This afternoon was my bi-weekly appointment with the obstetrician. He is such a kind and jolly man, that he can easily be described as Santa Claus with a turban. I'm enamored which is good, as one should like and trust their doctor this much.
Jason and I went together to the mid day check up and when we were finally called into the doc's office, I had my list ready.
My arm is killing me and I have no idea why. It's my non dominant one and the shooting pain at night is keeping me awake.
My back is aching terribly and even the prescription pregnancy massage is not helping.
And finally, the biggest issue of them all. I am DONE being a human incubator. I need this baby removed from me immediately.
Each complaint he heard well, and nodded along to appropriately as the medical student in his office weighed me, took my blood pressure and measured my belly's growth.
Then I got quiet, staring at him and waiting for his answers.
My arm issue is pregnancy related carpal tunnel syndrome stemming from edema. A professionally fitted support wrist and forearm device will alleviate much of the discontent.
My back, more massage, more relaxing and soon that pain will just end on its own.
Ending the pregnancy. Ok, it is possible and he would consider doing so IF, and only IF I consent to a amniotic fluid test to determine the babys lung strength first. This is the illusion of choice. I'll be damned if I am going to let anyone stick a long, long thin needle through my belly while I am awake.
So what does all this mean? Well we purchased the arm brace yesterday on the way home, I plan on attempting to rest more and the baby stays inside of me.
The doctor did say that I'll be seeing him every week now that I am so far along. (33.5 weeks) I casually dropped the bomb to him that I hope he is prepared for my continuous grumblings and demands that he take this child out. His response ... "well I was sort of thinking that seeing you weekly would dilute your complaints". He is such a sweet sweet man.
The one thing he did say that makes me feel some what better is that if I continue to want this baby out, then at 38 weeks he would make it happen. It's true I have had a horrible third trimester. Wisdom teeth removal, dry socket, the loss of my mucus plug, premature labor, carpal tunnel and a few other womanly issues that I care to not even mention here. It has been rather taxing emotionally and physically.
I came out of that appointment somewhat disappointed as I really did have high hopes that I could bribe him in some way to end my pregnancy and give me my son. Jason came out the appointment somewhat giggly at my demands (I had forewarned him) and also amused at how well the doctor "handled me".
We came home and I crawled into a hot tub, for a long soak. It was heavenly. Then I dried myself off, dressed and we headed out to a rather full Exploratorium. It was a great night at work. One of our members even brought me a Happy Birthday cake...complete with breasts, a nipple ring and sporting a c

hocolate dipped penis mounted in an edible strap-on as part of the package. It was wonderful.
Thanks D & S!