Friday, March 27, 2009

Sex Classes Abbotsford

The security and police presence at Taboo tonight was overwhelming. It made me uncomfortable when I realized that the Abbotsford municipal police force and the airports Tradex center didn't think that the show goers would be decent law abiding folks. They were polite and all, everyone in uniforms, but there was just so god damn many of them that it was a tad bit unnerving.

More people came out this year on the Friday night than there was last year, that's for certain. And a good thing too, as attendees are what keep the energy level up within the show.

Last year, few were dressed risque in any way, this year, there was people baring skin and looking sexy everywhere I turned.

My two classes, Oral on Him, and G-spotting and Female Ejaculation were great hits. There were plenty of folks who've been in classes with me before and even some familiar faces too. It is always such a treat to be greeted so warmly by such a large group of people.

I was offered two new work gigs tonight and both will be set in motion in the next day or two, this makes me both proud and very happy. My networking skills are phenomenal, then again so is my reputation as a speaker and as someone who does the job well.

It's late and I need to get some sleep as I have to be back at the show in twelve hours. And it's about a 30 minute drive from home back, not much shut eye tonight.

