Friday, August 28, 2009

Sex & BDSM

Any day that starts with waking up in the embrace of the one you love is a good one. After I awoke I rolled quietly out of the bed and tiptoed from the room leaving him sleeping for another two hours. Then I went back to the bedroom and roused him from his deep slumber with kisses and naked body rubbing.

Within a couple of minutes he was awake enough that his morning wood was prevalent and I climbed on board for a ride. We went at it from a few differing angles, maneuvering ourselves for optimum pleasure.

We had a big meeting this afternoon with the powers-that-be in business. It went fairly well, though we have some serious paperwork to tend to now in order to complete this step we are on and be able to move forward with the speed we feel is necessary.

This evening is being spent at home lounging, and counting the contractions that have been plaguing me for most of this day. It seems that today the contractions have been rather overwhelming and even dare I say intense.

I commented to Jason a short while ago, that I wish I knew what was different about today, that has made my contractions so regular. His observation was perhaps the morning sex triggered this. What ever the case, I just pray that he's wrong, as I honestly don't want to think about spending more time again without being close with him like that. Plus the orgasms are oh so necessary to my sanity.

Tomorrow night is Dungeon Players, and there are some spots remaining on the guest list. If you are a Lounge and wish to come out and join us all for the evening, drop me an email and I'll get you reserved.
