Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sacred Sex Magic

My dear friend Julie sent this to me and asked that I pass it along to anyone interested.....

Ecstasy. Boundaries. Attraction. Sensuality. Desire.

Our sacred sexuality is a birthright beyond the ability to procreate, as a source of incredible joy and sometimes frustration. We welcome all the pieces of our sexual selves in the gorgeous paradox of being broken and whole. Together we will awaken or refresh a deep relationship with our unique sexual life force. We seek to know our own sex energy intimately in order to bring it fully into the world, through relationships and magic.

Working with sexual energy can challenge us on many levels and willingness to participate fully is important -- however, please know that you will not be asked to sexually interact with another. Please be pagan friendly and comfortable with creating sacred space and working with guided meditation or trance. We welcome adults of all genders and orientations.

This work will presented in a series of three weekend workshops.

Dates: January 23rd & 24th, March 13th & 14th, May 15th & 16th
Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM all days

Cost: $375-450 sliding scale. Or $300 if paid in full by December 23rd.

Where: Seattle area

Contact: Hekate at for information and registration, and if you're interested in scholarships or work trade


Ravyn Stanfield is an acupuncturist, writer, lover, artist and activist dedicated to bringing more magic and erotic revolution into the world through the cracks in Western civilization. She teaches workshops internationally and in the Oregon prison system. She has been involved with Reclaiming since 1996.

Dawn Isidora is hypnotherapist, spiritual counselor and writer. Her work is guided by the wisdom of the Elements and focuses on the workings of relationships, whether they be with oneself, others, or the Gods. Dawn has been teaching magic and earth spirituality, in Oregon and abroad for over fifteen years. She first became involved with Reclaiming while living in San Francisco in 1983.