Sunday, December 21, 2008

One Thousand

Three and a half years ago I reluctantly started this blog. I gave it a name, "activist on a mission to initiate change" and made a commitment to write in it with some form of regularity.

I have shared myself under the terms that I originally set forth "A written account of my personal journey as an activist for sex positive culture both personally and professionally."

Today's post marks my 1000'th post, a thousand times I have typed out my truth, my realities, my growth and pursuits.

When life has had me high I have written happy, when I've been bursting with pride I have written proud, when struggling I wrote of my challenges.

When success caught me, I let you know. When I had things to offer you, I gave them.

I have blogged when sad, when tired, when hurt, frustrated, anxious and even when in love.

I have shared my vulnerabilities and my strengths, my joy and at times my sorrows.

I have given this blog photos of my body, and images from my life.

This is a well read blog with a wonderfully huge readership, many people I know make their way here daily to keep up with me, my world and my activism. Others use this as a place to find inspiration, because apparently I am a trail blazer. Strangers find their way to this place through Key Words, and Google.

No matter why you read here, know that you land on my stat counter and I follow where people come from. I have learned so much from you my readers along the way and even more about myself.

Quite some time ago, I removed the comments feature from my blog, making it so people who had something to say to me could do so by writing me at my professional address. The personal e-mails I receive are inspiring, filled with accolades and thanks.

I blog to set an example, to keep a record of the journey that is solely uniquely mine and I am so grateful to be able to be such a source of enlightenment, entertainment and inspiration for so many people.

This blog, is me being true to myself and not allowing others to rewrite history. This place serves as a reminder of where I have been, whose aided me, loved me and who or what has gotten in my way.