As I was driving home from work this evening along Parker Street in Burnaby a route I usually don't drive my car crested the top of a hill with my window unrolled for the fresh air. The radio's got 96.9FM playing and I hear my name called out loudly, even over the music, in a feminine voice as I'm motoring along at 50 km/h the wind carrying it to my ears. Quickly I look in my rear view mirror, shake my head as I'm startled to see a little red car so familiar that it makes my hear skip a beat, screeching to a halt and I honk happily over and over to acknowledge that I see her, kara that is, as I pull over to the side of the road and watch her pull a u turn and then pull up behind my car.
Out jumps my girl, lands in my arms and we somehow manage to sneak 5 minutes of loving into our day with one another. Bonus time. I got to sit on her hood in my short black skirt and kiss her and make cars honk. It was fun, it was silly, it was spontaneous, it was fate, it was necessary. Damn it was good to see her, the smile on her face and in her eyes as she pulled up to me.
Poly allows me this opportunity and relationship. This is love.