Saturday, January 20, 2007

lesson from a reader

There was a time when my private life was written about in the Libido Events mail-outs only and not in a blog. That was quite some time ago now.

I pulled writing my personal activist life details from the mail-outs because the content over time that I was willing to share with my readers had changed and become rather charged. Life treats me well and yes as is obvious I'm also somewhat of an exhibitionist.


One day a woman whom I had never met came to me at the end of one of my classes and asked if she could share something with me. Smiling, waiting till others around were gone she explained her story.

She and her husband, boyfriend whatever label you like. They had been on the Libido Events mailing list for some time since moving here from another province, looking for events of any sort that they could attend as a couple for social & play opportunities.

They found what I did intriguing and were supportive of my efforts. Hence here she was at an event after coming from the mailing list.

What had taken them so long to get to me (attending a Libido Event) after being on the mailing list for some time was what she wanted to share with me.

I of course wanted to hear what she had to say.

The mail-outs as long as they'd received them had contained graphic at times SM related content about my private life that to them was "just not their kink."

It made her hesitant to attend an event because she said, she never heard about any other type kink or twist for me and was worried that I was something that I turned out to not be. She saw this while in the class with me for those two and half hours just ending.

She went on to say that it would make her more comfortable if I would consider changing the content of my mail-outs to not contain so many details of my sex-positive pursuits.

The woman kindly offered me a number of suggestions for what to do, we hugged, I thanked her and off she went.

I went home and peeled through all past mail outs and stayed focused on being in that woman's shoes at home with her husband trying to make a decision about attending a Libido Event based exclusively on what was contained within those mail-outs then.

Perhaps she had a point.

I asked around to some friends and randomly emailed a dozen people from the mailing list and asked them how they felt about the "personal" content in emails.

Some said it made mail-outs to long. Others said it was hot, keep on sending it. But more people than not said separate the two.

Perhaps I could give my mailing list subscribers the option of reading about ME, somewhere else and continuing to receive mail out information about events only from Libido Events.

So I started a Blog. Very proactive of me.

Look to the right, you can even go back and read the very first post or any other over the years.

In all the months and years I've never forced anyone to read my blog or hacked their computer to make my blog appear on their screen without their knowledge or consent.

Any person who reads here, does so because they want to.

The Libido Events mailing list has subscribers only and removal information available to every subscriber at the bottom of every mail-out.

In all the years I have never forced anyone to be on the Libido Events mailing list or kept someone subscribed against their wishes.

Now in MY Libido Events mail-outs there is a URL link to my blog in 80% of the mailers that I send out.

If a subscriber chooses to click onto my blog it is because they want to.

Not forced. Nor pressured.

At times I do include in mail-outs light teaser information regarding something exciting that I may have recently been apart of and again a link.

If someone chooses to click on that link it is because they want to.

I do have a stats program on my websites and I am well aware of how many readers I have.

Not everyone who comes to this blog comes here from a URL link in mail-outs.

Some people bookmark this blog for their own personal reasons.

Not forced. Nor pressured. They make a choice to be here.

My stat program even says that these same people come back over and over and over again. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.

Some people read here once and decide it's not a place they want to return. I applaud their exercising their right to choose what they read & see.

Has the Mafia made all the others read here?

No, silly.

Have I forced anyone to read this blog or the Libido Events mailing list?

No, silly.

You my friend you are reading here because you want to.

You made a choice and a lot of you choose to read me.

Welcome to my sex-positive corner of the world!

Being an upbeat, kind, focused, energetic, creative, hard working, non judgmental, non blaming, responsible, accountable, progressive, loving woman is what has landed me in such a wonderful place in life and career.

It pleases me that people read here. Know that I write for myself first.

Thanks for reading.

Good night.