Tonight's opening night is for invited guests only, it's called their Kink Industry Party, should be fun. (they aren't open to the public yet, tonight's event is to bring together the organizers from local groups to play, socialize and check out the new place)

Here's what the new facility promises on it's Features page:
*Over 3500 square feet of playspace
*Dance floor playing club tunes
*BYOB bar with licensed server to make your drinks all night as you like 'em
*Social lounge
*Hot tub...bathing suit optional, but nudity encouraged
*2 public playrooms
*4 optional playrooms - you choose to play publicly with others or privately
as a couple... Just change the sign on the door
*BDSM dungeon playspace - perfect for spanking
*Hors d'oeuvers from scantily clad servers
*Erotic photography (limited availability)
*Toys to enhance your play
*Bed and breakfast - at the end of the night, the rooms are converted into
bed & breakfast rooms, so you don't have to worry about drinking and driving
*Valet parking
Rest assured I'll be checking the place out in depth and letting you know my thoughts on this promising new play space. I'm looking forward to this evening and the chance to see what new environment has been created for our sex-positive city.