I am ferociously cranky.
Three days of a sex consumer trade show, eight classes taught and miles walked around the facility looking over sex toys with poor food in me, has left me a not-very-happy woman.
My feet are pained immensely. I am in desperate want of a hearty home cooked meal and a professional massage. I am so eager to get back to my own bed and the better climate of Vancouver as the freezing cold and snow here is making my bones ache and every hair on my body stand on end in revolt.
In a few hours, we shall be in the comfort of our personal bed with the cat purring away on top of us.
Taboo is over for this weekend, thankfully. I did so well, it was just incredible and I came away from the weekend with some enormous and profitable gains. Excellent news!
Though this Thursday I take flight again and leave for Taboo Edmonton this time.
Must enjoy home and all its amenities while I am there.
Now off to a restaurant for a serious meal before we leave for the airport.