Thursday, July 06, 2006

Do you take it? family meeting

This Sunday is family meeting day for my poly family. One of a few days in the year where Allena Bella, Jim and I, sit down together to talk about our family unit and the relationships contained within this unit.

Jennifer & Bella
Jennifer & Jim
Jim & Bella
Jim, Jennifer & Bella
Daddy & little girls
Daddy & Jennifer
Daddy & Bella

and then we talk about the power part of our relationship & the BDSM. Then on to short & long term family goals and finally finish it off by talking about our outside relationships. Because aside from our poly family and our relationships together, we each have a huge capacity for love and sharing joy and to that end, each of us has outside play partners that we have in our lives as well.

With each of us as being such powerful personalities we need opportunity to come together to check in. We lead such amazingly passionate, joyful, fast paced, lives that most people find to be overwhelming in intensity. We each thrive on this intensity and where we are & what we've created in our lives together but there's 3 of us, not 2.

With this info then the communication has to happen many times over, said in different ways for each of us, supported uniquely, pushed just so, brought back in and humbled, remember we're family, we get to do this for one another and because of one another.

With the meeting complete, we should be in just the right frame of mind to be needing a break. So what does our family do to relax after such a long meeting? We go see the notorious The Wet Spots.

We're going to hang out with them at The Wet Spot since Bella hired them to perform a show for The Spot on both Sunday & Monday. The Von Foxies are opening for them, I'm super excited about this as well, can't wait.

A job & family perk is all the cool stuff we always seem to be doing. (remember the long list from the family meeting, again I say to you, perks are necessary)

The Wet Spots (Cass King and John Woods) are a musical sex comedy duo who write sophisticated lyrics paired with sweet, catchy melodies. Their musical repertoire is inspired by the risque satirical songs of Monty Python, South Park, Tenacious D and musical comedy legend Rusty Warren. They are known for their lively shows, which include sing-alongs, spankings, and bawdy sex-ed.

You MUST go listen to this music video Do you take it in the....