Saturday, December 11, 2010

The End: Personal Ethics

Relationships end, this is inevitable. I'm sure that for most of us, we aspire to have things come to a close on a note that feels positive. Though sadly, this is not always possible.

Ends can be traumatic, they can also be filled with growth. Ends can be sad, they can be also joyous. Ends can be the beginning of something new, or the sorrowful goodbye of something no longer working.

Is it possible to be in a place of hurt, loss, grieving, anger and frustration and still act rationally? To still see and care, how we are impacting on another.

How have you ended a relationship in such a way that you honored, respected and payed tribute to, what was once so important?

Ends get a bad rap all the time, tell me how they could be better, please.

Email Me



Thursday, December 09, 2010

New Years Eve Party Vancouver 2010

Over 40% of these tickets are already sold.

Ticket prices goes up on the 15th, then again on Christmas day.
Write me to arrange payment.


Time: 8:00 and till 2 AM.
Cost PP: $40 till Dec 15 / $50 till Dec 25/ $60 till Dec 31 - non refundable

All your snacks, nibblies and drinks are included in your ticket price, as well as naughty supplies.

Music, live performances, play areas, social spaces, food and lots of it, friends, laughter, sexiness, playfulness and a party worthy of welcoming 2011.

Projector screen show and door prizes all night long.

Games, Cuddling and the chocolate fountain!

Bring your ropes. Bring your play toys. There will be plenty of people to play with.

All tickets must be pre purchased and are limited to the first 80 members and their guests. (non member guests pay $5 more per ticket)

Life Time Lounge Members may attend for the nominal cost of $10. (this is not a LL event)

Email to make payment

Sunday, December 05, 2010

A Year Old

We made it. A year ago last week I gave birth to this gorgeous young man. Pickles first year has been filled with more joy, family, friends and love than can even be imagined.

To all of you who know our family and who have celebrated alongside us, thank you.