Monday, May 03, 2010

Work Over Load

My life is crazy right now and this is an understatement.

In our house is a teenager readying for year end exams by studying like mad and a five month old teething and going through a developmental growth spurt.

I am plagued by CDIFF and wish for nothing more than to be rid of this horrible infection, it is so unpredictable, painful and nasty. Tomorrow I visit the hospital yet again for more tests and Friday the doctor sees me with the results and a new plan for getting me well.

In eight days I fly out of Province for a day of negotiations with a large corporation that is waving at me money, opportunity and career notoriety. Then fourteen hours after I return from this whirlwind visit.... I leave for Europe on an action packed and greatly anticipated trip through London, Berlin and Paris.

Between now and my departure I have four private coaching appointments, four large events at The Lounge and I still need to pack, get my hair done, have a mani/pedi, complete my banking, do a small mountain of paperwork and lest I forget .... sleep.

Somewhere in all of this I also have to fit in family time, cooking, laundry, caring for a infant, uploading the June calendar, emptying my in-box and commuting time to accomplish all that I need to.

Any idea how to get more hours in a day? Personally, I am at a loss.