Saturday, September 06, 2008
lofty goals
We ate yummy food on skewers and meandered the aisles upon aisles of cheap Asian goods. It was a great Friday evening out and we both found a few items that were purchased making each of us pleased.
Crawling into bed just after midnight was a little too late for me, so I was almost asleep as I laid my head onto RC's shoulder. I awoke at an unsightly hour from a nightmare that scared me quite bad, and found that I had woken my man as well. He was there to comfort me and eventually we both were sawing logs again.
This morning I roused him around 10 so we could get our day underway. I went and spent a lot of money at Stupid Store, while he worked out at the gym. Coming home together to a sick teenager we all unloaded groceries, and more in fact than our cupboards could even hold.
We tootled off to the bank around 2:30 as yesterday I'd left my debit card in a machine when getting out money and I had to get a replacement. It was effortless, thankfully.
We then went over to a friends Dungeon Building party and spent some time visiting and being given the grand tour. Seeing his new place and his plans in motion was gratifying.
By the time we walked in the door of home it was well into the dinner hour, so RC started the BBQ. Oh my, the T-Bones were as big as our large dinner plates and the rest of the fixings were a plenty. An excellent steak now and again sure goes down well.
This evening has been spent answering emails and taking and making calls from friends. My phone again was bursting with messages and my personal in box was ready for me to dedicate some time towards it.
The house is clean, the cupboards full, and our family is filled with love. The time is now to take on something else.
I'm currently looking for $18,000 and know that I can find it. There isn't really a deadline for this, but the sooner the better. With out doubt what I am looking to do now, is the largest undertaking of my life. Aside from raising my daughter. This new project isn't open for public consumption, though by next week the wheels will be in motion and I will know where I stand with everything in short order.
The people that surround have all assured me that I am MORE THAN CAPABLE to accomplish this lofty goal, and so with their love and support I shall embark on a new journey. One not even considered by me before in my entire life. It's exciting and a tad bit terrifying. I'm a masochist and a leader, and both of these attributes should do well by me given what will soon be my new life circumstances.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Restroom Diversity
When I read the story earlier in the week my eyes welled up some with happiness. It just is so damn inspiring that finally gender is being recognized by large educational institutions by more than just Men's and Women's. This movement is long over due and more greatly anticipated by a larger number of people than the general public can even comprehend or fathom.
Click on the article, it enlarges when you do.

Thursday, September 04, 2008
The most lovely 3/4 length sleeved jacket, with a Peter Pan collar, and swing waist is now home safe and sound with me.
Making such a purchase was not planned before hand, but well, kind of necessary. It's gorgeous. Did I mention the black leather belt that cinches in for a perfect fit? If not, I should have as that was surely a selling point for me. It comes across on me as well tailored. Wearing it will certainly keep me smiling, and warm.
Wear it with jeans, with a skirt or a pair of trousers, no matter what I wear it with it is with out a doubt one of this seasons must haves.
I'm not all-that-good at spending money on myself, but I wanted this well made item to be MINE. And now it is. I'm happy.
And just a section or two over in the same store, there was this ever so pretty top that needed me to snatch it up and so I did. Well made clothes always possess a unique draw and the shade of purple on this strapless number was simply to hot to not own.
There may have been a few more purchases than has been mentioned, but truth be told I'm too tired after my shopping trip to write anymore.
Tomorrow is a big day. There is a large project that I've kept under wraps that we've been working on for a few weeks now and it is my intention to complete it tomorrow. Wish me luck.
It's off to bed for me.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Brown Chicken, Brown Cow
It could be said that I spent most of the day sans clothing and in my big comfy bed with clean sheets and the bedroom window swung open wide. Mind you my computer was in my lap and I was working like a mad woman, at least when I was not either a) vibrating myself OR b) napping.
Politics and drama are being slung around local sex culture again. SURPRISE? Not so much. Same old people and same old pettiness. Lucky for me that I have the ability to keep myself out of others reach and just consider this all to be an unfortunate part of my career.
In the last week, I've been gifted with two rather enormous personal checks. Both from the same source and both for the same reason. I did something that was wanted from me and the reward was money. A lot of money. I am very pleased with how this has all worked out and in truth at how easy it was to bring to fruition. I should remember to do this more often to continue this streak of fortune.
A number of months ago I started to implement serious life altering changes into my life. For my betterment of course. Its taken till just a couple of weeks back for me to feel the effects of said changes and to start feeling as though I had come out the other side, on a positive note. Because let me tell you, I was feeling pretty rough there for a bit as these new adjustments made my moods and sleep fluctuate immensely. Things are looking pretty rosy and quite frankly I am proud of myself. Some times one just has to take matters into their own hands, and that is exactly what I did - and I shared it with no one, so I dealt with everything on my own without the pressure of being watched by those close to me.
I love my life, my family, friends, my business and career. Self created happiness and success, it just doesn't get any better than this.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Routines are a blessing
There has been plenty of unpacking and settling in back in to a home with no food in the fridge given no one being here for so long.
Two weeks in the month of August I was absent from home and work. First Maui and then Sex Camp, what a surreal time for me. I've missed my home, family and routine.
Shortly I will attempt to empty my answering machines, all three of them, check the post box and home mail box and give the animals some long over due loving.
Later on I will make the effort to work my way through all five of my e-mail accounts which are inundated with requests and work.
Being away was grand, though it certainly creates a massive work load for me upon my return.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Memories from Sex Camp
We arrived home at 3:00 THIS MORNING. Goddess knows we were tired, and SOOOO happy to crawl back into our own bed.
I taught four sensational classes that were filled to beyond capacity. The feedback forms certainly were flattering to read - thank you.
I MC'ed the talent show in the Canada VS US Olympics and in the Anal Ring Toss and also was the impromptu lion that gave the Vice President head. WOW!
I played with my girl Allena outdoors and did the mean and nasty to her. Our seven and a bit years together has made us stronger than you can imagine.
I swam nude in the pool with so many friends. Then sank my weary bones into the hot tub.
I played with a man to distract him while his bride-to-be came walking out of the woods in all white, and then dropped to her knees to propose to him. (she and I worked on this scenario for weeks)
I answered more sex questions that you can possibly imagine. People just need 5 minutes of my time often, and I was more than happy to oblige.
I managed to get myself hired for three LARGE scale US events and conferences in the next seven months.
I sucked my boy off and dry more than once.
I had the opportunity to catch up with friends from both sides of the border.
I ate, I slept, I laughed, I shopped.
I was reminded of community love and acceptance.
I was witness to an out pouring of support & volunteering.
I saw friends happily beaten and doing the beatings.
I entered my boy into the Gun Oil slip and slide event then cheered and laughed as he and so many others spun out and crashed along the course.
I came away from Paradise tired, spent, happy, with my voice almost gone and knowing that I'll be back again next year.
Thank you to everyone who shared in my experiences.