Ok, so the party last night was a lot of fun. I had sex with a girl, and I really enjoyed it a lot. It was a long time coming as we've known one another for a few years now, but never yet managed to get it on together till now. There is nothing comparable to working ones hand into a wet happy pussy, then hearing the "Oh yes, let's fuck" consent statement as I stood in front of her strapping on my big black cock before it took the place of my hand and continued consuming her.
Some how I convinced a rather large man to allow me to bind him to our stripper pole, he was completely immobilized in an upright standing position. Goodness, did I ever scare and excite the begeebers out of him. His first time at a play party and his first time in bondage. When I first mentioned tying him up, his wife said he'd NEVER allow it. Three minutes later, he was complacently standing still while allowing me to cinch him down to a place where he could not move an inch.
Two different women went for rides on the Sybian Sex Machine. One required a little of my assistance and the other required a whole lot. The woman who needed my attention and help was riding for the first time, and it was her first play party ever too.
It takes a few minutes to set some one up on the machine. First you plug in the ominous sized box, then set it in a place that looks good and away from close-up voyeurs. Then you position it to ensure drop clothes are underneath it, because ..... well .... so many women squirt. Then its all about the lubricant. Once things are slippery, well it just comes down to positioning yourself onto it. Which pose do you want to use? Once the pretty lady was nestled like a queen atop the pleasure making device, I was asked to control the dials and buttons. Happily with the black box in my hand, I took this woman for a wild ride.
Her husband was the man tied to the pole, facing her though unable to get to her, this man witnessed his wife's pleasure at the hands of myself and a Sybian. Next time I assume he will want the privilege of taking his girl into orbit on the orgasm producing machine himself.
There was an enormous amount of female energy at the party again, more women than men. Things are finally settling into a wonderful routine for myself and Libido Lounge.
This afternoon excitedly, we hired
A NUDE YOGA INSTRUCTOR. Her attributes include being young at 25 years old, already is a pre existing yoga teacher, teaches two different types of yoga, she is very attractive, sweet, articulate and Asian. Very shortly now, Nude Yoga classes will be starting weekly.
And finally I can say it out loud what so many others keep telling me.... "Vera and Linda are both copy cats who couldn't for themselves or for their businesses come up with a single independent new idea with out stealing from Libido Events or Libido Lounge. Their lack of sex-positivity & morals is so ugly and obvious that others notice it right away, these two pioneer in this negative department."