Sunday afternoon I was home, trying to unwind in my alone time when the phone rang suddenly breaking the silence.
Not really wanting my peaceful bubble popped by the outside world, I tentatively answered it expecting more work to do or yet another situation needing my attention.
It wasn't at all the phone call I was thinking it would be.
A man, politely introduced himself and then proceeded to fill me in with shocking news & details.
In a single breath of a sentence and perhaps 3 minutes of a phone conversation, that one man changed my entire future, Sunday afternoon.
It's very exciting to be a part of something so big, ground breaking, powerful and transformational not only for me but for others as well.
I'm not allowed to share, yet.
Time will tell.
I had to write though.
It's just been exploding out of me, the goodness, happiness and pride from that phone call & truth.
A testament to my activism and pursuit.
Puts it all into perspective.
Friday, June 16, 2006
sexuality & civil liberties in BC
these people ROCK!!!!!

and they always have.
Go and have read at what they published on June 14 2006 on BDSM. (note it downloads as a PDF)
Opening lines and first paragraph...
BCCLA Position Paper
Sexuality and Civil Rights: Freedom from Government Reprisal
I. Introduction
This paper will argue that the practitioners of a distinctive form of sexual behavior, BDSM (bondage, domination, sadomasochism) (also known as sadomasochism and by the abbreviations S/M and B/D), should be protected from irrationally-based governmental interference and regulation. The BCCLA believes that individuals should be free to engage in BDSM and any other consensual sexual practice without fear of government reprisal.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
massage and a date
arrived promptly on time to my 9:00 appointment this morning in Vancouvers Mt. Pleasant neighborhood.
the massage:
Ki greeted me at the door, I removed my boots, we hugged and I was given a tour of the home that is both where he lives and where he does his healing, transformational work. After a meeting of the heads, we descended to his massage studio.

In to the studio where walls, blinds, sheets, towels, everything before me was stark, clean, refreshing white. Of course, there was the inevitable massage table in the middle of the room, perfectly set up and awaiting, me. Little else for me to concentrate on in the room, I was already feeling good about all this as I removed my clothing and laid myself out as asked on the table, under the white flannel sheet.
Ki asked what I wanted AND needed from the massage today, then proceeded to rearrange me on the table, to his liking and told me to no longer work my body in any way, but rather, to let him move me. Once everything was aligned, he blessed both his work and me and off I went, in the zone.
Submitted to his hands, elbows and fingers as they worked out long held knots in my muscle groups and breathed a different type of breath on the constant encouragement of the healer working on my body.
It was 75 minutes of bliss and when it was over, I was blessed yet again as was the work and then left alone to center myself until I was ready to sit up, dress and resume life again.
An incredible way to spend a morning.
Then, still in a foggy haze I got in my car and drove right home.
Where I promptly removed my boots [yet again] and laid down on the sofa sleeping for 2 hours.
And now I'm awake feeling like I'm on top of the world.
the date:
The man I wrote about the other day that I've been seeing, well we have ourselves a hot date on Friday night that has plans to go something like this...
I arrive to his house and we have dinner together. He cooks, lucky me! Then I'm to be given a bath, massaged, then pleased beyond words sexually. His comments the other day "just treat me like a sex slave/pet, pussy worshipping pet" were certainly heard. Now to see how this pet / slave performs.
Perhaps I should make a report card and grade him? hmmm, thoughts!
I'll likely tie him up tight in rope and leave him bound while he brings me to a state of nirvana. If he's really lucky, that is.
One more sleep...
the massage:
Ki greeted me at the door, I removed my boots, we hugged and I was given a tour of the home that is both where he lives and where he does his healing, transformational work. After a meeting of the heads, we descended to his massage studio.

In to the studio where walls, blinds, sheets, towels, everything before me was stark, clean, refreshing white. Of course, there was the inevitable massage table in the middle of the room, perfectly set up and awaiting, me. Little else for me to concentrate on in the room, I was already feeling good about all this as I removed my clothing and laid myself out as asked on the table, under the white flannel sheet.
Ki asked what I wanted AND needed from the massage today, then proceeded to rearrange me on the table, to his liking and told me to no longer work my body in any way, but rather, to let him move me. Once everything was aligned, he blessed both his work and me and off I went, in the zone.
Submitted to his hands, elbows and fingers as they worked out long held knots in my muscle groups and breathed a different type of breath on the constant encouragement of the healer working on my body.
It was 75 minutes of bliss and when it was over, I was blessed yet again as was the work and then left alone to center myself until I was ready to sit up, dress and resume life again.
An incredible way to spend a morning.
Then, still in a foggy haze I got in my car and drove right home.
Where I promptly removed my boots [yet again] and laid down on the sofa sleeping for 2 hours.
And now I'm awake feeling like I'm on top of the world.
the date:
The man I wrote about the other day that I've been seeing, well we have ourselves a hot date on Friday night that has plans to go something like this...
I arrive to his house and we have dinner together. He cooks, lucky me! Then I'm to be given a bath, massaged, then pleased beyond words sexually. His comments the other day "just treat me like a sex slave/pet, pussy worshipping pet" were certainly heard. Now to see how this pet / slave performs.
Perhaps I should make a report card and grade him? hmmm, thoughts!
I'll likely tie him up tight in rope and leave him bound while he brings me to a state of nirvana. If he's really lucky, that is.
One more sleep...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
sex coaching & swim lessons
this morning I had a 3-hour private coaching session on male masturbation and relationship sexual growth. Thanks George for allowing me to borrow your office to see my client, you're the best!
My second time meeting the man who was my 10 am appointment and it looks as though not only will I be seeing him again but I may well be meeting his wife next. What a journey I get to go on with the people who trust me with themselves in coaching sessions. Remarkable people share themselves in trust with me.
It always amazes me how fast a few hours of discussing pleasure, sex, desires and fantasies can just roll on by.
At 3:00 this afternoon I picked my daughter up from school and we went and hung out for a couple of hours taking care of some domestic chores. Time for swimming lessons at the local pool and off we went together. I'm not often available to watch swim lessons, today was the first in this set that I managed to catch, thankfully.
Off with my boots and socks, rolled up my jeans as I walked across the pool deck barefoot dragging a chair with me until I was positioned in the line of sight of my child's instructor's group. Was my daughter ever happy to have me there waving at her across the water and admiring the new swim suit that Grandma bought her last week. My baby is no longer a baby but rather a young girl becoming a teenager.
Walked in the door to home this evening and have been sitting on the sofa ever since in over the knee, orange and red plaid socks & a black high cut panties with no interest in cooking or moving. [at all]
Tomorrow morning I've got an appointment to meet with a new resource in Vancouver to talk about the city as a sex-positive place to do business, love and play & how we can potentially network together. Afterwards said resource is going to give me an hour long massage. (as this is what the service is: relaxation massage, tantric massage or tantric coaching, sexual healing etc)
Now I'm updating the website and having much stress doing it. *yucky* When this horrid task is over, I need to get some work done on my two new classes...
Flirting To Get You Noticed
How To Be Sexy
Have something to offer me for either of these classes? Do tell, I'm all ears and looking to you for input.
My second time meeting the man who was my 10 am appointment and it looks as though not only will I be seeing him again but I may well be meeting his wife next. What a journey I get to go on with the people who trust me with themselves in coaching sessions. Remarkable people share themselves in trust with me.
It always amazes me how fast a few hours of discussing pleasure, sex, desires and fantasies can just roll on by.
At 3:00 this afternoon I picked my daughter up from school and we went and hung out for a couple of hours taking care of some domestic chores. Time for swimming lessons at the local pool and off we went together. I'm not often available to watch swim lessons, today was the first in this set that I managed to catch, thankfully.
Off with my boots and socks, rolled up my jeans as I walked across the pool deck barefoot dragging a chair with me until I was positioned in the line of sight of my child's instructor's group. Was my daughter ever happy to have me there waving at her across the water and admiring the new swim suit that Grandma bought her last week. My baby is no longer a baby but rather a young girl becoming a teenager.
Walked in the door to home this evening and have been sitting on the sofa ever since in over the knee, orange and red plaid socks & a black high cut panties with no interest in cooking or moving. [at all]
Tomorrow morning I've got an appointment to meet with a new resource in Vancouver to talk about the city as a sex-positive place to do business, love and play & how we can potentially network together. Afterwards said resource is going to give me an hour long massage. (as this is what the service is: relaxation massage, tantric massage or tantric coaching, sexual healing etc)
Now I'm updating the website and having much stress doing it. *yucky* When this horrid task is over, I need to get some work done on my two new classes...
Flirting To Get You Noticed
How To Be Sexy
Have something to offer me for either of these classes? Do tell, I'm all ears and looking to you for input.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
oral sex / pussy worshipping
You can appreciate that I get a lot of kind and generous offers from people wanting to please me sexually in many different arena's. *smiles, it's a good life* However I'm not one to usually take someone up on their offer as sex with a stranger isn't rewarding for me.
It's flattering enough to be thought of by someone else and have them tell you but imagine my delight when the first line of an e-mail from the new guy I've been playing with started like this...
he's definitely got a flair for catching my attention. And it pleases me me to no end that he's no longer a stranger.
It's flattering enough to be thought of by someone else and have them tell you but imagine my delight when the first line of an e-mail from the new guy I've been playing with started like this...
just treat me like a sex slave/pet, pussy worshipping pet, and we'll get along just great. There's never too much bondage, the more the merrier. NO leather would be a punishment.
he's definitely got a flair for catching my attention. And it pleases me me to no end that he's no longer a stranger.
workshop review
A number of months back I asked a workshop attendee and regular to write me a little something about her experience in the class. Life had us both busy for the last while, putting to the back burner this task. Then the other day, this arrives to my in box...
Well over a year ago now I first met Jennifer. In a circle of timid
introductions she blazed the way to a way to a more forward and welcoming
atmosphere by unapologetically introducing herself with a string of labels
that she also casually and helpfully defined. Her confidence was rattling
I'd say almost intimidating. But at the same time, I was intrigued.
A few months later I drummed up enough courage to attend one of her oft
recommended classes Bottoming Skills 101. I didn't know what to
expect but my imagination went wild. A mere sapling in the world of kink,
I had heard a lot but had experienced very little. What would the people in
the class be like? Would they know volumes more than I did? Would they be
way more extreme than I was? Would they actually have bottoming
experience to draw upon or like me would they be simply starting to
explore *that* side of themselves.
Upon entering the class room (actually, a dance studio), I saw a small group
of people of all ages some men and some women. The group was small enough
to be in a discussion circle an intimate sphere in the middle of the wide
open dance floor. Jennifer was relaxing and drinking a slurpee, engaging in
chit chat with my class mates. At the hour of class start, she flawlessly
transitioned into class mode with a well placed contact question. Before
long, stories were being swapped. Opinions were being shared. Bottoming
skills were being discussed and honed. I quickly realized most of my
preconceptions were just that. Bottoming wasn't something predefined it
was individual and unique for every person.
As the class wore on, discussion became more and more free and easy.
Jennifer, without fail, bridged silences in the discussion, bringing up new
points and new ideas in the process. Her ideas and information seemed
endless. I wondered how on earth we would ever fit it all into one
evening's class.
And then it was finished.
I was so happy at the end of that class I felt like I took a lot of
information away, but more importantly, I felt like I had finally started to
accept one of the many hidden facets of myself. I was still nervous, but I
had just taken a small tentative step into the rich and diverse world of
Vancouvers sex-positive community. But I liked what I'd seen, and more
importantly, I felt confident that I was not left alone to deal with foreign
and mysterious topics like bottoming. As long as Vancouver has wonderful
resources like Jennifer's Libido Events, I had a resource I could turn to.
I attended Take Charge: Being Dominant in The Bedroom two nights later.
In fact, after such a wonderful bottoming class I wouldn't have missed it
for the world. It was settled. I was hooked.
Now, every time I see Jennifer I am more and more impressed. Her ease and
comfort in the sex-positive landscape is commendable and enviable
something I can only hope at this point to one day achieve. I no longer
find her at all intimidating but I do still find her intriguing. I'm
pretty sure that has something to do with her deep, rich and smoldering
by Red
Well over a year ago now I first met Jennifer. In a circle of timid
introductions she blazed the way to a way to a more forward and welcoming
atmosphere by unapologetically introducing herself with a string of labels
that she also casually and helpfully defined. Her confidence was rattling
I'd say almost intimidating. But at the same time, I was intrigued.
A few months later I drummed up enough courage to attend one of her oft
recommended classes Bottoming Skills 101. I didn't know what to
expect but my imagination went wild. A mere sapling in the world of kink,
I had heard a lot but had experienced very little. What would the people in
the class be like? Would they know volumes more than I did? Would they be
way more extreme than I was? Would they actually have bottoming
experience to draw upon or like me would they be simply starting to
explore *that* side of themselves.
Upon entering the class room (actually, a dance studio), I saw a small group
of people of all ages some men and some women. The group was small enough
to be in a discussion circle an intimate sphere in the middle of the wide
open dance floor. Jennifer was relaxing and drinking a slurpee, engaging in
chit chat with my class mates. At the hour of class start, she flawlessly
transitioned into class mode with a well placed contact question. Before
long, stories were being swapped. Opinions were being shared. Bottoming
skills were being discussed and honed. I quickly realized most of my
preconceptions were just that. Bottoming wasn't something predefined it
was individual and unique for every person.
As the class wore on, discussion became more and more free and easy.
Jennifer, without fail, bridged silences in the discussion, bringing up new
points and new ideas in the process. Her ideas and information seemed
endless. I wondered how on earth we would ever fit it all into one
evening's class.
And then it was finished.
I was so happy at the end of that class I felt like I took a lot of
information away, but more importantly, I felt like I had finally started to
accept one of the many hidden facets of myself. I was still nervous, but I
had just taken a small tentative step into the rich and diverse world of
Vancouvers sex-positive community. But I liked what I'd seen, and more
importantly, I felt confident that I was not left alone to deal with foreign
and mysterious topics like bottoming. As long as Vancouver has wonderful
resources like Jennifer's Libido Events, I had a resource I could turn to.
I attended Take Charge: Being Dominant in The Bedroom two nights later.
In fact, after such a wonderful bottoming class I wouldn't have missed it
for the world. It was settled. I was hooked.
Now, every time I see Jennifer I am more and more impressed. Her ease and
comfort in the sex-positive landscape is commendable and enviable
something I can only hope at this point to one day achieve. I no longer
find her at all intimidating but I do still find her intriguing. I'm
pretty sure that has something to do with her deep, rich and smoldering
by Red
art sale / exhibit NYC
Q: What upcoming group exhibition has 45 artists - including one anonymous, one who died the day after they submitted, one who never showed up, and one who is actually a horse?
A: "Going Underground"
4th Annual Juried Competition / Exhibition at Art at Large
Curated by: Pet Silvia
June 15 - July 1, 2006
Art at Large
We are proud to present our 4th Annual Juried Competition and Exhibition, curated by: Pet Silvia.
Selected artists from submissions around the world in Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking and Photography.
All works will be for sale and can be seen at this link.
If you are interested in any of these pieces, you may email us now for pre-opening purchase opportunities.
Selected Artists Are:
Alice Egoyan, Amanda Griffin, Antanas Adomaitis, Antone Pavlov, Barry Steely, Bernardo, Brent Braniff, Candace P. Keegan, Chawky Frenn, Cholla - Horse Artist, Christoph Wilke, Daniel Brown, David Russell Talbott, Don Dougan, Dragon Sundancer, E. Gibbons, Elstabo, Emily Stedman, Eric Paulson (1971-2006), François Dubeau, Fred Harper, Georgie Tier, JIM DUVALL, Julian Murphy, Liezel Rubin, Matthew Stradling, Michele Serchuk, Molly Crabapple, Niele Freeborn, porkchop, Pyropainter, Rob Bondgren, Robbin O' Harrow, Ron Reeves Meadow, Russell U. Richards, Samantha Wolov, Scarymary Santa, Schmiedlin, Scott F. Lanes, Sen One, Stevenski Brewster, Uriel Parker, Viza Arlington, Xin Song, and the Unknown Conceptualist.
The exhibition opens with a reception on:
Thursday, June 15, 2006, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Art at Large, 630 Ninth Ave, (btwn. 44/45th Sts.) #707, New York City. 212.957.8371
We will announce the winners at the opening.
Also, please note that this is our very last opening and exhibition in our current location. We will be temporarily selling art as private dealers, by appointment only, beginning in September. We will also be sponsoring exhibitions at several other gallery venues in NYC and beyond.
Quoting the curator: "all I can say is don't miss this one..."
Art That Excites!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Women's sex party reviews
Couldn't resist sharing a few of the letters that have landed to my in-box since the Women's Naughty Party. This is what makes me feel really good about the work I do...
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 1
Well Jennifer......
What an absolutely fabulous Naughty Party for women last night!!!!!! I loved it and can't wait for the next one!
It was so wonderful to meet you. I was very impressed with the ease and comfort that you lead the initial group discussion and how you set the tone all evening. You're energy is incredible!
Thank you again for creating an environment that was exactly what I was looking for-safe, yet provocative, tintillating, sexy, and open!
I'm interested in attending your next Bi-Curious workshop. J
Letter 2
HI Jennifer. I am emailing you to thank you for the most amazing time I had,
at the party you recently hosted. (Club Eden on river road) The workshop you
held prior to the party was extremely helful to me. I must say I was
pleasantly surprised by the level of respect that was given by all who
attended. The openess I witnessed and experienced that night is one that I
won`t be forgetting for a loooooooong time!...smiling @ u. Please put me on
your mailing list...I am looking forward to your next event!...again, thank
Letter 3
I want to thank you with all my heart for the opportunity to attend. I
felt like I had come home. It was so great to be there.
A number of people came up to me and introduced themselves
and talked to me. It was great.
I look forward to expanding the experience next time. Some day I would
love to find some play partners, I am into submissiveness but not into
pain except for some light spanking and lots of tease.
Thanks again for a great evening.
Letter 4
hi Jennifer
Thanks for throwing such a fantastic party Friday. Thanks for being such a wonderful sex educator. You've definately helped me realize how to harness some of the many sides of my sexuality. There's no turning back for me now...
Hugs to you!
like all these wonderful letters aren't enough to make me happy, I also have a party full of visuals of LIVE woman on woman porn to titillate me.
It really was a wonderful night and if YOU didn't attend for some reason and need some reassurance to start readying yourself to attend the next, email me and we'll chat.
It will be ok.
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