No rest for the wicked, nor the successful. I have a deadline in front of me that I'm trying valiantly to meet. And as such, here I am awake at this unsightly hour, still working away frantically.
I'm attempting to upload the October calendar both to the OLD Libido Events site and then to the new site. Because, you see, the new site goes live very very shortly, and everything needs to be be on the calendar before you all see it. It is going to knock your knickers off of you. For me, it will become super easy to add in events and to maintain. Wait, just you wait and see.
My days of unskilled HTML labor are soon to be ending and thankfully too as I am just to busy for such things. In fact, October has me hosting TWENTY TWO different events, and SIX private events. Yeah, I'm kinda swamped.
With this in mind, I'm booking myself and my family into a real treat, an adventure of sorts to give us some time to bond over an extraordinary experience and also to have some down time together. And I'm also making an appointment for myself all alone, at the spa, to unwind and center myself in the midst of the month of craziness.
Don't even get me started on November, I'm flying all over the country teaching and sharing my Erotic Arts Curriculum to a whole new audience. Go Jennifer.
My middle of the night break is now over and it's time for me to return to calendar building. Wish me luck!
It's 3:28 in the afternoon, and I'm in bed, still working on my laptop. Yes I got some sleep, from 2 something this morning till 10 AM. Then at noon the Lounges NEW SEX SWING, and FULL TRIPOD stand was delivered to our house. Dang is it ever impressive. In about 1/2 an hour, I need to start readying for my G-Spot class this evening.