the day has unfolded on my end. It seems that once she read my entry, she went and removed her most recent post about me. Today's. And now she has her clan, posse, clique emailing me with threats that what I wrote in my post was wrong to do. Perhaps she forgot to mention to them what sparked such a response, was her original public post from this morning, the one she deleted before jumping up and down screaming, "look at me, look at me! I've been wronged".
Ms. Tink needs to check on her own ethics and that of her schools policy and spend less time worrying about mine.
Likely she's at home now attempting to clear her blog of all the posts made during company work time. A shame many of them are not even on her own site.
Leave me alone.
Ethics in the work-place
I have kept an extensive log of stinky tinks on-line posts/rants/comments (about myself & my pursuits) made while on paid work time for the aforementioned post secondary school. An institution with an ethics policy. Posts made to her blog, posts made to on-line groups and of course all done on her companies paid time, over a long period of time.
Let's see how everyone involved feels about this now.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
in the line of duty
Stared at computer in bed. Vaguely working.
Went to teach my class.
Had a visit from the police response end of 911 at the store. Three police cars - two marked, one not with Burnaby's RCMP officers in their finest including a blond bombshell, all out front of the store.
RC picked me up from class with a dozen long-stemmed red roses and two barely opening light yellow lilies awaiting me in a beautiful bouquet.
Deej is the best-ever volunteer.
Came home to my daughter, putting her to bed at ten.
RC and I were under the covers, lights out, cuddling into a deep sleep by 11:15.
Despite the calm start to my day and the long over due rest, the evening's antics left me drained.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
busy bee
Made the drive to a beautiful wedding in Langley at four pm between friends of mine. The sun was shining as were the hundred and twenty odd guests. Kara who was my bottom for so long as many of you remember, was there as well with her new hubby. Had the chance to see so many pals and old acquaintances, even snapping some candid moment shots on my camera for memories sake. The bride was so well put together, calm and breath taking, that it took an extra moment to notice the ever handsome groom standing proudly next to her staring into the eyes of his love.
Drove to the hospital and picked up my guy from his long work day and we returned home for a quick dinner together. Dressing in our shiny-best pleather and pvc outfits with accoutrement to compliment and off we headed for the infamous Sin City. Not the best club night there, for us this month. Music rocked as always. People and the vibe not so much. This was most rare. (plus with the disaster of the dungeon it's ridiculously difficult to play there now) So, rather than complain, we came home and made our own fun. But not before I had the most outrageous conversation with the new pres. of a local group that is aspiring to be. Incredible to learn that they have enough options for new new venues that he was not in need of any further assistance getting a facility for his group.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sundays class
Finding & Stimulating The G-Spot & Female Ejaculation - with live demo
Open to men, women, couples & singles
presented by Jennifer
Venue: The Love Nest 4687 Kingsway Burnaby BC (directly across from Metrotown)
$25 per person OR $45 per couple - pay at door, no advance tickets
lady find and enjoy her G-Spot? This is the class for you.
Join Jennifer and one of her lovely woman friends for a hands-in
demonstration on techniques to please for G spot stimulation &
ejaculation potential.
Clitoral & G-Spot Anatomy from both an internal and external view.
Choosing a toy or your own hands? Getting you both ready for the
often transformative experience. When the G-Spot is stroked, there is
often a sensation or urge to urinate. By learning techniques to both
understand then move beyond this urge many women can experience
heightened arousal and for others ejaculation becomes possible. Tips
that are tried, tested and easy to grasp so you can finally stroke
your own G-Spot or your partners.
*you'll want to bring a notebook & pen to class
Thursday, October 11, 2007
doing the naked happy dance
A large US organization is looking to bestow three national sex-educators with something rather prestigious and coveted. It would appear I was one of the three chosen, and my fellow esteemed colleagues are none-other-than Dossie Easton and Midori. How stellar is that!
As much as I'd love to tell you more details, it's not my information to unveil. But being the recipient of such wonderfully positive news, meant that I had to share some of it somewhere, or I was going to burst.
In a few months there will be a large formal announcement. In the mean time, just know that I am super excited because with this, comes a new opportunity for me, that is rather um, shall we say, grand in size.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
know thy self
I was reminded today, that although I am a switch and do like to bottom now and again, it truly is situational, my stronger more regular role is as a Dominant. RC was out of the house for an hour or so, and while away I made myself fresh & pretty, put on a pair of high heels and set the bedroom just so.
With the curtains drawn and music playing on the iPod, the bed was made and upon it a large waterproof pad. I pulled out a number of items to use on him from the toy trunks and laid each of them out carefully, deliberately. I set myself out on the bed, in a good-viewing position and waiting in my power pose, I pondered my plan of attack.
Shortly I heard his key in the door and then the familiar click of the deadbolt. I called out, "you'd best make yourself naked before you come in here" and..... he does. Standing in front of me finally I admired his firm frame having him move about for me. His nakedness turns me on as does the obvious reminder that he listens so well.
Imagine my honest surprise when suddenly out the blue, he reaches for my crop and smacks the inside of my still "spread" inner thigh. Not once, twice but three times. And all the while meeting me eye to eye while a wide smile was across his face. Shocked beyond words, my mouth opened but no protest.
It seemed innocent enough to let him hit me playfully, yet within 30 seconds his strikes were landing over my bare mons. I clamped my legs shout and exclaimed with a stern voice, yet still a smile.... "Enough! See these heels", pointing down at my shoes, "if you hit me again, they (the shoes) will clock you in the head!"
And I'll be damned if the boy didn't reach over, grab some rope and promptly tie my legs spread eagled, open to the bedposts. Then he continued again with the crop, stating that the shoes could do no damage now. Still smiling, both of us that is, I allowed things to continue.
Our scene ended with each of us spent, sticky, more in love and my proclaiming that though that was fun, I still when bottoming, prefer to keep my sex and SM play separate.
In the very near future, he will pay for todays indiscretion. And I will have much fun reprimanding him!
Monday, October 08, 2007
warm wishes
Lots accomplished around the house, yet little professionally. *Sighs* I am finding it a challenge to get to some important items tended to in a timely matter right now as my efforts emotionally and work-wise are directed towards finishing a little something special.
Happy Thanks Giving to each of you.
And a special warm Thanks Giving to these dear-to-me people...
Allena, PA, Deej, Carolyn, Judy - from the island, Juliet, Yvonne, T & M, and PG!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
a day in the life
Dressing finally around 5:00pm, we made our way to the Richmond night Market.
I consumed spicy squid in a bowl. A bag of blue cotton candy. 1/2 a bag of sugary mini donuts. A skewer of bacon and prawns, yummy. 4 tasty pork and shrimp dumplings. And to round it all off, an ice cold bottle of water.
For purchases, it wasn't much. Just a new mini umbrella that fits in my purse, though RC and T both found a few items to their liking.
Thank the goddesses that the rain held off. This is the last weekend for the market this year in fact. And next year, it has no home yet as it lost it's lease on the property it's on now. I do hope they find somewhere accessible as the market has a wonderful cultural feeling about it, it's a unique environment for shopping, and eating.
We came back home and despite the drive back in the heat of the vehicle, my bones were still cold. With a soak in a hot bath complete, I'm now on the sofa naked, watching tv and surrounded by my family.
Life is fantastic.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
passing time

Friday, October 05, 2007
muscle strength
With a late afternoon appointment at our lawyers firm downtown, both RC and I were dressed professionally, looking shiny and groomed-up-fresh as a couple. After a lengthy and heady conversation between us all at the lawyers, we made the drive back home with much to think on. Making a pit stop we embarked upon our local Safeway store to pick up the turkey dinner fix-ins still necessary to complete this weekends festive family feast.
At the till, after paying the bill, I reach for a number of the grocery bags. The clerk, a young girl, grabs one of the two bags in my hands from me, and says, don't take this one it's too heavy for you. Here, take this one! And proceeds to hand the bag I had originally reached for to RC, who of course already had his hands full.
I just smiled and walked off carrying my barely two bags of food, mumbling something about Sexism at Safeway, all the while shaking my head. RC was three steps behind me weighted down by the multitude of heavy bags of groceries he had to carry, and laughing himself.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
pass me the Advil
I've worked recently on a short term project and the person I worked alongside, turned out to be a real schmuck. Unethical, deceitful, and rude. For now, I have wiped my hands of them, because I can't be seen working with someone who is so obviously (to me now) not equipped to be doing the job they are. And I refuse to endorse with my presence or name anything this person is a part of. It is apparent that I will need to shortly let others know of the horrid indiscretions made by this weenie. Well, the wheels are in motion already.
T is 13 and almost soon to be 14, she is a fiery lovable young
Not often, but now and again it happens. Late this afternoon I had a headache that made my eye balls hurt and my shoulders scrunch up into little balls of angry muscle. Noise hurt, light hurt and moving hurt. Not good considering I had an evening coaching appointment out in Port Coquitlam and needed to be able to drive myself there and make it through the session. Two Advil later and things were looking up. Not healed was the ache, but at least I felt better.
My in-box was painstakingly cleaned out last week and everything was handled, I was up to speed. Now just a few days later and of course I am inundated with responses to my responses and of course the usual flood of mail that I face daily. This behind the scenes work, is often where a large part of my admin. efforts go.
My clients from this evening in PoCo were a wonderful couple who I made an impression on two years ago in a sex ed. class I was teaching on stage at an event in-front of about 500 people and now this evening I had the pleasure of talking with them for two very powerful hours alone, they had my undivided attention as their personal sexuality coach.
There is back log of items pressing for my attention and I'll be damned if I got near any of them today.
Tomorrow is a new day, I'm going to sleep now, to make it happen even quicker. (and to relieve myself of this god awful temple pressure ache)
Monday, October 01, 2007
quick entry
A friend is here from outside of the US to learn English, and could really use a bicycle to get around our beautiful city. He is a published author, and is brushing up on his English skills. Please help out a really interesting fellow, and drop me a note, if you are able to help him out.
EDIT: I find myself listed under Group Outdoor Orgy, go see for yourself. I'm not surprised that I was this person's first in this exact context, seeing as it is what I do for a living.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
After the party ended, RC picked me up at door at 1:15 a.m. and we made a bee-line for the border. It was so awesome to cross over with only one car in front of us. Arriving in Seattle at 4:06 a.m. and promptly went straight to sleep. Exhausted and very spent, so much so, that I left my suitcases accidentally in Allena's hallway overnight, just outside her door. How tired I was.
Got out of bed damn early and went right over to The Wet Spot as I had two classes to teach. Cock Sucking and Pussy Licking, both HUGE classes that went very well. Twenty something people in the first class and just a few less in the latter. RC, Bella her new guy and I all went out for a lovely dinner to end the day then we settled in for the night at Bella's for a quiet evening at home.
This morning I had a private coaching session for two-hours with a really sweet couple, then another class in the afternoon on Women's Dominance.
Mid afternoon we drove the I-5 back home back to Vancouver leaving Seattle behind, 36 hours after we had arrived.
By 6:30, we were back home and I was soaking finally in a hot bath. RC headed off to pick up something special for me for dinner. Returning he made me a yummy meal of salmon and mushrooms. My guy pleases me to no end, the love is palpable.
At 8:00pm T walked through the front door of home after her weekend at her dads. We had a cuddle and some catching up, then it was time to put her to bed.
Now shortly, we are off to our bedroom. RC has declared this tonight, Jennifer's night of pleasure in bed. A lot of Pussy Licking. How could I say no to such a loving offer? Seeing as I've been teaching so much of this as of late, it seems only appropriate that I "get some" to bring this mad rush of a weekend, to an end.
Good night.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wish me luck! Hell. Never mind, I need no luck. In fact what I need is more hands and more time to do all the
whuhaha, I have a damn blessed life AND occupation
Thursday, September 27, 2007
driving Jennifer
I find myself in need of a ride out to the event only (and not back) and the ride needs to have an available back seat and / or trunk. (I have some equipment that I need to take to ensure a sexy night)
If you can pick me up and have me to the event, by 7:30pm, then please send me an email and lets get things sorted out.
I've already packed my personal party toy bag with a couple of strap-ons, a variety of sensation toys, a few games and of course, bondage gear. I am an eager beaver! Now I just have to figure out what to wear.
I can promise stimulating conversations and my undivided for the entirety of the drive out should you be able to help me out with this.
Thank you.
Women's Party this Friday
Ladies' Night
Friday September 28th
Dress Code: Lingerie
8 pm - 1 am
WOMEN ONLY play party hosted by Jennifer of Libido Events
This event is for bi-sexual and bi-curious ladies and is designed
to give women the opportunity to explore this side of their
sexuality in a women's only environment.
Door prizes, fun, erotic games and not a man in sight!
No pressure to play ~ just come out, have some titillating
fun & enjoy the fine company of like minded ladies.
Or, perhaps something more.
$35 per lady or bring a girlfriend and both attend for $50
Cost includes non alcoholic refreshments, awesome appetizers & a glass of wine.
Woman owned club with only women staff on this very special night!
located in S. Surrey/N. Delta area.
with lots of like minded women.
NO street clothes allowed once you enter our doors.
Be prepared!
If you don’t bring appropriate gear you won’t be allowed in.
You will be expected to change upon arrival if not already ‘dressed’.
Be creative and let your personality show in your outfit!
If you have favorite sex toys, porn or music, bring them along.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
not so vanilla
- I'm wearing a Hanky Panky boobs tank-top, given to me from the business
- my guy is on the sofa crafting me a multitude of new items for my interactive sex classes
- earlier I picked up my vulva replica from a women's home where I'd left it the other day
- in the post box, a consulting offer for sex coaching with a couple
- I'm booked in to the spa for tomorrow afternoon for some pampering
- my girl-friend loves my boy-friend, and my boy-friend loves my girl-friend
- both my girl-friend and my boy-friend love me
- I've masturbated to orgasm twice today
- slept till 12:30 this afternoon
- a bed side table with more than six sex manuals, four personal toys & an absorbent pad
- three bottles of lubricant around the bed
- one vibrator plugged in to an extension cord (permanently) under the bed
- the cat has her first "outfit", she looks like a royal princess
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
days end
I even made it home at nights end in time to tuck T into bed, a long standing tradition between us. RC is asleep on sofa, wrapped up in a blanket and sicker than I have ever seen him.
There were two job offers in my in-box today. Both of which I am able to take. It's an incredible feeling to be sought after for my educational series, this has taken years of hard work. Tomorrow I will try to find time to upload the new dates to the Libido Events calendar as well as the October round of classes at The Love Nest.
rest & relaxation
I said good-bye to RC as headed off to work at 6:30 this morning, then I woke T for school a short while later. With T off to school at 7:30 I promptly put myself back to bed. And I went straight to sleep. Imagine the surprise to my sleepy eyes to see the clock read 1:10 as I awoke this afternoon.
We went for BBQ last night as a family dinner out. Going of course here and ordering a monster size platter of food. The Memphis Feast. So after I woke up, I went to the kitchen and microwaved the remains. Bringing ribs, pulled pork, sausage, brisket & bbq sauce back to bed with me along with a roll of paper towel underneath my arm. Naked and in bed surrounded by computer, two phones, and food, I have begun my day.
This day of bed rest & recovery was so needed after the weekend I had, I am feeling much better than yesterday. Tomorrow I am booking myself into a spa for later in the week. There are three personal body treatments that have caught my eye and I am eager to hand myself over for some long over due body pampering to this studio.
Soon though I will need to vacate my bed and start readying for my evening appointment. A client is taking me to dinner in Gastown. How charming.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Party Memories
I've never in my life run out of gas before, this happened to me personally while driving down to the venue in RC's vehicle....whose gas gauge does not read properly. Once that crisis was smoothed over, it was back on track for me with so much to do.
To the people who brought sheets as donations to the party, thank you so much for hearing my request and acting on it! And to the man, who brought the brand new full sheet set in satin, you sure have made a new friend in me. :)
I played at the party. Well, I had occasion to top a couple of different lovely women. First was a scene where I saran wrapped then vibrated a woman, then leaving here bound, I bent her husband over her, and spanked his bottom to give him a warm welcome to SM play. Then Lisa snagged some of my attention. She was looking stunning all made up, but my plan involved her skirt off and her top gone. I said make it so, and she did. I like my women able to follow instructions, and eager, Lisa was both. And so single-tail in hand, I marked her up for awhile, before turning her to face me and doing a round of pussy spanking. When she started gasping, I hauled her up in both my arms and carried her across the room. Throwing her on some cushions on the floor, we fooled around for awhile longer. We stopped when I was out of breath and she was laughing the laugh of a masochist high on endorphins.
There was plenty of other moments were I was involved in play and sexiness of course, yet I spent the rest of the night doing the social butterfly routine all the while keeping an eye on everyone. The night flew right on by, without a single issue or problem.
At nights end, it became obvious that a room swap is in order for our October party. We are going to swap the sex room and the impact room. Wait till you see what we have in-store for next month. New equipment again as well, two more pieces to satisfy all of our sexual explorers out for the evening and our ever growing list of play equipment.
The Love Nest was our wonderful sponsor for the evening, they donated all of our safer sex supplies, they are the cities finest adult store.
To M. for all your help moving & building equipment, thank you so much, I do value your strength and patience. To RC, I love you. To Deej, you were one fun loving b'day girl. To PA, thanks for taking care of my admin. details, on short notice. To H, thank you for the gift. To J, thank you for the nutritious snacks. Sandi, your gift didn't even make it home with me, it was gone that fast and was so good. And to J & B, the chocolates were great, yummy.
Today RC took me shopping .... a reward for working my butt off on Saturday with 22 hours of work. It could be said that he got me the most decadent shoes I've seen in awhile. Black, lace-up 5 inch heels, with a slim platform. A pair of red satin stockings and another pair of thigh high striped stockings to compliment my new arm warmers, in red & black. We've been talking and I do need a shoe room or cabinet, because storing 70 odd pair of shoes & boots around the house in random spots is wrong on so many levels. It's difficult to even remember what I own and what I am still searching for, a shoe room would make me happy and allow me to display my footwear so more of them can be worn more regularly.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'll write more in the morning, but in the meanwhile know that we had a full house. It was as always a spectacular night, with no glitches. (ok, maybe a few little funny moments, but I'll share those with you some time soon) I am so happy to be surrounded by such a wonderful sex-positive community.
In the mean time, if you were at last nights party, tell me, how was it for you? Leave a comment.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Play Party - downtown Vancouver
Streets for those driving OR easily accessible bus and by Sky Train
as we are one block from the Burrard Street Train Station for those
relying on Transit.
This is your opportunity to partake in carnal
pleasures, meet new friends and watch others enjoy themselves.
Join us...
September 22 Saturday 8:00pm - 1:30am
PLAY PARTY- a sex-positive event
brought to you by Libido Events
The Hornby - 3rd Floor 595 Hornby Street Vancouver BC
Tickets: $25 Woman / $50 Couples & Single Men - pay at door, cash
Libido Events
*No membership required, must be 19 years +
*Life Time Members to Libido Lounge FREE
The elevator doors open into a red-carpeted room lit with light
bright enough to see by yet dim enough to create an inviting mood. A
smiling volunteer offers to check any coats and bags you won't be
needing for the evening ahead of you. Then after making your payment,
you are finally permitted to see what is behind the screen blocking
your view of the rooms and noise beyond.
A full pay bar sits at one side of the main room (you can leave your
credit card with them), which holds chairs and candle-lit tables with
light snacks for a casual socializing atmosphere. Further on, there is
a massive room, 2500 sq. ft set up with BDSM furniture (suspension
frames, spanking benches, tables with anchor points, intermixed with
massage tables and other naughty sex pieces) and beyond them is a
no-voyeurs room for couples only sex play with seven full beds and
1000 sq ft. The space has music piped in and contains a stocked area
of safer sex supplies, fresh bedding, massage oils and cleanup
supplies. Even if you are early, you may see someone already at play
in the rooms -- people here are keen to have fun and make the most of
their night out.
A Libido Events Naughty Party has an atmosphere distinctly different
from a fetish night. It shares the no-streetwear rule: wear your
fetish wear, sexy clothing or even nothing at all (the temperature on
this floor is set to "naked"). No jeans, sweat pants, boxer shorts or
flannel pj bottoms. Dress to impress. However, the main difference is
that sex and kink are not kept separate. You are as likely to see
someone tied to a table and receiving oral sex as you are to see
someone bent over getting a spanking or flogging. Swingers,
kinksters, voyeurs, exhibitionists and people of every sexuality are
welcome. Come see for yourself what a Naughty Party is like.
Jennifer's Tips for a Successful Experience at a Libido Events Play
1. Be friendly, make eye contact and introduce yourself to everyone
you meet or sit next to. Smile.
2. Be complimentary of the people you meet, there is an attractive
quality in or on everyone, find it and make that your compliment.
Watch what happens when you make someone feel good about themselves.
3. Keep a respectable distance when watching people play and offer no
comments, positive or otherwise. Make no deliberate eye contact with
people playing, it's a mood breaker that violates others sacred
4. Invite or offer play once to the person youre interested in. If
met by a no, accept it gracefully, dont take it personally and move
on; do not make a request of someone twice. Smile
5. If invited to play by someone that doesnt interest you, be kind,
yet firm, when saying no, and remember it took a lot of courage for
that person to put themselves out there. Smile and be grateful for
the attention.
6. Have no expectations, then what does happen, will be a bonus.
7. Watch whatever you like and turn your back on anything that isn't
of interest to you, but never offer comment.
8. Buy someone a drink or exchange e-mail addresses, make a new
friend, two or three.
9. Thank the volunteers that help make this event possible and make
your experience a positive one. (makes them feel good and helps you
get comfortable talking to people in sex-positive space)
10. If you have a problem with a person, an activity going on, or
understanding something, find a Monitor (wearing a PINK armband) or
Jennifer to help you figure things out.
11. Remember to treat the venue with respect & tidy up after
yourself. This includes putting garbage in the proper containers
supplied in each room. Changing your sheets in the sex room after
using a bed and putting the soiled sheet in the rooms laundry bin.
Spraying down a piece of equipment in the Play rooms after playing on
it; use the sanitizer and paper towels provided.
12. Be prepared to talk about yourself in some way and at the same
time, listen to who you are standing in front of. This is for those
that are hoping to play with the person. Smile
13. Treat everyone well. You will want to be known as that type of
person. This will make you more comfortable, thus making others
comfortable with you and opportunities to present themselves.
14. Never touch someone without their full consent & welcome.
15. Adhere to our House Rules posted at the Naughty Party. Smile.
16. If you are a man attending and plan on attending alone, know that
your chances for finding play in any form go up exponentially if you
arrive with a date. You dont need to play together, but arriving
with someone makes you appear safer to others looking at you as a
potential play partner for the evening.
17. Remember that you can attend the next Naughty Party and meet
other new people then. This may be your first party but it's not
ours, Libido Events is not going anywhere. So do not make snap
decisions thinking that this will be your only opportunity, know that
you can meet that person or opportunity here again and nothing will be
lost. [only enhanced with want & time]
18. Libido Events supplies the equipment but you must bring your own
sex toys. Clean up & safer sex supplies along with linens are all
*bringing your own sex toys means items such as: favorite condoms,
favorite lube, floggers, canes, handcuffs, rope, chains, paddles,
house coats etc
19. Remember Naughty Parties have a dress code of sexy pajamas or
fetish attire, absolutely no street wear of any kind. Those in street
wear will not be permitted to enter. Smile.
20. If you're uncertain of what to wear, try something from this list
of suggestions:
PJ's bottoms, Nighties, Lingerie, Silks, Lace, Bra and Panty sets,
Nude, Sheer, Rope Harnesses, Chaps, Leather, Latex, PVC, Vinyl,
Rubber, Wetlook, Body Paint, Saran Wrap, Liquid Latex, Corsets,
Feathers, Thongs, Stockings, Spandex, Heels, Boots, Cabaret, Tuxedo
Jacket , Uniforms, Smoking Jackets, Kilts, Cross-Dress,
Furry, Vintage, Victorian, Gothic, Gender-bend, Fetish Glam, Porn
Star...or any other risqué costume you can dream up! Dress to impress
and let your own personality shine in your choice of clothing or
21. Leave your valuables at home. There is a bank machine in the
building (though not on our floor) and the full bar does accept
credit cards. Bring a small tote bag to put your street clothes in at
our coat check once you arrive.
Queen & King Sized Fitted Sheets. Bring them to the party and deposit
to the bin at front registration. Thank you greatly they'll go to
really good use as you can well imagine.
Massage Information
nicole is a local sensual masseuse who is delighted to add some
sensuality to your night. She uses a combination of swedish massage
techniques and acupressure to gently coax the stress out of your
Come get a massage to relax you before you start a scene or to calm
you down afterwards...
1$ per minute or $20 for 25 minutes
**please bring cash, OR there is a bank machine in the building
Want a little bit more? Add $10 to the price of your massage for some
super sexy topless body sliding.
Vendor: Sheet Information
The Sensual Sheet
lingerie for your bed...
Sick of sleeping in the wet spot? Want to turn your bedroom into a
boudoir? The Sensual Sheet, with a reversible satin and fur finish
and a waterproof core, allows unlimited mess-free pleasure in and out
of the bedroom.
Uncork that bottle of champagne, pull out the toy that makes her
squirt, or drench yourselves in massage oil. Whatever your pleasure,
The Sensual Sheet is guaranteed to protect your bed and to make you
feel outrageously sexy!
Price: The Sheet retails for $220.00. This fall I'm feeling playful
so if you come over and love it, make me an offer.
Hanky Panky Adult Home Parties was founded on the idea that pursuing
sensual pleasure should be fun! We've brought together a large
selection of erotic toy technology and coupled it with a wealth of
sex-positive information. We're here to help you celebrate your
sexuality ~~gone is the shame and guilt~~ bring on the orgasmic
bliss!! I'm pleased to be attending the event this weekend and I hope
you'll stop by the table to say "hi"! ~~~Cheers~~~ Shimmy