We are two people away from having a full guest list for this evening's Naughty Party. It should be a night to remember for many people.
This afternoon I have had four contractions, and I have been told by the doctor that this is ok and not to fret about it. At-this-time. I have been told what to look for in symptoms and should they arise I will be contacting him, but in the mean time, I am attempting to take it easy and not think about the tightness in my belly as my uterus contracts. Thankfully with no regularity or increase in discomfort.
We are having a house full of people over this week for dinner. What started at inviting 10, turned into 12, then 14 and now sits at 20. I had to stop somewhere and the group that is converging upon us is lively and great fun. It should be a riot to have some many folks over to our new house for a meal. There are some preparations that need to be done, and tomorrow I hope to get to that part.
Ideally I believe that tomorrow Jason would like to make the trek down to Wreck Beach and being that I don't want to disappoint him, I may just agree to give it a go. It is not the drive there and walk down the stairs that does me in. It is the day spent in the heat, then the pregnant waddle back up all those stairs in an exhausted state after tonight's big event that concerns me. However, I want to go and I know how happy it would make him. So tomorrow if it is sunny out, and your trying to reach me by email, Good Luck with that. I'll be naked at the beach with my handsome man at my side.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gonna Knock Your Knickers Off
This was sent to me and I fell in love with the sentiment and the melody. Shame Is A Bitter Game: Music Video
We toured lease facilities today, hoping to figure out which one is going to be The Lounges new long term space. Double the square footage, showers and other benefits that we are in need of all caught our attention and made me about wet myself with delight.
There is one special place that is exactly what we were looking for. Everything we were hoping to gain already within it, available when we want it, less than we want to spend and in a neighborhood that is going to have people very, very happy. Ceiling heights that are massive, loading bay doors, security bars and an alarm, what a find indeed.
Expect an email from us soon, if you are close enough to us to be recruited to be a part of the behind-the-scenes crew to aid in moving us and readying the new space for our grand opening. There is not a lot of work to do, but certainly some and we will be looking at our quieter and able to keep a secret friends for this task.
For the record there are only five tickets left for tomorrow nights Naughty Party. If you snooze you lose this weekend, so if you want in, send me an email ASAP and reserve your spot now.
We toured lease facilities today, hoping to figure out which one is going to be The Lounges new long term space. Double the square footage, showers and other benefits that we are in need of all caught our attention and made me about wet myself with delight.
There is one special place that is exactly what we were looking for. Everything we were hoping to gain already within it, available when we want it, less than we want to spend and in a neighborhood that is going to have people very, very happy. Ceiling heights that are massive, loading bay doors, security bars and an alarm, what a find indeed.
Expect an email from us soon, if you are close enough to us to be recruited to be a part of the behind-the-scenes crew to aid in moving us and readying the new space for our grand opening. There is not a lot of work to do, but certainly some and we will be looking at our quieter and able to keep a secret friends for this task.
For the record there are only five tickets left for tomorrow nights Naughty Party. If you snooze you lose this weekend, so if you want in, send me an email ASAP and reserve your spot now.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Earth Shaking Orgasms
Yesterday I had eight inches chopped off my hair, it will take some time for me to get used to the change. I do like how much cooler it makes my neck and back feel, though for countless years, I have had long hair. This new do, will take me a bit to get comfortable with.
Dinner last night was a resounding success with a whole bevy of new art hung on the walls and a bunch of new DVD's donated as well.
Yesterday while at the Obstetrician, he gave Jason and I the a-ok to resume our sex life, which has been on hold for a few weeks now. Though he was rather clear, that no semen was to enter me as it can cause uterine contractions. So, condoms it is.
This Saturday is The Lounges Naughty Party, and it is now at 70% sold out. There are still tickets left, so if you want to attend, then drop me an email and I'll get you included on the guest list. It is set to be a night of high energy, lots of play and great people.
Our next New Member Orientation is on Monday the 24th, so if you are seeking membership to Libido Lounge which permits you to attend our events, then you'll need to reserve yourself a space in this mandatory class.
I appreciate all the feedback regarding Baby Registries and due to everyone's positive responses I shall in fact be adding myself to the one at Baby's R Us.
Dinner last night was a resounding success with a whole bevy of new art hung on the walls and a bunch of new DVD's donated as well.
Yesterday while at the Obstetrician, he gave Jason and I the a-ok to resume our sex life, which has been on hold for a few weeks now. Though he was rather clear, that no semen was to enter me as it can cause uterine contractions. So, condoms it is.
Tonight is the big night, we are going to shag, I am going to orgasm and so is Jason. We both may just cry in delight.
If both your feet are planted firmly on the ground around 5:45, you may just feel the earth shake.
This Saturday is The Lounges Naughty Party, and it is now at 70% sold out. There are still tickets left, so if you want to attend, then drop me an email and I'll get you included on the guest list. It is set to be a night of high energy, lots of play and great people.
Our next New Member Orientation is on Monday the 24th, so if you are seeking membership to Libido Lounge which permits you to attend our events, then you'll need to reserve yourself a space in this mandatory class.
I appreciate all the feedback regarding Baby Registries and due to everyone's positive responses I shall in fact be adding myself to the one at Baby's R Us.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tighten your what? (look at the name on the boat)

On an unrelated note:
This morning I am at my OB appointment, then off for a hair cut and color.
Tonight is Deviant Dining, Libido Lounge's pot luck, drop in dinner event. Stop by for a great meal and sexy conversations.
Don't forget to get your reservations in now for this Saturdays Naughty Party.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Then I went to Baby's R Us and looked at new car seats and strollers. They even have a Baby Registry. I am seriously considering signing up, anyone have any experience with doing this?
And this is the yummy visual I get to come home too at days end. I love this man so much.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Letter to my Mother
Hi Mom (the one who birthed me: not Jason's mom)
It's been a while since we've spoken on the phone. I've been meaning to call you but since the last time we spoke was not the most positive talk, I've been putting off future calls to avoid the frustration and hurt.
Your granddaughter, Jason and I are doing fantastic. The baby is superb, healthy and growing tons these days. This Wednesday I will be 24 weeks pregnant. There have been some medical issues with my pregnancy though we've managed to deal with each as it's presented itself. Our doctor/s are the best and technology these days is leaps and bounds better than the last time I was in this condition.
The teenager is well, she has been working a full time job all summer, 40 hours a week. School goes back in for her in September and she is doing the advanced program she wanted so desperately. The school was more than pleased to have her as a new student given her academic achievements and her extra curricular involvements. We could not be more proud of her. It is safe to say that she has so much of my drive it is almost scary.
Despite my best efforts to convince him otherwise, Jason refuses to go to Vienna next month. His work of course has paid for him to go and he would be away for three weeks on a course and visiting some family. Given the pregnancy woes I mentioned already, he feels that going would be a bad idea. His mom was here staying with us last weekend and tonight his sister and her family arrive for a visit. He is the most amazing man and soon to be father.
We have all settled in to the new house with great ease, it is hard to believe that we've been here two months already. The unpacking is virtually complete, aside from some storage room boxes. We've made the purchase of some new furniture and are happy at how things have come together in our nest.
Business is going well for me, I am still working, just doing more from home and slowing my schedule to permit myself more time of rest. My fall schedule is heavily booked, between prison work, classes in local universities & stores, private coaching and events at The Lounge I am maintaining my own.
You and J are certainly not forgotten, we will talk soon I am sure. It would be nice if next time we are on the phone together, you could express some joy. Your lack of positive attitude about our lives is hard to take, and being condescending makes it challenging for each of us to want to maintain contact.
I am confident that now that some time has passed since the last call, your mood has leveled out. It would sure be helpful if you could acknowledge my work and efforts with some enthusiasm so as to share in my joy and successes. Ignoring who I am is not an option, not if you want to maintain a relationship with us all.
We'll be giving Great Grandma and Grandpa a call soon too, they are always so elated to hear from us and making them happy for that brief telephone call makes us feel good.
Hopefully you and J are well and the house is keeping you busy. Certainly you've been on the boat a lot this summer and enjoying the weather and fishing.
Talk to you soon.
It's been a while since we've spoken on the phone. I've been meaning to call you but since the last time we spoke was not the most positive talk, I've been putting off future calls to avoid the frustration and hurt.
Your granddaughter, Jason and I are doing fantastic. The baby is superb, healthy and growing tons these days. This Wednesday I will be 24 weeks pregnant. There have been some medical issues with my pregnancy though we've managed to deal with each as it's presented itself. Our doctor/s are the best and technology these days is leaps and bounds better than the last time I was in this condition.
The teenager is well, she has been working a full time job all summer, 40 hours a week. School goes back in for her in September and she is doing the advanced program she wanted so desperately. The school was more than pleased to have her as a new student given her academic achievements and her extra curricular involvements. We could not be more proud of her. It is safe to say that she has so much of my drive it is almost scary.
Despite my best efforts to convince him otherwise, Jason refuses to go to Vienna next month. His work of course has paid for him to go and he would be away for three weeks on a course and visiting some family. Given the pregnancy woes I mentioned already, he feels that going would be a bad idea. His mom was here staying with us last weekend and tonight his sister and her family arrive for a visit. He is the most amazing man and soon to be father.
We have all settled in to the new house with great ease, it is hard to believe that we've been here two months already. The unpacking is virtually complete, aside from some storage room boxes. We've made the purchase of some new furniture and are happy at how things have come together in our nest.
Business is going well for me, I am still working, just doing more from home and slowing my schedule to permit myself more time of rest. My fall schedule is heavily booked, between prison work, classes in local universities & stores, private coaching and events at The Lounge I am maintaining my own.
You and J are certainly not forgotten, we will talk soon I am sure. It would be nice if next time we are on the phone together, you could express some joy. Your lack of positive attitude about our lives is hard to take, and being condescending makes it challenging for each of us to want to maintain contact.
I am confident that now that some time has passed since the last call, your mood has leveled out. It would sure be helpful if you could acknowledge my work and efforts with some enthusiasm so as to share in my joy and successes. Ignoring who I am is not an option, not if you want to maintain a relationship with us all.
We'll be giving Great Grandma and Grandpa a call soon too, they are always so elated to hear from us and making them happy for that brief telephone call makes us feel good.
Hopefully you and J are well and the house is keeping you busy. Certainly you've been on the boat a lot this summer and enjoying the weather and fishing.
Talk to you soon.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I've been nesting. The act that women who are pregnant instinctively do as they ready for the birth of their child. This of course is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world. Perhaps a little earlier than other ladies might, but being on Doctor ordered rest has left me with plenty of time on my hands to ponder what needs done.
In my younger years my perfectionist attitude and ways were significantly more pronounced than now, thankfully with age has come some clarity around what it truly important and what is not.
There have been lists made. Lists of things to buy, things to move, paint and store. Lists of items to locate, people to contact, amends to be made and habits to be forgotten. Lists of things to clean, sterilize and photograph. Lists that were once endless are all now shortening, through my efforts and that of friends and of course Jason.
The babes room is all painted, the closet is filling with clothes and some of the more general necessities have been gathered. Now it is time to make the big purchases.
A crib, stroller and car seat are all of priority right now. I would be remiss to have not have this done sooner rather than later given how everyone around me seems confident that I will have this baby rather early and these items are must haves.
Diapers would be a great idea as well, I seem to recall that wee ones run through them at an incredulous rate. And perhaps one of those handy diaper machines that I hear eats odors, this would be ideal.
I have been asked if I am having a baby shower, or not. It is my second child after all, and showers are typically reserved for first time mothers. Obviously my last child was years past a decade ago, so new motherhood seems about where I am at, again. So to answer the question, "am I having a shower or not", I think the answer will most likely be yes. Now the "when" becomes the next piece of the puzzle to figure out.
It has been on mind to go away on a mini holiday with my daughter before the baby is born, some one-on-one time for us to share before my attentions will be distracted and exhausted for a while. Wednesday at my OB appointment I plan on asking the doctor is this is feasible. Because if it is, I want to take of with the teenager for at least 5 days somewhere warm. California perhaps? Universal Studios and Disney Land would be nice and I know she would love to return there. We've been twice before in her life and we always have a blast.
Mexico had been a thought but with poor health care there, and the prevalence of travelers illness so high, I am not willing to chance it.
In my younger years my perfectionist attitude and ways were significantly more pronounced than now, thankfully with age has come some clarity around what it truly important and what is not.
There have been lists made. Lists of things to buy, things to move, paint and store. Lists of items to locate, people to contact, amends to be made and habits to be forgotten. Lists of things to clean, sterilize and photograph. Lists that were once endless are all now shortening, through my efforts and that of friends and of course Jason.
The babes room is all painted, the closet is filling with clothes and some of the more general necessities have been gathered. Now it is time to make the big purchases.
A crib, stroller and car seat are all of priority right now. I would be remiss to have not have this done sooner rather than later given how everyone around me seems confident that I will have this baby rather early and these items are must haves.
Diapers would be a great idea as well, I seem to recall that wee ones run through them at an incredulous rate. And perhaps one of those handy diaper machines that I hear eats odors, this would be ideal.
I have been asked if I am having a baby shower, or not. It is my second child after all, and showers are typically reserved for first time mothers. Obviously my last child was years past a decade ago, so new motherhood seems about where I am at, again. So to answer the question, "am I having a shower or not", I think the answer will most likely be yes. Now the "when" becomes the next piece of the puzzle to figure out.
It has been on mind to go away on a mini holiday with my daughter before the baby is born, some one-on-one time for us to share before my attentions will be distracted and exhausted for a while. Wednesday at my OB appointment I plan on asking the doctor is this is feasible. Because if it is, I want to take of with the teenager for at least 5 days somewhere warm. California perhaps? Universal Studios and Disney Land would be nice and I know she would love to return there. We've been twice before in her life and we always have a blast.
Mexico had been a thought but with poor health care there, and the prevalence of travelers illness so high, I am not willing to chance it.
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