This afternoon I spent precious working hours on short-term planning for the new space as I'm heading there again tomorrow morning to check in on progress. My mind is going in a million directions these days and I could use some more of your help on this one thought.
What events would you like to see in the new club? Included on the calendar already are
- pansexual play parties
- women only play parties
- bondage events
- outside educators
- as a rental space to outside groups
- Libido Events Erotic Arts Curriculum classes
- Libido Events offices (my Coaching space & Personal office)
- Libido Events Sex-Positive Lending Library
And a great number of other wonderful and sex positive events, though I'm not going to list calendar events here quite yet. What I want and need from you is suggestions for specific types of events that you would like to see or can think or dream up that are not mentioned already so as to fill up the calendar.
Please email your suggestions to me and/or post them here. Thanks