Friday, December 09, 2011
Thursday Highlights
In the evening I headed to the Lounge to see a coaching client and then Deviant Dining, a great group gathered to eat and to laugh their asses off. The odd humor we shared last night is partly what made the event so wonderful indeed.
After dinner and late now, at 9, my friend Marilyn packed me into her car and drove me into the city for the grand opening of a new adult store. We arrived to Sweet around 9:30 and it was packed with people eating, drinking and making purchases from the new place. While there we ran into a fantastic bunch of people that we both know so we hung out with them and plotted future kinky encounters.
With luck obviously on my side, I won a huge gift basket as well and even managed to buy a swanky new pair of panties from their new line of clothing the store is carrying thanks to my pal being their buyer.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Sexy Acronym
Unknowing what that acronym stood for, I just had to inquire.
KVBW is short for Kinky Versatile Bi Woman
And that my friends was news to me.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Participants Needed!
Sex Educator Jamye Waxman, M.Ed and History and Women’s Studies Professor Hugo Schwyzer, PhD are conducting a short, anonymous survey on online pornography and its impact on women’s masturbation habits.
The survey will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete, and will be the initial part of what they hope will be a larger study. The answers obtained from this survey will help them determine where to take their research and which aspects to focus on (e.g. body image, self-pleasure, etc.).
To take the survey click here.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Glitter In The Air a NYE to Remember
9 PM - 1:30 AM
COST: listed below
Put on your red shoes and come celebrate the end of 2011 with a bang. Ring in the New Year with a sizzle. Enjoy a saucy evening of sexy party games and just plain old sex games. Our human dessert platter is back and filled with delicious treats all night long, perhaps while watching our provocative slide show. Bring your toys, bring your party hats, be an exhibitionist or be a voyeur. Just be ready to experience a night of glitter, glitz and glamor like no other. Tickets are limited, so book now and guarantee you don't miss out.
(this event does not have alcohol EXCEPT for a toast drink at midnight and we are a smoke free facility)
Ticket Prices
December 1- 15
members: $40
non members: $50
December 16 - 31
members: $45
non members: $60
Life Time Members $15
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Liberator Products Sale
Happy Holidays from me to you. Go shopping with this sweet deal...
25% off Entire Site - Enter gift code “JIVE49” when you checkout.
Liberator Website
Monday, November 21, 2011
and life continues on
So let's bring you up to speed on where life has taken me, I'll keep it brief and just hit the high points. Then as I start to blog again more often, you'll have some frame of reference for things.
Currently I have a head and chest cold and Jason is over due for his post vasectomy cum in a cup appointment.
Last month I turned 39 years old and celebrated with a trip to Las Vegas. While in Vegas, Jason and I finally were married, it was all previously planned and we even did it live on the internet. The ceremony was progressive and exactly what we wanted it to be for us. Want to watch it, write me and I'll send you the link.
The end of this month Pickle will be two, its rather remarkable how fast he is growing up. My daughter will be eighteen soon and the difference between raising them both is just night and day.
The Lounge turned four this month already, it's kinda crazy. Over 2000 members at this point, this next year is a time of great change for my professionally.
My relationships continue strong and steady. Allena's cancer has been kicked and she made the decision to forgo augmentation and during it all she met someone super special to her. Amy remains a spit fire and so not one to fit into a label and the rest of the tribe are quite seriously more of a handful than I am.
Ben makes me laugh and reminds me to give myself a break now and again, I admire his outlook on life. Marilyn is the friend I wish I had twenty years ago, she has wisdom that I cherish. Sheryl shows me that one woman is capable of so much on her own. Victoria's struggles are an obvious reminder to me to take the time to listen to others, she is a source of strength. Judy is proof that regardless of age, love and a reshaping of ones life is always possible. Lisa has shown me a steady relationship of friendship based on respect. Clive hears me and always has the time, his family values are admirable and his advice is sound.
My health has been on a slow climb out of the depths of hell thankfully, but not without much suffering, piles of money spent on drugs and a lot of medical professionals helping me. To be fair, Jason carried me through the worst of it, and when he was unable to do it any longer, the hospital was there for me to be admitted to.
We did a complete remodel on the outside of our home as well and the renovation process was enough to make me feel like running away. But it's done now and damn, does it ever look fantastic. Both Jason and the companies we hired did a way better job than I ever could have hope for.
My Taboo Sex Show touring schedule for 2011 - 2012 started last week with a four day teaching gig in Calgary. Later this week, I head off to Edmonton to do it all over again, then no more shows till January with Taboo.
It has been a time of great introspection for me these past few months, I feel as though I am coming out of a fog. The rat race had kept me busy for so long, that slowing long enough to check in with me and take care of my family and priorities was just suddenly a must do item for me.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Weight Loss Linked To Increased Sexual Function in Men
By now you would think we would have figured out that everything in the body is connected. Being healthy in one way, physically, mentally or emotionally, can often have unexpected effects on other parts of the body. By going on diets and trying to lose weight these men experienced the expected results of weight lose and easier management of their diabetes symptoms, but also got the more unexpected result of improved sexual function. Even a small weight decrease led to rapid sexual improvement. This shows that men who experience erectile dysfunction do not necessarily need to rush out to buy drugs and pills to improve their sex lives. Making a lifestyle change can be just as effective and can improve other health issues.
There are many reasons for people to lose weight, whether it is to become more healthy or to fit into one’s bathing suit. Some of these reasons are much more trivial than others; I’m sure most of us could discuss body image and weight for hours. Regardless of one’s reason for losing weight, this research shows that the relationship between weight and sexual function is more complicated than we had assumed.
Read more here in Science Daily
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Vancouver Queer Film Festival - 23rd Annual
The GLBA is a proud to support the 23rd Vancouver Queer Film Festival. Check out The Wise Kids on August 20, 9:00pm at Empire Granville 7 Cinemas.
In a Baptist church community in Charleston, South Carolina, three teenage friends contemplate the next stage of life. The Wise Kids surpasses the typical standards of the coming-of-age genre; this film is neither cute nor precious. Instead the young protagonists transport us to a world of rare authenticity, depth and compassion.
There's Brea, an introspective pastor's daughter experiencing debilitating doubt; the hyperactive Laura, Brea's best friend and a devout believer; and Tim, the open-hearted son of a single father, confronting his homosexuality for the first time. Weaving comedy, drama and gentle-handed philosophy, The Wise Kids premiered at Outfest this July and took home two Juried awards: Best Screenplay and Best US Dramatic Feature.
"During my teenage years I also began grappling with faith and doubt and sexuality," director Steven Cone (the son of a Baptist minister himself) told The Advocate. "I know that there are millions of church youth out there right now, just trying to find their own way, this led me to make The Wise Kids."
For tickets, previews and more, visit our website.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
she's always at my side ...
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Bondage Classes & Dungeon Party - June 2011
Max of Seattle is returning to the Lounge to teach another four intoxicating bondage classes and to be our guest of honor for our June Dungeon Players Party. Max's classes have a price increase at the end of this month and his classes are all pre sale tickets only, to save yourself money and to ensure you make the guest list, you'll want to write me for ticketing information ASAP. Information on each class, what to expect and what to bring can be found by reading further along for the event descriptions.
Max's last round of classes at the Lounge were all 2 hours and due to their popularity, this time round all of his classes are 2.5 hours long, giving you even more skill set development time with this guru. Come alone or be partnered up, it will all work out.
Max's classes are:
1. High Security Rope Bondage
2. Bondage For Sex
3. Bondage 201
4. Mean Rope for Sadists and Masochists along with an evening party
5. Plus, an evening play party "Dungeon Players"
Max of Seattle at Libido Lounge
Saturday, June 18, 2011
1:00 PM to 03:30 PM
where: Libido Lounge
address: members have our address, non members can email for it map
cost: $30 members, $35 non members / June 1 price increases by $5 for each class
dress code: no dress code - comfortable clothing advised
Reservations and prepayment are mandatory, no tickets will be sold on the day of the event. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable.
Questions, Payment, Reservations:
Ever had someone "escape" from your bondage? Have you ever managed to get away - or not get away - from someone else's bondage? Whatever your orientation, bondage is all about escape, and this workshop focuses on playing with that "escape energy".
If you're a rope top, you'll learn - and see - a wealth of techniques you can use to make your bondage more secure. If you're an aspiring escapee, you'll get a chance to add to your "tools and tricks" repertoire. And if you just want a good show, come watch us pit those two skills against each other.
Most of our time will be spent using people from the audience to demonstrate ways to make rope bondage more escape-proof.
Bottoms will have an opportunity to wriggle their way out while we analyze their technique. We may have opportunities for tops to test their mettle too. And there's a handout you can use as a reminder when you're practicing at home.
Since the class will be structured as a demo, there's no need to have a practice partner, to bring rope or to have any prerequisite skills. If you're interested, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to participate. If you'd rather just watch, there will be plenty of entertainment. Rope Bottoms - this is a great chance to get tied up and to showcase your escape skills.
As always, the emphasis is on learning and having fun.
This workshop is appropriate for all skill levels and all genders / orientations.
Max of Seattle at Libido Lounge
Saturday, June 18, 2011
4:00 PM to 06:30 PM
where: Libido Lounge
address: members have our address, non members can email for it map
cost: $30 members, $35 non members / June 1 price increases by $5 for each class
dress code: no dress code - comfortable clothing advised
Reservations and prepayment are mandatory, no tickets will be sold on the day of the event. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable.
Questions, Payment, Reservations:
Bondage for sex isn't as simple as you might think. It's easy to make mistakes - resulting in a perfectly nice bondage scene and no ready way to make the sex part work. We'll help you avoid this frustrating experience.
This workshop will get us right into the "what is sex" debate, and we'll be using a pretty liberal definition. Rest assured that we're NOT limiting the workshop to boy-girl penis-vagina sex here. As with all of Max's workshops this workshop is appropriate for all genders and orientations.
Topics to be covered include general considerations, a few useful knots and a variety of interesting positions.
We'll have instruction. We'll have demos. And yes - we'll have plenty of hands-on practice. Sorry - the demos and practice won't include actual sex -you'll have to stay for the party to practice the sex part.
Much of the class will consist of hands-on exercises so you'll have plenty of time to practice and enjoy what you've learned. And, as always, the handout distributed at the workshop will help you when you practice at home
If you can, come with a practice partner. If you don't have a partner, come anyway and we'll make sure you get a chance to practice the basic techniques. Rope Bottoms - this is your chance to meet some rope tops - come learn and get tied up!
Some rope will be provided for the workshop, but bring the following if you can
• (4) 10-foot pieces of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
• (2) 30-foot piece of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
This workshop assumes no previous bondage experience, and is appropriate for all genders and orientations.
Max of Seattle at Libido Lounge
Sunday, June 19, 2011
1:00 PM to 03:30 PM
where: Libido Lounge
address: members have our address, non members can email for it map
cost: $30 members, $35 non members / June 1 price increases by $5 for each class
dress code: no dress code - comfortable clothing advised
Reservations and prepayment are mandatory, no tickets will be sold on the day of the event. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable.
Questions, Payment, Reservations:
Many of us like rope bondage because it's pretty, sensual and intimate. Tops often like demonstrating their technical skills and bottoms often enjoy the firm, snug caress of the rope.
And some of us like being mean with our bondage - or like being tied up in mean ways.
Come learn more about using rope to produce powerful scenes and intense sensation.
We'll cover motivation, technique, safety and some style elements which complement this type of play.
Most of our time will be spent on demonstrations and discussion but there will be a few opportunities for hands-on practice.
If you're a top and part of your kinky repertoire is SM-based, you'll want to see how you can use rope to facilitate your scenes.
If you're a bottom and you crave the intensity of physically demanding scenes, you won't want to miss these demonstrations and discussions. You'll have opportunities to add to your skill set and mingle with a bunch of mean tops. And - Max will be looking for demo bottoms during the workshop.
A practice partner will be useful for the hands-on portions of the workshop but you'll also get lots out of this workshop if you come alone.
As with all of Max's workshops, there's a handout you can use as a memory aid when you're practicing at home.
Please bring two 30’ lengths of 6mm or 8mm rope and a few 15' lengths of 4mm if you can.
This workshop is appropriate for all skill levels and all genders / orientations. The emphasis is on learning and having fun.
Max of Seattle at Libido Lounge
Sunday, June 19, 2011
4:00 PM to 06:30 PM
where: Libido Lounge
address: members have our address, non members can email for it map
cost: $30 members, $35 non members / June 1 price increases by $5 for each class
dress code: no dress code - comfortable clothing advised
Reservations and prepayment are mandatory, no tickets will be sold on the day of the event. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable.
Questions, Payment, Reservations:
So – you've learned the "fundamentals" and now you're ready for more.
This workshop helps you get to the next level by addressing the subtler topics which are applicable to most rope bondage scenes.
We'll talk about rope – types, diameters, strength – and we'll have plenty of rope on-hand to feel and evaluate.
We'll talk about resources for rope bondage – where to find rope, hardware, and information.
We'll talk about knots, and we'll practice some of the basic knots you'll use in your bondage scenes.
We'll talk about bondage positions - for fun, for pleasure, for pain, for sex, and for aesthetics.
And we'll talk about the "soft" parts of a bondage scene – things like rhythm, pace, connection, and showmanship. These are the things they never tell you in the books or on the web.
Much of the class will consist of hands-on exercises to help you get familiar with the material in a friendly, low-pressure environment. The emphasis is on learning, having fun, and building confidence.
If you can, come with a practice partner. If you don't have a partner, come anyway and we'll make sure you get a chance to practice the basic techniques. Rope Bottoms - this is your chance to meet some rope tops - come learn and get tied up!
Some rope will be provided for the workshop, but bring the following if you can
• (2) 10-foot pieces of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
• (3) 30-foot piece of 5/16" (8mm) or 3/8"
This workshop assumes no previous bondage experience, and is appropriate for all genders and orientations.
5. DUNGEON PLAYERS PARTY, Saturday June 18
“with guest of honor, Max"
Saturday, June 18, 2011
9:00 PM to 01:00 AM
where: Libido Lounge
address: members have our address, non members can email for it
cost: $30 members, $35 non members / $25 if attending all 4 classes
dress code: risque, fetish, kinky, fetish, lingerie, leather - no street wear, no jeans
Libido Lounge is pleased to present our June Dungeon Party featuring Max from Seattle as our guest of honor.
Seeing as Max is presenting FOUR bondage classes over the weekend, we just knew all our guests would welcome the chance to party alongside him, send in your reservations and payment now.
Come take part, we welcome you.
SATURDAY JUNE 18, 9 pm - 1 am
Members $30 / Member Couples $50 / Guest $35
Please note that you must also have your $25 cash renewal cost on you if your member number is PRE 850. And your renewal is good for 12 months.
Dungeon Players is a Naughty party with darker tenor. Of course everything you expect and are used to will be there -- the suspension rack, spankers, gyno table, red rocket, set of stocks, cage, sex machines, bondage table, A-frame and bondage chair -- but there'll also be an area set aside for needle play, and there may be a few surprises.
Spankings, Bondage, Floggings, Needle Play, D/s, a plethora of styles of play.
Wear your leathers, bring your slave or your top; come meet someone new or play with someone different -- either way you'll have an evening to remember.
Snacks and beverages are included in your ticket price.
Dress code: You MUST make an effort to dress up. No street clothes, no business suits, no blue jeans, no running shoes, no athletic wear, no camouflage pants, no flannel robes, no sunglasses, and no face masks. Bar/Dancing clothing is not acceptable.
This party is open to men and women, couples and singles. Any type of sex is of course permitted at this event.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Breasts Hand Painted
Exploratorium is always a blast, it is the Lounges kinky carnival. This month we had a couple of new booths that turned out really well. And we changed up how the event runs too and things turned out great. Seeing as I have been under the weather, the team of people running everything has done so splendidly and without incident. I am proud to be considered a friend to such wonderful caring people who surround me both at home and at work as volunteers and as confidants.
The new booth Sharp Pointy Things, Knives & Claws was received with glowing praise by those who submitted on a gynecological table to the woman running the booth's evil ways.
And the body painting booth, was a perfect new addition. Wonderful woman, sexy as all hell, flirtatious, and a killer attitude and she paints, on anything, skin included. This is the art work that Eiralyn did on me and the evil woman's chests.

Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Libido Lounge Event Reviews
I suppose the possibility of being posted on her blog was more than my inner exhibitionist could resist.
Yet, at this moment my only thought is why the fuck did I agree? Experiencing a new level of open communication (and great sex with your spouse) is one thing, trying to actually write it down is something else…
New Member Orientation:
Saying we would attend was easy. Making the reservation with Jennifer was easy. Driving to the Libido Lounge was a breeze. Getting out of the car was incredibly difficult… "Shit, what are we doing..." "Maybe we’re early and should just circle the block one more time..." "Who's idea was this again?" "Your perfume is too strong my nose is already burning, need some air…"
Yet, as we approached the front door the most extroverted and charismatic lady I've ever met in my life (that’d be Jennifer) whisked us inside with hugs and encouragement to the point where it felt a bit like the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The New Members Orientation talk itself was exactly as one would imagine a “first conversation” might be. On the other hand Jennifer is beyond words – OK perhaps I just don't have the finesse of vocabulary required to properly describe this incredible lady. That feat would require the tongue {and mind} of a renaissance writer.
We found the Orientation Meeting really turned into a conduit for my spouse (of 10 years) and I to quite literally blow the door WIDE OPEN on communication. It started in the car and carried on for days after we got home, maybe even a full week... "You'd really like to try that?" "I never knew - right now?" "In that position - where…" "Are you sure you're OK with that?" "Yes please." Wow.
Sensual Massage:
I’ve never been really comfortable with my body, especially in public, but this time I was armed with some sexy new underwear (both the store clerk and my spouse had privately assured me it was sexy, hmmm). Just to make it that much more difficult on myself; I can’t remember actually having been massaged in my life. It’s just not something that I’d ever looked for.
This time it was different. This time it was about opening up my mind, about stepping outside of the comfort zone, getting rid of the usual boundaries in a positive and liberating way. At work I can force myself and introduce my way into groups of strangers, it’s part of my job – but oh, gosh, golly, gee in my underwear – really?
Once at the Libido Lounge someone ever so politely suggested I might want get a soft drink – “Oh, they’re in the fridge”. OK, thanks. Introductions were made and as with the gentle yet firm transition from winter to spring, it became so clear that everyone was very “comfortable in their own skin”. Not in an overconfident kind of way, in fact the environment felt warm and welcoming, so cordial, very polite, very normal people with the ever-present tantalizing knowledge of the touch that was to come… Then there was organization, people, tables, towels, oils, “Who’s first?” Me, um well OK… Followed by the heavenly sensation of blissful touches which absolutely consumed me…. and I was converted for life.
Through a fog of sensation I hear the words, “Look up.” Pardon? I open my eyes to find I’m surrounded by 6 gorgeous breasts, nipples, rings, smiles…. it was not mandatory, it was not asked for, it was a gift freely given by 3 charming ladies and hopefully as graciously received (although I was probably dazed and drooling by this point) Told to close my mouth as my face was smothered... Queen’s lyrics drifting through my mind – is this the real world, or is this just fantasy…
There was a change, now it’s somebody else’s turn. More oil –the tension of anticipation. To touch the person you love with other people, and to touch others along with the one you love - to share, to enjoy, to see a loved one and other people all experiencing pure happiness by touch alone is truly a divine gift.
I’d never experienced anything like this in my life. Participating with a loved one just made it Oh, so much better. The confidence, the intimacy, the trust, the naked truth of others was truly incredible. Food for the soul.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
BDSM Class
To keep everyone happy and to continue meeting the demand, Jonn and I have opened a second Whip Like A Pro class on the same day for the over-flow of people wanting to take part.
Class # 2 is from 4:30 - 6:30. Tickets are $25 for Lounge members still and $30 for guests, if you want to take part in this class, you'll need to write me for ticketing information.
Currently, five of the 21 seats in class #2 are sold and I suspect the rest will go with rapid speed as well.
So, get yours now!
Monday, April 18, 2011
BDSM Party Vancouver
Dungeon Players
Saturday April 23, 9 pm - 1 am
Members $30 / Member Couples $50 / Guest $35
Dungeon Players is a Naughty party with darker tenor. Of course everything you expect and are used to will be there -- the suspension rack, spankers, gyno table, red rocket, set of stocks, cage, sex machines, bondage table, A-frame and bondage chair -- but there'll also be an area set aside for needle play, and there may be a few surprises.
Spankings, Bondage, Floggings, Needle Play, D/s, a plethora of styles of play.
Wear your leathers, bring your slave or your top; come meet someone new or play with someone different -- either way you'll have an evening to remember.
Snacks and beverages are included in your ticket price.
Dress code: You MUST make an effort to dress up. No street clothes, no business suits, no blue jeans, no running shoes, no athletic wear, no camouflage pants, no flannel robes, no sunglasses, and no face masks. Bar/Dancing clothing is not acceptable.
This party is open to men and women, couples and singles. Any type of sex is of course permitted at this event.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
SLUT Walk Vancouver
Time: TBA
Place: TBA (downtown Vancouver)
Cost: Free
What To Wear: Slutty, Sexy, Kinky, Provocative, JUST BE YOU ....
Bring: Friends & Signage
Follow us on Twitter @SlutWalkVan.
Email us at
Event route and the exact time is not yet set. I will announce here those details as soon as I hear word.
This an everyone-welcome kind of event.
We, as Vancouverite's are uniting with SlutWalk Toronto to move against intolerance and towards education.
This is cross-posted from SlutWalk Toronto:
On January 24th, 2011, a representative of the Toronto Police gave shocking insight into the Force’s view of sexual assault by stating: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”.
As the city’s major protective service, the Toronto Police have perpetuated the myth and stereotype of ‘the slut’, and in doing so have failed us. With sexual assault already a significantly under-reported crime, survivors have now been given even less of a reason to go to the Police, for fear that they could be blamed. Being assaulted isn’t about what you wear; it’s not even about sex; but using a pejorative term to rationalize inexcusable behavior creates an environment in which it’s okay to blame the victim.
Historically, the term ‘slut’ has carried a predominantly negative connotation. Aimed at those who are sexually promiscuous, be it for work or pleasure, it has primarily been women who have suffered under the burden of this label. And whether dished out as a serious indictment of one’s character or merely as a flippant insult, the intent behind the word is always to wound, so we’re taking it back. “Slut” is being re-appropriated.
We are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result. Being in charge of our sexual lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work. No one should equate enjoying sex with attracting sexual assault.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Whip Class Vancouver
Saturday May 14, 7 - 9 PM
Tickets $25 member / $30 guest
Reservations & Tickets:
Whip Like A Pro In The Dungeon - 2 Hours
no experience necessary
This is a "Hands on Workshop" presented by Jonn Ireland, Whip Master of Seattle.
Bring your whips, if you have them, otherwise we have many to loan or sell. Participants will learn and practice the various techniques outlined.
You will learn to use a Bullwhip for wraps and hard strikes to add spice to your Scene, several different ways to throw a Signal or Snake Whip, different and unusual areas to strike the body, positions to use in a Scene when you do not have a rack or a cross, techniques for limited space (like a bedroom), bondage and whips and "trance whipping". There will be a demonstration of double handed, matched whip work.
Whip techniques can vary from light wraps brushing skin with the whip tips, to using the whip tip for cracks off and then on the skin, each one producing different effects on the bottom and being used in different places as the Scene progresses. The Scene can vary in intensity from gentle stroking, to fiery rain and progress into painful, red welted stripes, depending on the intent and skill of the Top and the interests and limits of the bottom.
Each technique will be demonstrated on my submissive so that everyone may be able to see how particular skills are applied in a Scene and used directly on a live body.
Time allotment is one hour Lecture/Demonstration and one full hour of Group Practice. Those without a whip, will be able to borrow one for the workshops interactive portion Further, multiple Highlander Whips will be available for sale.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Feedback from New Members
Hi Jennifer,
We would like to register us both for XXXXX on XX April XX and the Bare All Bowling on May 7th.
We'd also like to schedule a 2 hour private education session with you. The goal is to enhance our relationship & learn some techniques so that we're not complete newbies/virgins at a group event or with a new partner(s). Something about oral sex techniques, sensual play, female masturbation, a bit about group etiquette/negotiating if there's time. Still just a bit shy to attend a "Jack & Jill". Our idea might be a discussion in a private place but we are certainly open to your suggestions as to what works best.
Wanted to send you a heartfelt Thank You. Your discussion during the orientation was so enthusiastic and positive it was a catalyst for both Hanna and I. In the past few days we've had the most open, honest, real communication we've EVER had in almost 11 years of being married.
And Priape - Yes, wow, I went there after work and the guys were fantastic and helpful.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Naked Bowling Vancouver
Libido Events Proudly Presents...
Bare All Bowling
“naked, glow in the dark, liquor licensed”
General info
date: | Saturday, May 07, 2011 |
time: | 09:00 PM - 12:30 AM |
where: | Private Rental of a Bowling Alley |
address: | exact address given to paid attendees |
cost: | $35 LL member / $40 guest / LL Life Time $10 |
dress code: | Naked, or next to naked. Pants not permitted |
Libido Events is pleased to present a most unusual night of depravity.
Naked bowling, or next to naked. Skin, we want to see as much of your skin as possible.
A scantily clad evening of naked bowling, rocking dance tunes, club lighting and a ticketed bar.
Yummy finger foods, snacks and refreshing water are provided in your ticket price.
Your bowling shoes cost is included in your ticket price.
Alcohol may be purchased from our private bar and our HANDSOME & HOT bartender!
Plus you'll receive 1 free ticket to the Bag Of Swag available to be won! Additional tickets can be purchased to ensure you win the booty.
On site body decorating / painting by a couple of most creative and artistic deviants -- come, be adorned.
This event is open to Lounge member and non Lounge members.
No tickets to be sold on the day of the event.
Tickets, limited in quantity, get yours now!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Men's Sexy Clothing Vancouver

Monday, April 04, 2011
Abduction Vancouver
I awoke this morning to said photo and a note that said "The shoes are safe for now."
Thus far, my shoes have been kidnapped, assaulted, bound in rope, electrified, pallet wrapped and now threatened with vibration.
I'm not sure if I should pay the ransom .... or not, and see where this sexy scene ends up.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Vancouver Virgin
Last night we hosted VIRGIN at the Lounge, our quarterly event for our shy and newer members. The night did not disappoint, there was plenty of action everywhere I looked.
The group took a short while to gel together, but then they did and wow, the connections just sparked and things started to happen for people.
Cherries were popped, and new experiences were had by virtually everyone there.
I invited along some of my more gracious friends and they came out to initiate the newer ones amongst us to naughtiness. It was so much fun to be a part of. The games I chose were all a hit and many pleasures were enjoyed.
We had a few people as no shows at that is frowned upon, I'll be emailing those individuals today with my disappointment, a cancellation note is always polite and appreciated.
Before I was even home in the wee hours of the morning, the first people whom had left the party, were already writing me to express gratitude and joy over the wonderful night at the Lounge. Set a smile to my face and warmed my heart with the endearing praise, before I headed to bed.
The Party Etiquette class before Virgin was also a great success and all but one of the people in the class stayed on for the party too. Empowering attendees with the tools and skills necessary to succeed at parties is something I am most passionate about and it shines.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Danier Leather
It's funny for a commercial. If it were real life, this would certainly be mean spirited. But as a commercial and a commercial focused on leather, I found it to be intoxicating and amusing all at once.
Check this out, and yes, it is completely work safe too.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Army & Navy Show Sale 2011
Mark your calendars now, book time off of work and start saving your money.
Arrive early, really early. Bring your own bags to pack your purchases in. Wear flat shoes and comfy clothing.
It's the Army and Navy Annual Shoe Sale.
The prices are ridiculously cheap for designer names on all women 's footwear.
It starts Wednesday April 27th.
If you want to come shopping with me, drop me an email, it would be fun to go with a posse of women.
As my Jason knows, I suck dick for shoes. So the next three weeks leading up to the sale are going to be filled with lots of blow jobs.
I'll be there, with lots of money in hand (thanks Jason) and a serious desire to buy shoes.
And for the record, if you want new shoes, you can't blow Jason for the dough. Instead, you are responsible for blowing your own man as my guy will be kinda chafed, and broke.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Virgin Vancouver
Cost $30 / guests $35 (non members must pre pay)
Open to men, women, couples and singles
Please note that you must also have your $25 cash renewal cost on you if your member number is PRE 825. And your renewal is good for 12 months.
Virgin: adjective without experience of; not previously exposed to:
You may be shy and uncertain.
You may feel hesitant and apprehensive.
You might have never been to a play party before
You may have never even been to the Lounge before.
Perhaps your first time didn't do it for you and you want a “do over”.
You are not sure what to do once you arrive.
You don’t know what on earth to wear.
You want an environment that doesn’t feel rushed or seem to have a theme or ulterior motive.
This may be your first time stepping out to an event or perhaps you've been to a few events in the past, yet still feel new. Come to Virgin, Libido Lounge’s newest event for the newest among us. A place to dip a toe into the waters of sex culture, to have thoughtful conversations and learn about the infinite possibilities of sensuality and kink in your life.
We have invited some of our more experienced members to attend and mingle. They will be dressed as they would for any play party. Talk to them about what to wear, or where they purchased what they have on. They are great people to talk to about different events you may be interested in, or if you dare, tell them what about fantasy. Ask the experienced members your burning questions and follow their lead.
You can wear anything that makes you feel sexy, it can be outrageous or your simplest lingerie. No blue jeans, no business attire please. We want you to feel like you’re out for an evening, not as though you’ve just come from work.
There will be plenty of spaces set up for cozy conversations, intimate areas for making out if you feel bold and a tucked out of the way place for full on whatever you wish. Go for it, dare to frolic and make your wildest dreams come true.
You will find snacks and appetizers on the dining room table. There will be on site (at an additional cost) massage for those who need some help unwinding or just wish to be touched so purposefully.
We ask everyone to arrive before 9:30 PM so that you have plenty of time to mingle and talk with everyone, before the more adventurous take off to play.
Non members must pre pay for their tickets
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Community Activism
Volunteer Now with Pride!
It’s not too early to register and become a volunteer for Pride this summer.
Are you looking to meet new people?
Would you like to have a great time and be a part of the biggest LGBTTQ event in Vancouver?
Pride's Volunteer program offers opportunities for everyone. We’ll give you a t-shirt, food and drinks, and even throw an appreciation party just for you!
Sign up online.
~~ The Vancouver Pride Society Team
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pornography vs Art
Uncle_M does not like it when I say he is a pornographer. He says he is a pleasure artist, not a pornographer.
Uncle_M believes that since his models are clothed, that his work is then not pornographic.
Uncle _M was on BC Ferries yesterday and he sent me this message
"I'm on the ferry coming back from Victoria and hooked into the wifi on the boat. Did you know that is blocked as being a porn site while pinup bondage is not? Even the government classifies my stuff as art."
I can just imagine his extreme glee at discovering his website as being viewed as artistic, rather than pornographic. He's never going to let me forget this either.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Women Of Color Wanted
Your beauty does not belong to you. It is a gift that should be shared and shared generously to enrich your fellow human beings, in whatever forms your splendor manifests itself. - Ricardo Scipio, 2010
I am a world-class photographer working on my third book of tasteful fine art nudes.
Goddesses are wanted for this project. Can be any age, race and body type.
Must be willing to be tastefully photographed nude.
Please reply with a recent photograph of your face.
Examples of the work and newspaper reviews will be provided.
Serious inquiries only, please.
Ricardo Scipio ~ photographer
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tackled by Women
An American woman (who is also a Lounge member) came to Taboo and took a couple of my classes this past weekend. She wrote about being in class and posted her experiences on her own blog.
Check out what the Lesbo has to say about my Masterful Cock Sucking and Wild Sex classes ....
That same Lesbo and another sexy Lounge member M, saw me lay on the stage after class complaining about cramps and exhaustion. The two jumped me, climbed on my person and furiously started to massage my body in an attempt to make me feel better. Though my body still felt like shit, my mood greatly improved after their womanly ministrations - who wouldn't feel awesome being roughed up by hot chicka's?

Saturday, March 26, 2011
On Stage Photos - Taboo Day 2

Friday, March 25, 2011
Taboo Abbotsford Day 1
Can't wait to see many of you at the show and remember, small gifts of chocolate are always appreciated. : )
Monday, March 21, 2011
Request for Participants
"Interviews on BDSM as a Therapeutic Method."
As a student at Goddard College I am gathering stories from individuals who have experienced sexual trauma and have, either successfully or unsuccessfully, intentionally used BDSM to cope with, treat, or otherwise re-direct their emotions around the issue. BDSM is a compound acronym referring to Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism and Masochism among other variants in sexual exploration. For the purposes of this survey it is the term used to account for all "alternative" sexual practices related to the mentioned activities.
This interview is being administered under the assumption that you, as the interviewee, have at some point willingly experimented with spanking, being tied up, tying someone up, role playing, and other related activities that may not be detailed in this interview. If discussing these aspects of your experience is not acceptable please feel free to end the interview now. If not, we will begin with some questions to establish a common understanding and build to more personal questions.
With those willing, I would like to do interviews in person or over the phone as available. I will be making personal trips to the San Francisco, Seattle, New York and other areas to hold interviews if enough participants are interested. Phone interviews will be conducted for those unable or uninterested in attending.
The final purpose of this project is to assemble a collected work of stories and experiences that expresses some of the decisions and feelings involved in the various paths people have taken through this. The presentation will be similar to The Vagina Monologues, Pouring Tea, and other collected oral and written histories.
-Tim Murray
Sunday, March 20, 2011
SULTRY Bath House Party - Review
Last evening we were at our first event ever with Libido lounge or anywhere else. It was the Sultry bathhouse and it was a lot, a lot of fun. Jennifer is this little package of positive energy, she is present everywhere trying to involve everyone, talking to everyone and she makes everybody feel welcome and part of the fun.
Me and my husband we are in a loving passionate relation. We do love each other and sex is a big part of our relation. We are just a little bit kinky, more boring normal then kinky. We love being naked, we love Wreck beach and we are part of a nudist colony in the States. That was one part of the fun last night; the bathhouse is clean and it was awesome just to shed the clothes and take showers and enjoy the steam, totally, completely naked surrounded by totally, completely naked people.
One of my concerns for last night was that we are 47 and 53 and our bodies are more pumpkin like then god and goddess like; we are fat and old – but fun to be with. I didn’t want to find myself surrounded by young, gorgeous people that will make me feel embarrassed of myself. It was a great mix of people, young ones and not so young ones, good looking and less good looking but everybody treated everyone else with most respect and yes, of course, naughtiness. I looked around me and everyone was involved in some kind of fun: just watching the porn and talking, taking the steam in and this was just the beginning, as the night advanced more naughty games developed and some of the people were engaged in hot fucks while other watching. I was to excited to be able to sit in one place, I wanted to experience everything and thus, the only thing that I comitted to is a blow job to my hubby while listening to the noises of hot sex coming from around us.
So, my three big desires were accomplished: being naked, watch other people having sex and, my fantasy, last but not least, experience a woman’s body. I had this fantasy for a while and I never tried to act on it. My husband is an awesome lover, he loves giving oral and I get the most fantastic orgasms from this. And because I am not selfish I would like to share this pleasure with another woman, I would like to watch B pleasuring her, make her moan and feel the immense pleasure that I do while I kiss her and caress her. It was just a fantasy until last night when I experienced the first taste of it: me being touched by a woman and me touching another woman. Wow! I told B at the end, you, men, are very lucky. A woman’s body is soft and feels like velvet to touch. A woman lips are sweeter than honey. I got to kiss and touch another woman and it was heavenly – I cannot wait to do it again. Hope soon!
The night started with some games that Jennifer made us play: everyone in a circle and soap soap soap. Turn around and soap soap again. That had everyone started. But my most favourite (beside kissing other women – and I kissed at least three, yeah!) was the table game: one woman gets blindfolded on the table and whoever wants to join the fun can do it. I was unsure if I want it or not, like I said I am a virgin of these kind of activities, but Jennifer made me do it and wow, did I was glad I did. Hands everywhere, my legs, my tummy, my breasts – kisses, mmm, sweet kisses. And who was that couple that purred in my ear? that was really good and erotic and arousing, it’s something that I will totally include in my sexual repertoire.
It was an awesome experience; totally recommended for the adventurous ones and for the not so adventurous ones. The bathhouse is great, small but clean and it does smell good ( I am very peculiar about smells). It is the best way to have the first experience as part of a group of people involved more or less in touching and sexual activities, because it is clean! Jennifer is awesome, she is a bundle of positive energy and encouragement – she does what she loves and she loves what she does and you can tell. I met people that I would definitely love to meet again. Yes, it was a dream night, an wonderful adventure.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I got me eye on you
Our relationship thus far has been largely undefined and this has served us well. I'm really interested in watching how we develop and unfold naturally. You are proving more and more important to me.
I don't do things traditionally and I am slow to warm up, but once I get going, I'm on fire.
Thank you for the gift of you.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Moving Forward
- Dalai Lama
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Follow along now ...
Ralph recently constructed an email and sent it off to me asking to become a member of the Lounge.
I sent Ralph back the exact same informational email that I send to the thousands of other people who write me each year. Contained within that email is information on booking an orientation, links to read first and a mailing list to sign up for.
Ralph then wrote me back, FOUR TIMES.
His first email to me did not contain the necessary and asked for information. His subsequent emails hitting my in-box, one after another, each one almost identical, but-not-quite.
Then this morning I wrote him back exasperated, stating that four consecutive emails is too many for a one woman operation to be answering and that I would appreciate not being inundated with future unnecessary mail. One email should be able to handle our exchange. Well, one email should be able to handle our exchange if he had read what I sent him in the first place.
Then he had the audacity to write me back and tell me if I had given him the information he wanted to begin with, that he wouldn't be bothering me with so many emails. Not true. Had he have read the email I sent him and the links provided, he would have sent me one email with the correct information.
There is a system in place for how we handle new member requests, for handling orientation and for dealing with people who prove challenging.
Step by step. Follow along. If you can't follow me through an email exchange to get you to orientation, then we are not likely to get along. I won't have members at the Lounge that I don't get along with or that don't respect me.
Ralph wrote me back again this afternoon, stating that he had seen a photo of me and that I am unattractive. Due to this, he won't be joining and becoming a member.
I feel so much better now, knowing why Ralph, a man I have never met, will never bother me again.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Allena's surgery was yesterday and she was doing well last night at bedtime when I last spoke to her, the drugs had her in no pain and she was coherent too.
The joy in her voice, over getting new breasts due to all of this, was contagious. Get through treatment next and then new perky tits for Bella.
Every cloud has a silver lining right?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Single Male at a Party
K, the guy, is a wonderful conversationalist, and I found myself enjoying speaking to him. In all honesty. I am eager to see some of his art too. Anyways, at nights end, I had asked him to write me an overview of his first experience at a party and at the Lounge. This is what he sent me ....
When I arrived at the Lounge for member orientation, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I'd heard a lot about it from another member, but being new to the scene it wasn't much comfort. As I walked up to the door, I was nervous - until Jennifer popped her head up from her car, which she had been loading.
"You must be K," she said. "Come on in."
What followed was a night of fun and sexy action. I licked whipped cream off of a beautiful woman, got tied up and suspended for the first time in my life, made a lot of friends and had a wonderful evening. Everyone was decked out in hot gear, from one woman who wore only feather pasties, to Jen's partner J, who wore a mesh shirt and a utilikilt. Everyone looked stunning. Although I didn't play much myself, it was hot just to see all the scenes unfolding around me as the night went on. I lost track of the people I'd met as some went into the sex area with their partners and others, spent with happy grins on their faces, dressed and went out the door into the night. As the night wound to a close, I said goodbye to all the awesome people I'd met and resolved to mark the next Lounge event on my calendar.
The Lounge is a great place, filled with great people. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming, and if you have body image issues - like I do - don't worry, because nobody will denigrate you here. As a newbie to BDSM, it took me most of the evening to figure out the dynamics at play, which is why I didn't play much myself; in the end, though, it's not really the play that mattered, but all the new friends I'd made. I suspect that even though I didn't have sex or do any tying or flogging, there's plenty of all of them in my future.
Thank you, Jennifer, for introducing me to an awesome place and an awesome group of people.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Can this really be happening?
Saturday was the Lounges Valentines Day party --- and by all accounts the night was epic. Out of town guests, a day of bondage classes and great people made the party as awesome as it was. But the day was long, we arrived to the Lounge at 9 in the morning and left at 1:30 the next morning.
There are more than just clients and attendees that attend our events, many of those present are our friends. And this is exactly why days like today can happen, because its easier to hustle for those you care for.
What was so over the top for us was having to pick up Pickle from the babysitters at 2 in the morning, by the time we drove home and got to bed ourselves it was three o'clock.
Sunday we were up early, as we had a day trip to Tulalip, Washington. Our destination, reserve land, and the home of a wise man. Allena had chosen her tribe and called upon us to join her in a special Sweat to offer healing before her surgery. It was memorable and in all honesty, I learned many things that I am not quite yet ready to articulate. Maybe one day, I'll write about what it looked like to be present for such an event, but not now.
I would do anything for Allena, go anywhere for her, topple over anyone in her way, move mountains and cross borders to get to her, reach out and drag her towards me if she needed me, and even give her parts of myself --- we are fam-ily. We drove home along the I5 talking about living and our families plans for life. At 11 last night we pulled into our driveway, absolutely positively spent.
By the time we visited with the teenager who was baking cookies, and the car had been unloaded, all we could do was to crawl into bed. Jason pulled me in tight, his breath almost becoming my own as I inhaled his scent and basked in the glow of his loving support. We are both done in.
Today I recover from the weekend and gather my emotions to support Allena Tuesday as that's her surgery day. Oddly enough the last couple of days, everywhere I look there are signs of what we are journeying through. The breast cancer emblem is everywhere, commercials filled with optimism and joy are on television and I have to say, that there are countless stories of hope. And in that I find strength.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
More On The Matter
Regarding this post and then the subsequent post that I have now made about Special Snowflakes a woman wrote me with this thought on the matter, here is her email in it's entirety.
If you want a different perspective on this subject. I causes me concern that some do not appear to understand boundaries or the word no. If they don't understand this prior to being a member, then receiving preferred treatment and being a member still not understand "no" would cause me great concern.
The orientation is there for the benefit of the member taking it and for the safety of others. Everyone has heard the same thing and are all aware of the boundaries and expectations. Someone who doesn't understand boundaries for safety in a sexual environment is scary and would cause me great concern.
You are doing the right thing and I feel safer knowing that you don't allow people to bypass the system.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Cancer Sucks
It wasn't my news to tell, yet I have known for a short while now. Last time we were in Seattle a couple of weeks back, the day we arrived, my partner Allena was scheduled for a breast biopsy. Jason cooked us all dinner the night she returned from her first procedure and we sat around at her place with Pickle, loving one another as family does during such stressful times.
When Bella called a few days later I knew as soon as I saw her voice messages on all my phones.
Allena, the love of my life, has cancer.
This Sunday we will be in a Sweat on a native reserve just outside of Seattle, as a friend of ours is hosting this magnificent ceremony to honor her.
Allena may be the one that is sick right now, but we are all going to fight the cancer together.
I am sad that a woman so beautiful, strong and vivacious has been hit with this bitterly ugly disease and that in turn it is changing how our world looks so fast.
Damn it.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Adult Sex Classes Victoria BC
Sunday February 27 2011
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
presented by Jennifer of Libido Events & Libido Lounge
6 hours of learning
10 women maximum
$125 for the day
coffee, snacks and water provided
bring your own lunch
.5 hour = Developing a Language for Pleasure
.5 hour = Communicating Desires
1 hour = Orgasms for women
1 hour = Butt Sex & Anal Pleasures
1 hour = Sensation Building & Seeking
1 hour = Being Dominant In The Bedroom
1 hour = Kinky Sex 101
Tickets are pre-purchase only, non transferable and non refundable.
Private upscale venue with full amenities in downtown Victoria.
First Come, First Served.
To arrange payment, or to ask questions, write:
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Wet, Hot & Fun
Thanks P & R, I am very appreciative for your feedback.
Our First Visit to Libido Event's Sultry Bathhouse:
After going downstairs you entered a socializing area. This had the food (home made brownies & cheese wafers, and store bought cranberry crisps, chocolate oatmeal cookies, pepperoni and cheese, fruit tray & water). It also had a TV showing some porn with sound off which people pretty much ignored.
Going clockwise, there is a warmer tiled room with lockers for storing clothes. You can bring a lock and lock up your wallet, etc.
Beyond that there is a pair of even warmer shower areas.
Off of each shower is a sauna 'hot' room. If the door is closed it quickly gets really hot in there.
From the second shower is an area that has 5 or so semi - private beds for sex play. This has a door that leads back to the socializing area. The whole area is old but well maintained and clean. It is so hot that everyone dropped clothes when they entered and stayed naked for the whole party.
We had fun at the event. Like most play parties, people sex play most with friends and people they've played with before. But at the bathhouse event I found that people were more social / friendly than usual. Perhaps the fact that everyone is already starkers, breaks the ice some.
The first programmed event was when some containers of shower gel were passed around and everyone squirted soap on everyone. Then you rubbed over everyone around you in with hands and hugs. This was a lot of fun. After a while we showered to get it off, and all that soap you rubbed on your neighbors you washed off again. There was a certain amount of sexing going on in the showers.
People visited in the hot rooms. There was a fair bit of sex play going on in there over the evening, with people helping others with licks and kisses. People were also drifting in and out drawing suggestions & slogans on bodies in wash-off markers.
The Saunas are set up nicely, so that someone sitting on the top bench can be eaten out by someone on a lower bench.
People tended to head to the socializing area to cool off and then head back to the heat or the semi-private rooms to play.
My wife's summary was "that the people made the event".
There was also a masseuse giving massages to couples for $$. Jennifer had brought an extra massage table and it was used by people doing bondage and wax play which looked very sexy.
A favorite part of the event for me was the humor bubbling under the surface. People appreciated the absurdity of trying to keep up pretenses. No one was worried about being cool.
Like most public events I've been to there was a mix of people. Some people were strongly oriented to them-selves. (Perhaps they get a kick out of people watching.) But compared to most events I've been to (either at Libido or other public play parties), people were friendlier and more willing to chat, suck on nipples and the like. People were very laid back about the "all naked all the time" ambiance and at least with our group, the humor in the background.
We had a lot of fun.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Fire Flogging, Fire Caning, Fire Play
Thirty people showed up to watch the FIRE show put on by my friend. His style is vastly different than locals that I know, so I wanted to ensure an opportunity existed for him to showcase his talents.
His fire floggers are just mesmerizing to watch and the fire canes looked down right nasty. The ice fire cups were intense to just bear witness too as was the rest of the show. After J was done showing his skills off, he so graciously offered to light many of our guests on fire.
And off with the clothes, first one, then two and in the end a number of folks had an experience they never thought they would. It was great fun to watch and to cheer on the nervous nellies amongst us. Plus with just low lighting in the Lounge for this dinner, the fire was really magnificent to see.
The women who tried fire were all so subtle almost erotic to watch, but then, it was Craig's turn. He's a man. With a hairy back. Which made Craig the smelly guy who used to have a hairy back. Just to be a real ham, Craig let J light his penis on fire with flash cotton --- now that was surreal to watch.
And for the record, no injuries. No burns. Good times all around. Lots of cherry popping as we like to call it.
Seeing as the monthly dinners keep becoming more popular, it's our goal to continue to make them an upbeat opportunity for our members to hang out with one another.
In case you're wondering Uncle_M was the first one done eating and the first one to break into the desserts. There were a couple of bondage pin up models present too. Almost as many couples as singles. And the single ratio of men to women was about equal -- the food was and always is outstanding.
After eating for two and a half hours, talking with everyone and watching the show, still at nights end, I had to tell people it was time to head home. This is the measure of a successful event -- they won't leave.
Next Deviant Dining is Thursday March 3, mark your calendar and start plotting what dish to bring.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Feedback from Attendees of Classes
From Tabetha --
aahhhh....the refreshing language of sex! At the very least, it certainly sounded that way coming from you Jennifer! Attending your classes and hearing your stories were more than just entertaining...especially the one about your daughter being positively sex educated by her parents. That was an empowering for me to hear. It gave me great hope that our children can learn to navigate an ever changing sexscape in basic everyday life...that by learning the appropriate language and developing a healthier attitude to go with it..they are empowered and therefore protected!
Before attending your class on cocksucking....I was not convinced it could give me more knowledge than I already had. I am happy to report that not only was I way wrong....the extra confidence I was looking for came in heaps...,inspired by a few of your combined (cock sucking) techniques...I am so glad I took notes!
The G-Spot Female Ejaculation class was something else! The atmosphere of sisterhood was incredible and inspiring to me...special thanks to your model! Seeing exactly where the her sacred Goddess flow wells out from....was educational indeed!
The spirit of your classes kept pointing us toward creating intimacy and having fun in the moment with our lovers....I enjoyed your classes immensely Jennifer...and I will be back for more! Thank you!