Wednesday, February 09, 2011

More On The Matter

If you've not already read my posts as of late regarding special treatment for single men, then this next bit, might seem out of context.

Regarding this post and then the subsequent post that I have now made about Special Snowflakes a woman wrote me with this thought on the matter, here is her email in it's entirety.


If you want a different perspective on this subject. I causes me concern that some do not appear to understand boundaries or the word no. If they don't understand this prior to being a member, then receiving preferred treatment and being a member still not understand "no" would cause me great concern.

The orientation is there for the benefit of the member taking it and for the safety of others. Everyone has heard the same thing and are all aware of the boundaries and expectations. Someone who doesn't understand boundaries for safety in a sexual environment is scary and would cause me great concern.

You are doing the right thing and I feel safer knowing that you don't allow people to bypass the system.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Cancer Sucks

It wasn't my news to tell, yet I have known for a short while now. Last time we were in Seattle a couple of weeks back, the day we arrived, my partner Allena was scheduled for a breast biopsy. Jason cooked us all dinner the night she returned from her first procedure and we sat around at her place with Pickle, loving one another as family does during such stressful times.

When Bella called a few days later I knew as soon as I saw her voice messages on all my phones.

Allena, the love of my life, has cancer.

This Sunday we will be in a Sweat on a native reserve just outside of Seattle, as a friend of ours is hosting this magnificent ceremony to honor her.

Allena may be the one that is sick right now, but we are all going to fight the cancer together.

I am sad that a woman so beautiful, strong and vivacious has been hit with this bitterly ugly disease and that in turn it is changing how our world looks so fast.

Damn it.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Adult Sex Classes Victoria BC

This is an incredible opportunity for a small group of women to gather for an information packed day of learning in a supportive environment. If my last (sold-out) events in Victoria are any indication of interest in sex education with me, I'd have to say, you should really get your tickets sooner rather than later if this sweet deal piques your interest.

Women's Erotic Skill Development - Victoria, BC
Sunday February 27 2011
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
presented by Jennifer of Libido Events & Libido Lounge

6 hours of learning
10 women maximum
$125 for the day
coffee, snacks and water provided
bring your own lunch

.5 hour = Developing a Language for Pleasure
.5 hour = Communicating Desires
1 hour = Orgasms for women
1 hour = Butt Sex & Anal Pleasures
1 hour = Sensation Building & Seeking
1 hour = Being Dominant In The Bedroom
1 hour = Kinky Sex 101

Tickets are pre-purchase only, non transferable and non refundable.

Private upscale venue with full amenities in downtown Victoria.

First Come, First Served.

To arrange payment, or to ask questions, write: