We walked into the Apple store empty handed last night and walked back out 15 minutes later with a new purchase. A brand spanking new, shiny aluminum MacBook is now mine. Cash will get you everywhere.
Shopped at a few stores downtown after the Apple store before settling on a new cream top, sleeve-less and made of a delicate lace. And a new dress, in a beautiful purple, and what makes it even more enticing, is that it's a size six. Go me.
Today at Costco, there was a Nun. She had a shopping cart, and I wanted it. I walked towards her, saying hello and motioning towards the cart. She smiled and gave it to me. As she did, she reached out and touched my shoulder. She said, "God bless you", as her hand was on me. I shivered in delighted, to be blessed by a Nun. I said, " thank you, and bless you" to her too.
As we wheeled the cart into the store I looked over my shoulder. The Nun was still in one piece getting into a vehicle. She had not turned into a fire ball, or shriveled up from touching me. Further proof that I am not a true deviant.
Now I am off to Sultry, Libido Lounges bath house party. Oh my is it ever set to be an exciting night.