LLC has Board Openings and I picked up an application package today after attending their roundtable on "what being on the board entails." Aside from a 3 year commitment there's not a lot that was a surprise to me-I've even got a number of people prompting me down this activism path. And this would be big for me to do something this profound. Knowing full well it will change my activism, of course, I'm still looking at doing it.
I've just woken up from a nap after teaching this morning, what a wonderful full class on Leadership As Service. Next I attended a class and went to one on post burn out and how to avoid and recognize if this is happening for you.
In a few minutes I'll return to the conference floor to where leather, leadership and fellowship are awaiting. It's so invigorating to be around so many other people who share a pursuit similar to my own and who appreciate and understand the struggles and issues faced.
One more class today and then off to a MASSIVE play party tonight at TES. Tonight will be where I find myself some time to cut loose and play. Perhaps I'll even wear my new corset and post a photo of how it looks.
more later, off to masturbate and then return to the crowds of people downstairs
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
opening ceremonies & more (of course)
Took the subway to have breakfast with Michele Serchuk and then we headed out over to the East Village for shopping and touring the sights.
Imagine my delight at finding a wonderful leather corset in an extra small that fit me AND looked good on. I found one made by Stormy Leather and had to have here it sits in the hotel room, MINE. It's not often that I buy things for myself so it was even more of a surprise/treat for myself when just a few short hours later I found the most stunning pair of leather 5 inch stilleto heels in black. Had to own them, I really did and trying to not feel guilty, I bought them as well.
Stopped by to see Pet Silvia at Art at Large and had the chance to finally see his gallery which happens to be in the Hells Kitchen Neighborhood. Very amazing space and the art adorning the place is mesmermizing. Spent time visiting and catching up together and then sadly it was time to go. I'm working on a project with Pet and hope to have more to tell you about it in the coming months.
Art @ Large represents all the very best talent in the genre of Underground, Neo-Erotic & Figurative Fine Art.
Their artists are so cutting edge, they bleed. It's an art that excites - art that is alive and diverse. The works exhibited at the gallery are truly the 21st century celebration of the human form, sexuality, and human behavior.
Back to hotel finally for a shower to get NY off of me. Tim was so helpful with my shower, he dried me off afterwards, leaving me feeling pampered. This after he was on his bed doing penis tricks for Bella and I.
Got dressed into some pretty girl clothes and headed downstairs for registration to LLC. Once registered I headed straight in to the main hall to run straight into Jay Wiseman, who I've now hired again to teach for Libido Events. Grabbed chairs for Tim, Bella and I close to the front and proceed to be amazed at the evenings speakers.
Mary Frances Berry blew me out of my seat. Talk about being inspired, this woman is powerful, and a freddom fighter. Mary is former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Dr. Berry has been a persistent advocate for equal rights for over thirty years. In her public service, and as a scholar and activist, she has stood firmly for an end to discrimination based on gender, race and sexual orientation. She is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and currently serves on the board of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation.
After the opening ceremonies and speakers, food was eaten and the real socializing of attendees started. Was invited to a private party in Glenda's room, she's with the NCSF. Certainly couldn't refuse her offer since we've always had such good chemistry together, so off I went and had a blast.
Then off to the hospitality suite to schmooze with the other presenters and guests before making my way back to the room here finally. Now I'm eating cold left overs from last night while sitting naked typing.
Time for me to got to sleep though as I'm teaching at 9:30 tomorrow morning.
FYI - what I've written today is only 30% of what I've actually done and seen.
In case I've not mentioned it in a while, my life is amazing!
Imagine my delight at finding a wonderful leather corset in an extra small that fit me AND looked good on. I found one made by Stormy Leather and had to have here it sits in the hotel room, MINE. It's not often that I buy things for myself so it was even more of a surprise/treat for myself when just a few short hours later I found the most stunning pair of leather 5 inch stilleto heels in black. Had to own them, I really did and trying to not feel guilty, I bought them as well.
Stopped by to see Pet Silvia at Art at Large and had the chance to finally see his gallery which happens to be in the Hells Kitchen Neighborhood. Very amazing space and the art adorning the place is mesmermizing. Spent time visiting and catching up together and then sadly it was time to go. I'm working on a project with Pet and hope to have more to tell you about it in the coming months.
Art @ Large represents all the very best talent in the genre of Underground, Neo-Erotic & Figurative Fine Art.
Their artists are so cutting edge, they bleed. It's an art that excites - art that is alive and diverse. The works exhibited at the gallery are truly the 21st century celebration of the human form, sexuality, and human behavior.
Back to hotel finally for a shower to get NY off of me. Tim was so helpful with my shower, he dried me off afterwards, leaving me feeling pampered. This after he was on his bed doing penis tricks for Bella and I.
Got dressed into some pretty girl clothes and headed downstairs for registration to LLC. Once registered I headed straight in to the main hall to run straight into Jay Wiseman, who I've now hired again to teach for Libido Events. Grabbed chairs for Tim, Bella and I close to the front and proceed to be amazed at the evenings speakers.
Mary Frances Berry blew me out of my seat. Talk about being inspired, this woman is powerful, and a freddom fighter. Mary is former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Dr. Berry has been a persistent advocate for equal rights for over thirty years. In her public service, and as a scholar and activist, she has stood firmly for an end to discrimination based on gender, race and sexual orientation. She is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and currently serves on the board of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation.
After the opening ceremonies and speakers, food was eaten and the real socializing of attendees started. Was invited to a private party in Glenda's room, she's with the NCSF. Certainly couldn't refuse her offer since we've always had such good chemistry together, so off I went and had a blast.
Then off to the hospitality suite to schmooze with the other presenters and guests before making my way back to the room here finally. Now I'm eating cold left overs from last night while sitting naked typing.
Time for me to got to sleep though as I'm teaching at 9:30 tomorrow morning.
FYI - what I've written today is only 30% of what I've actually done and seen.
In case I've not mentioned it in a while, my life is amazing!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
by subway
not a lot of time to type, but here goes...
We had a room upgrade this morning to a deluxe suite (our toilet and shower were both in need of repair in our old room). This means that we are now living in the lap of luxury here at the New Yorker Hotel and our place is big enough for a party. Yippee. Have I mentioned yet that we are right across the street from Madison Square Gardens? Well, we are!
After the room upgrade we headed out to explore more of what NY has to offer using of course the Subway, in fact, the C train. We saw the Statue of Liberty and the memorials for those who died in service. We hired a woman with a bicycle that carries three, to drive us on a stunning and educational tour of Central Park. Had a hot dog from the stand at the gates of the park, laid on the John Lennon memorial in Central Park and saw more history there than I can type at this moment.
Met a police man and had my photo taken with him because he was standing next to a NY cab an eating a hot dog with his police car door open. How stereotypical I thought to myself! I told him how hot he was in his uniform and that I was a proud Canadian resident, hailing from Vancouver, just visiting NY. Then I smiled at him and asked politely if I could touch him. Imagine my surprise when he said yes with a huge smile and allowed my to run my hands over him as he then posed for a photo with Bella and I. Too cool.
Ground Zero was nothing that I feel I have words to describe. The tears just rolled off my face and the heaviness in my chest was overwhelmingly filled with sadness at the sight of such destruction, violence and death. The amount of people who like me are drawn to stand at the gates of ground zero and watch with hope as they rebuild the area, the towers and the lives of all those touched by this tragedy is touching and heartbreaking. No way to even to know who lost a loved one versus whose personal sense of safety in this world was changed. Everyone standing together at the wall of separation between ground zero and the streets all looked at one another the same. Peacefully and with a look of hope. Please oh please, never again.
Had to go, was pulled by a force greater than myself into the church that was refuge to the workers, aid providers and help that came pouring into the financial district. Parish of Trinity Church. Chancel, St. Paul's Chapel. Mesmerizing beauty and peace resides in this place of worship along with an indoor memorial to 9/11.
Cards, letters and gifts adorn the church having been sent as support from people ALL over the world. I prayed on my knees and left humbled by others sacrifices. Displays walk you through all that happened in the days, weeks and months following the terrorist attack so a deeper understanding can happen for those who are seeking to fill in their own blanks. I found many answers there for myself and now have many more questions that only time will answer.
Back to hotel to drop bags, kick off shoes and relax for a short bit. Standing looking out the window of our room at the view of the Empire State Building and the ocean soaking it in when suddenly some hands were roaming my body.
Tim had found the strength to get off the bed and massage me for quite some time while I just absorbed the visuals of the city. Now, Tim and Allena are off having dinner and then going to a play together. My plan is a bath, nap, sushi dinner and then back to Times Square to wander by myself for a while.
Last night when I arrived into Times Square the first thing I did was phone and talk to my daughter. Wish she was here to have share this experience with me, another time....
speaking off time, I should head to the tub and have a soak. No wait! First an orgasm since I did remember to pack my favorite vibrator, some lube and now I've even got privacy. Tried to have a big O yesterday, but with Tim watching me intently and Allena typing on the computer, I was feeling a little to crowded for successful masturbation to orgasm. It was a good time trying though. Wish me luck now as this will be my first NY orgasm.
We had a room upgrade this morning to a deluxe suite (our toilet and shower were both in need of repair in our old room). This means that we are now living in the lap of luxury here at the New Yorker Hotel and our place is big enough for a party. Yippee. Have I mentioned yet that we are right across the street from Madison Square Gardens? Well, we are!
After the room upgrade we headed out to explore more of what NY has to offer using of course the Subway, in fact, the C train. We saw the Statue of Liberty and the memorials for those who died in service. We hired a woman with a bicycle that carries three, to drive us on a stunning and educational tour of Central Park. Had a hot dog from the stand at the gates of the park, laid on the John Lennon memorial in Central Park and saw more history there than I can type at this moment.
Met a police man and had my photo taken with him because he was standing next to a NY cab an eating a hot dog with his police car door open. How stereotypical I thought to myself! I told him how hot he was in his uniform and that I was a proud Canadian resident, hailing from Vancouver, just visiting NY. Then I smiled at him and asked politely if I could touch him. Imagine my surprise when he said yes with a huge smile and allowed my to run my hands over him as he then posed for a photo with Bella and I. Too cool.
Ground Zero was nothing that I feel I have words to describe. The tears just rolled off my face and the heaviness in my chest was overwhelmingly filled with sadness at the sight of such destruction, violence and death. The amount of people who like me are drawn to stand at the gates of ground zero and watch with hope as they rebuild the area, the towers and the lives of all those touched by this tragedy is touching and heartbreaking. No way to even to know who lost a loved one versus whose personal sense of safety in this world was changed. Everyone standing together at the wall of separation between ground zero and the streets all looked at one another the same. Peacefully and with a look of hope. Please oh please, never again.
Had to go, was pulled by a force greater than myself into the church that was refuge to the workers, aid providers and help that came pouring into the financial district. Parish of Trinity Church. Chancel, St. Paul's Chapel. Mesmerizing beauty and peace resides in this place of worship along with an indoor memorial to 9/11.
Cards, letters and gifts adorn the church having been sent as support from people ALL over the world. I prayed on my knees and left humbled by others sacrifices. Displays walk you through all that happened in the days, weeks and months following the terrorist attack so a deeper understanding can happen for those who are seeking to fill in their own blanks. I found many answers there for myself and now have many more questions that only time will answer.
Back to hotel to drop bags, kick off shoes and relax for a short bit. Standing looking out the window of our room at the view of the Empire State Building and the ocean soaking it in when suddenly some hands were roaming my body.
Tim had found the strength to get off the bed and massage me for quite some time while I just absorbed the visuals of the city. Now, Tim and Allena are off having dinner and then going to a play together. My plan is a bath, nap, sushi dinner and then back to Times Square to wander by myself for a while.
Last night when I arrived into Times Square the first thing I did was phone and talk to my daughter. Wish she was here to have share this experience with me, another time....
speaking off time, I should head to the tub and have a soak. No wait! First an orgasm since I did remember to pack my favorite vibrator, some lube and now I've even got privacy. Tried to have a big O yesterday, but with Tim watching me intently and Allena typing on the computer, I was feeling a little to crowded for successful masturbation to orgasm. It was a good time trying though. Wish me luck now as this will be my first NY orgasm.
we're awake
awoke this morning to Tim, Bella and I all in the same bed together. Hmm, it was so nice to have that much love and warmth along side me.
We're heading to Central Park in a few minutes to sit and play cards in the beautiful weather that today is offering & to have a hot dog from the stand at the corner. :) The park is within walking distance and from there we'll be going to the Empire State Building. After the State Building it is off to Ground Zero.
I'm drawn to Ground Zero and feel like I must see it to understand better what really happened here on 9/11. The city is so friendly, it's difficult to believe that such a disaster was brought to these people and this place. My heart aches at the sadness of what's happened.
Did I mention that it snowed here yesterday morning? Well it did! For about 2 hours and then it stopped.
Tim is currently eating a HO HO right now for breakfast. It's obviously time to leave for brekfast.
We're heading to Central Park in a few minutes to sit and play cards in the beautiful weather that today is offering & to have a hot dog from the stand at the corner. :) The park is within walking distance and from there we'll be going to the Empire State Building. After the State Building it is off to Ground Zero.
I'm drawn to Ground Zero and feel like I must see it to understand better what really happened here on 9/11. The city is so friendly, it's difficult to believe that such a disaster was brought to these people and this place. My heart aches at the sadness of what's happened.
Did I mention that it snowed here yesterday morning? Well it did! For about 2 hours and then it stopped.
Tim is currently eating a HO HO right now for breakfast. It's obviously time to leave for brekfast.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
New York I've arrived

ok, so right now the time here in NY is 1:48 in the morning. 3 hours ahead of the west coast and definitely not on my internal time schedule. We took the red eye in NY arriving in to the JFK airport at 6:30 yesterday morning. Wednesday morning that is. We had a town car awaiting us at the airport and our driver brought us to the New Yorker Hotel, which is not only where we are staying this week but also where the conference is.
Our room is on the 34th floor and the Empire State Building is like 4 blocks away and visible forever and a day. After we checked in this morning we dropped our bags and went and walked through the neighborhood to get a feel for it all. It's spectacular here.
After grabbing a quick bite to eat, we came back to the room for a 2 hour nap and then headed straight for the subway. On the train we headed straight to Greenwich Village where we shopped the afternoon away. Back to the hotel to change and drop purchases before heading back out to .....
TIMES SQUARE at 8:30 this evening, once it was dark and since it's only 7 blocks away, the action is just so close and exciting. I am so attracted to lights that I almost had an orgasm as the streets lit up with visuals like nothing I've ever seen before and something that I plan on seeing again before I leave NY
We had a very late dinner at Bubba Gumps, fashioned after the Forest Gump movie and damn did we ever have a fabulous meal and incredible service. The service so good in fact that our server is sitting here right now in our room having a visit with us and filling us in on NY while flirting up a storm.
I am now going to crawl into bed next to Bella, wrap my naked self around her sexy luschious body, find our sweet spot and drift off to a peaceful sleep. (with Tim in the bed next to us)
Night from New York City!
Monday, April 03, 2006
what's in the bags?

and there's still a few more items on my list to be packed up into my suitcase before I head to bed tonight.
In less than 11 hours I will be on my way to New York!
Support comes in many forms. Sometimes words & actions, other times someone's presence and on some occasions support means money.
My being able to attend the Leather Leadership Conference was made possible by the generous financial support of
Citrus O Carpet Cleaning
Little Sisters Book Store
Storm Brewing
I leave in less than 24 hours, hooray! I filled my car with gas for the drive to Seattle and topped up my tires with air already. The trunk is cleaned out, oh yes, I still need to empty out my wallet and just take the necessities for ID.
While I'm so far away my daughter will need some support. Earlier I picked up a couple of "missing you" greeting cards from the store and will fill them in and start mailing them to my daughter today. Then she'll actually get mail from me for most of my time way if I start sending it to her before I leave. Also picked up a few packages of small little scrap booking supplies so they'll fit in the envelopes as a surprise treat for her.
Just got an email from friends; their plan is to attend the Museum of Modern Art this Friday by sliding out of the conference for a quick tour of MOMA. How cool to have friends to attend this legendary place with, I'm just not sure about missing any of the conference. But then rumor has it, that the museum is FREE on Fridays, and that make it look even more enticing.
Some time soon I've got to remember to talk about my friend Casy. She's a distributor for adult toys in N Delta, a good friend of mine, supporter or Libido Events and one hell of a sexy woman. Waving a big hi at you Casy and saying thanks again for your continued support of both Libido Events and myself & activism. You have my thanks & respect. Plus I like knowing that I can have my way with you at any time and that it would make you and your partners happy. [insert evil little laugh here]
Linnea, I'm waving at you babe and saying hello because I'm unable to touch base for a couple of weeks now on the phone. Got your message though and it made me smile, you always do though.
Shantar, let's talk as soon as I return and Hugh I adore you, thank you for the chair support.
My being able to attend the Leather Leadership Conference was made possible by the generous financial support of
Citrus O Carpet Cleaning
Little Sisters Book Store
Storm Brewing
I leave in less than 24 hours, hooray! I filled my car with gas for the drive to Seattle and topped up my tires with air already. The trunk is cleaned out, oh yes, I still need to empty out my wallet and just take the necessities for ID.
While I'm so far away my daughter will need some support. Earlier I picked up a couple of "missing you" greeting cards from the store and will fill them in and start mailing them to my daughter today. Then she'll actually get mail from me for most of my time way if I start sending it to her before I leave. Also picked up a few packages of small little scrap booking supplies so they'll fit in the envelopes as a surprise treat for her.
Just got an email from friends; their plan is to attend the Museum of Modern Art this Friday by sliding out of the conference for a quick tour of MOMA. How cool to have friends to attend this legendary place with, I'm just not sure about missing any of the conference. But then rumor has it, that the museum is FREE on Fridays, and that make it look even more enticing.
Some time soon I've got to remember to talk about my friend Casy. She's a distributor for adult toys in N Delta, a good friend of mine, supporter or Libido Events and one hell of a sexy woman. Waving a big hi at you Casy and saying thanks again for your continued support of both Libido Events and myself & activism. You have my thanks & respect. Plus I like knowing that I can have my way with you at any time and that it would make you and your partners happy. [insert evil little laugh here]
Linnea, I'm waving at you babe and saying hello because I'm unable to touch base for a couple of weeks now on the phone. Got your message though and it made me smile, you always do though.
Shantar, let's talk as soon as I return and Hugh I adore you, thank you for the chair support.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
New York class

Proudly, this is now my third year presenting for LLC and below is my contribution for this year. As a sex activist this is one of the highlights of my year and also the one event where I'm most humbled to be amongst such legendary people, some of whom have even helped shaped me in to who I am today.
Catching up though with everyone is an exhausting event in of itself, never mind the workshop and the poster session I've signed Libido Events up for.
Session I
Leadership as Service
Our community is one of strong egos and opinions and many people who claim to be leaders. It is our opinion that the best leaders come from a place of service. We will attempt to answer the following questions. What is Service? For that matter, what is Leadership? What does it entail? Does it mean that you have to bottoming to the community and those who you lead? Please come prepared for discussion and dialogue.
Allena, Jennifer Skrukwa, Marie Gagnon
shoe whore
On Tuesday I leave. I'm so excited to be heading to New York City for the first time in my life and to be sharing the experience with Bella.
Started my packing my bags two days ago as there is that much that needs planned for in the way of clothes and SHOES.
Oh my, am I ever a shoe whore. I'm taking 5 pair of heels, two pairs of boots and a pair of sneakers! Fabulous choices I made in the footwear department after figuring out what clothes I was going to be needing to coordinate them to. What an ordeal to gather all the outfits necessary for this 6 day long excursion. Romping around my room half naked trying clothes on, then discarding them back to my closet or folding them into my suitcase to become my wardrobe while away.
Still more packing to happen and a few things left to pick up from a store, then I'll be ready to fly away. In the mean time, I must finish completing work projects on my computer and spending plenty of quality time with my daughter before she heads to her dads over this time.
Today my mom and step father were over visiting for a few hours, which was a really delightful change. Usually we only see them when we go to their place, so it's a big treat to have had them here. Once they left I realized that the new anatomically correct penis and vagina models I have were on proud display on top of a shelf in their line of sight.
Bacon, eggs and hashbrowns at 3:00 this afternoon for my daughter and I and now that Shaw spent part of today working on my internet, I'm happily back on line after sporadic connectivity for the past few days. The joys of internet. yuck
Started my packing my bags two days ago as there is that much that needs planned for in the way of clothes and SHOES.
Oh my, am I ever a shoe whore. I'm taking 5 pair of heels, two pairs of boots and a pair of sneakers! Fabulous choices I made in the footwear department after figuring out what clothes I was going to be needing to coordinate them to. What an ordeal to gather all the outfits necessary for this 6 day long excursion. Romping around my room half naked trying clothes on, then discarding them back to my closet or folding them into my suitcase to become my wardrobe while away.
Still more packing to happen and a few things left to pick up from a store, then I'll be ready to fly away. In the mean time, I must finish completing work projects on my computer and spending plenty of quality time with my daughter before she heads to her dads over this time.
Today my mom and step father were over visiting for a few hours, which was a really delightful change. Usually we only see them when we go to their place, so it's a big treat to have had them here. Once they left I realized that the new anatomically correct penis and vagina models I have were on proud display on top of a shelf in their line of sight.
Bacon, eggs and hashbrowns at 3:00 this afternoon for my daughter and I and now that Shaw spent part of today working on my internet, I'm happily back on line after sporadic connectivity for the past few days. The joys of internet. yuck
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