Monday, April 03, 2006


Support comes in many forms. Sometimes words & actions, other times someone's presence and on some occasions support means money.

My being able to attend the Leather Leadership Conference was made possible by the generous financial support of

Citrus O Carpet Cleaning

Little Sisters Book Store
Storm Brewing

I leave in less than 24 hours, hooray! I filled my car with gas for the drive to Seattle and topped up my tires with air already. The trunk is cleaned out, oh yes, I still need to empty out my wallet and just take the necessities for ID.

While I'm so far away my daughter will need some support. Earlier I picked up a couple of "missing you" greeting cards from the store and will fill them in and start mailing them to my daughter today. Then she'll actually get mail from me for most of my time way if I start sending it to her before I leave. Also picked up a few packages of small little scrap booking supplies so they'll fit in the envelopes as a surprise treat for her.

Just got an email from friends; their plan is to attend the Museum of Modern Art this Friday by sliding out of the conference for a quick tour of MOMA. How cool to have friends to attend this legendary place with, I'm just not sure about missing any of the conference. But then rumor has it, that the museum is FREE on Fridays, and that make it look even more enticing.

Some time soon I've got to remember to talk about my friend Casy. She's a distributor for adult toys in N Delta, a good friend of mine, supporter or Libido Events and one hell of a sexy woman. Waving a big hi at you Casy and saying thanks again for your continued support of both Libido Events and myself & activism. You have my thanks & respect. Plus I like knowing that I can have my way with you at any time and that it would make you and your partners happy. [insert evil little laugh here]

Linnea, I'm waving at you babe and saying hello because I'm unable to touch base for a couple of weeks now on the phone. Got your message though and it made me smile, you always do though.

Shantar, let's talk as soon as I return and Hugh I adore you, thank you for the chair support.