Sunday, November 01, 2009


Yesterday it took eleven people four hours and twenty two minutes to move Libido Lounge from it's original home, to its new home. A fair bit of work but with so many enthusiastic helpers what looked like it could have been a daunting task was for the most part ... easy. Note that I use the word "easy" as a pregnant woman who did not move a single thing, and who basically just directed.

Two years in our first place of business and now a new place to call our own for the next three years. Pretty damn impressive, wait till you check it out for yourself.

The changes are huge....

Ceiling height a few floors high, so just call the height "massive".
Dedicated carpeted office space, separate from the event space completely.
Concrete floors.
Loading bay doors
A lobby/check in area
Fully wheel chair accessible
A kitchen.
Event areas have 2 painted black walls, and another in stone concrete.
Free parking
Close to Sky Train, 1.5 blocks
A mezzanine
Heat and air conditioning
Alarm system
More than double our previous sq. footage

There will be renewals happening and due for many of our members as they first arrive to the new Lounge. Your renewal rate is $25 for 1 year and without making this payment in cash first you will not permitted inside past the lobby. This amount will be due on top off whatever event fee you will be charged for that current dates offering.

Each member will be made to sign a waiver with our new location on it and the current date, this will be valid for one year. There are a few updates to membership information for members to note:

1. there are no in and out privileges at any of our events, for any reason
2. zero tolerance for poor treatment of other members or drama

3. no (flannel) robes or boxer shorts for men at any party
4. no outside food or drinks permitted
5. no personal electronics of any variety
6. no conversations about any illegal activity
7. we reserve the right to refuse membership & guest privileges to anyone at our discretion
8. failure to be appropriately dressed will have you refused entry