Saturday, December 06, 2008

Dungeon Players Tonight

EDIT: RC just returned from the Post Box. We received a check for another Life Time Membership from a woman treating herself to an early Christmas present. Hot Damn am I ever pleased with The Lounge and our efforts right now. Two Life Time Memberships sold in 48 hours, the business plan is working!

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Want to come to our Dungeon Players Party tonight? Well you can as there are still spots on the guest list.

For some reason, we have more women at this event, then men.

We have a piercer on site tonight, piercing members, four of us = two men getting their nipples pierced and two women getting their clitoral hoods pierced. (I am one of the women) The party has bondage, sex, BDSM and social time. It will be much oodles of fun.

Send me an email to be included on the guest list .....

I am readying now for a long hot bath and then some clam chowder soup.

See many of you this evening!