The whole day was madness, not that we expected anything else. It was a celebration for sure and a day of continuous activities. That the sun held out was such a blessing. We took in the Dog Show a yearly tradition for us and one that T looks forward to all year long. The place was packed solid, I mean every seat in the house, people blocking the egress of the fire exits / stairs even, just to see the show.
Of course we ran into many many people, never stopping long to speak with any one in particular though as this day was just about us. Mother and daughter.
Hopefully one night in the next week RC and I can get to PNE together and do a walk-through as T is leaving tomorrow for the rest of the summer.
After much over priced greasy food & sugar based drinks ... walking endlessly in a sea of people and being barraged by retailers trying to sell us an item or promote an idea, I was done in. T could have stayed longer savoring the experience, but five and a half hours was good enough for me.
We headed home through thick traffic while I plotted the evening ahead. I was given an invitation to a new swingers club in Surrey, plus the monthly night of Rascals as a choice. Friends birthday celebration or even a much needed go-to-bed early type of evening could have been arranged.
As exciting as a new facility sounds or even a birthday party, after a long day, I just wanted a short drive to the local public dungeon for some play-time. Rascals it is.
And now, we're off.