At times my fast-paced, sexy, fun and inspiring job is a bloody pain in the neck. Today of course was one of those painful days.
I've worked recently on a short term project and the person I worked alongside, turned out to be a real schmuck. Unethical, deceitful, and rude. For now, I have wiped my hands of them, because I can't be seen working with someone who is so obviously (to me now) not equipped to be doing the job they are. And I refuse to endorse with my presence or name anything this person is a part of. It is apparent that I will need to shortly let others know of the horrid indiscretions made by this weenie. Well, the wheels are in motion already.
T is 13 and almost soon to be 14, she is a fiery lovable young
girl woman with a bright promising outlook on life. Today though she was a miserable teenager and as cranky as can be, not with RC though...only with me. aaahhhh!!! She is so like I was in many ways at this same age-range, yet there is an obvious youthfulness about her appropriately that I did not have at her age, at all.
Not often, but now and again it happens. Late this afternoon I had a headache that made my eye balls hurt and my shoulders scrunch up into little balls of angry muscle. Noise hurt, light hurt and moving hurt. Not good considering I had an evening coaching appointment out in Port Coquitlam and needed to be able to drive myself there and make it through the session. Two Advil later and things were looking up. Not healed was the ache, but at least I felt better.
My in-box was painstakingly cleaned out last week and everything was handled, I was up to speed. Now just a few days later and of course I am inundated with responses to my responses and of course the usual flood of mail that I face daily. This behind the scenes work, is often where a large part of my admin. efforts go.
My clients from this evening in PoCo were a wonderful couple who I made an impression on two years ago in a sex ed. class I was teaching on stage at an event in-front of about 500 people and now this evening I had the pleasure of talking with them for two very powerful hours alone, they had my undivided attention as their personal sexuality coach.
There is back log of items pressing for my attention and I'll be damned if I got near any of them today.
Tomorrow is a new day, I'm going to sleep now, to make it happen even quicker. (and to relieve myself of this god awful temple pressure ache)