Hi Jennifer,
I'm interested in throwing a party at my place 2 bedrooms but I was hoping you could help me with some suggestions and guests (5 couples)? Would love it if you could help :) Let me know if you have the time to plan and hopefully set up a party!
btw. I will be a single male as this is going to be a secret....sshhh :_
Thanks in advance, Andie
Your email is rather strange. It reads as though you are ordering "take-out". Including guests. I have never received such a request before.
If you want to attend an adult event, then do so. There is nothing stopping you, so long as you are 19 years of age.
But whatever it is you are trying to create through contacting me, just know that you can't buy it. And if you really want such a scenario to ever take place, you are going to need to come out of your shell to meet the couples themselves. Because that is how you get people back to your place for a party, you hand pick your own guests.
Don't think that I would bring my friends, supporters and allies to the private home of someone no one knows.
I am not even going to start on the rant, that it sounds as though you want my services-for-free. So, not going to happen. I don't just throw parties, I am creating culture and am a professional.
By the way, "Would you like fries with your order?"
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