In case you do not already know, I am traveling with The Taboo Sex Show for the next few months and teaching for them. In two weeks, I leave for Calgary and then home for a few days before I fly away for Edmonton. It is going to be great fun, and a whole hell of a lot of work too.
In fact, the work load has already started. Currently I am working on new presentation styles for some of my more popular classes and the hand outs to accompany these.
I have a corporate sponsor for both cities and lining everything up has been a unique experience and a new one at that for me. My hand outs reflect my sponsor and of course my classes. And writing them up is some what of a challenge for me. Not a strong point of mine, though thankfully I have friends to assist.
In the last few weeks to ready for this touring road trip I have had my hair highlighted and restyled, purchased new clothes and chosen new styles to best suit my stage and media persona. Truth be told, I am feeling pretty good about it all.
Raising a child, being a mother, a relationship partner and who I am professionally gives me a very unique view point on sexuality and how best to approach the education component of it all. At thirty six, I am living my dream, perhaps this is why success has come so easy to me as of late. Setting aside of course, my tenacity and hard hard work for over a decade.
People who enter into my life, always get what they need from me. It may take awhile for them to find what they are looking for, but they never go empty handed. My last bottom/girlfriend, got exactly what she was looking for and then marched herself back into the world armed with all the tools that I had so freely shared with her. My ex male partner got his needs met before he spread his wings to move on to bolder conquests. Lounge members find comfort, support and community from circling my world and as such make their own friends and community. I am a giver and this role resonates with me. In fact, some people leave my world after taking much from me and leave yet still stay connected. They follow me still learning from afar. I am watched on social networking sites, on FaceBook, here on my blog, through my websites, and of course through mail outs. Being watched is not foreign to me, nor is being a trend setter.
My only wish is that people who have left my world, would get the balls to do their own thing and to do it their own way. Some people just so lack vision and uniqueness.
I am going to be spending some serious time out in Mission over the next couple of months, reconnecting with a friend and checking out my old stomping grounds. It is on my list to "pop in" and say hi to someone whose been hiding away from me yet still following my life closely.