My guy has a gut ache.
The attack started yesterday at say around 2:45pm.
It ensued all evening.
The whole night was rough.
Multiple trips to the bathroom.
He got up and put on flannel pajama bottoms and a hoodie before retreating completely back under the covers. Head and all.
When I gently stroked him through his layers, all I heard was a mumble.
So, I left him alone.
RC got into bed at 5:30 yesterday.
At 10:30 I attempted to sleep next to him in our bed.
No such luck.
Between the rolling around, his stomach grumbling, the barf bucket and all the trips to the bathroom, finally I gave up.
I had resigned myself that it was time to grab my pillow and a comforter from the hall closet and make my way to the sofa.
I awoke at 5:30 this moring and went to try and get back in bed with RC. Nope, no can do.
He was asleep on my side of the bed. Fuck.
Back down the hall to the sofa.
At 7 this morning I awake because the living room is getting bright from the light of day. With difficulty falling back asleep, I am flabbergasted when minutes later, the child awakens for school and comes out to start her day, thus keeping my conscious from all the house hold noise.
Motherhood and partner - hood, both have draw backs. The lack of sleep being the first. Barf and gut aches playing a close second.
I am still awake and working.
RC is still in bed, under the covers.
Wish us well.
Because goddess knows the last thing I need, is to go down with an illness.