The line on their business card reads
continuous effective PENETRATION at your finger-tips.

I'd have a hard time explaining owning ANY high-heeled shoe / sex toy to my daughter, so perhaps this is a piece of furniture for my new space. No kids at home and some extra money to spend? This my friend looks like fun.
My two classes went great, both were in the afternoon, one with just over 300 people in it and the other with about 280 attendees. (handing out handouts in blocks of 100 allows me to keep track of numbers) I did Sex Tips For Men & Women as well as Tie Me To The Bed Posts Please - bedroom bondage basics.
The response back has been overwhelmingly positive, both during the show from everyone who approached me with thanks to the stats on my website, personal emails in my account, new subscribers to the mailing list and offers of new exciting speaking engagements in Manitoba, Toronto and LA.
A local group had been scheduled to present two classes Saturday, but no one even bothered to show up for either class. Sad to see a group allow themselves to look so poorly in such a large scale public setting, though no one including myself was really expecting much more from them.
Personally I managed to attend 4 workshops put on by others and listen in on their styles of teaching & topic. I learned some things both positive and negative.
Taboo was more than a success again for me this year, I came out of it with waaay more than I had even thought possible.
Now it's time to do "clean-up". There is much for me to make my way through post trade show.
Reive, Saturday night in the dungeon felt good though a little more privacy would have been nice. Next week is fabulous, let's plan to talk during the week.
P - that was a smile, perhaps it was hard to see through the crowd. :)