If truth be told I finally gathered the strength and motivation to get myself out of bed at the ghastly hour of 3pm. Don't get me wrong, I did awake a few times over the day thus far. I woke once to pee, another to answer the phone and once more to check the computer briefly, before heading right back to the world of deep slumber. When RC moved in, with him came a new pillow top bed, sleeping on it is dreamy. Oh how my body and mind need sleep, and again today, the house to myself.
Last night was Rascals and we made it there shortly after they opened. Apparently my ensemble garnished me such compliments as classy and sophisticated. Me thinks this has to do more with the shoes, purse and panties matching in brilliant purple, and allowing one to be noticed rather than melting into the depths of darkness.
Our community has a love affair with black, it is the color that the doom and gloom crowd wear as there staple. I like black, but enough already, I can play and be Dominant or play and bottom and wear pink, yellow, purple, or polka dots, it does not change one bit how I play.
From the moment we walked in to the place, we were swamped in people saying hi, grabbing hugs, giving kisses, making offers of play, it was as always simply overwhelming just making it through the doorway and into the main area through all the people. We had not even put down our bags.
We talked briefly with a few people then I saw an opening. We hit the dungeon floor fast. There was a long low bondage table available that looked just about right for what I had in mind for RC.
Once he was naked sitting up on the table, and I had his cock taped with leads to the tens unit, I started to get excited. He, not so much. He was looking nervous. Time went by fast as it tends to when one is having fun. It didn't take long in the scene for me to feel RC losing control. It was intense physical sensations for him, and in public.
With the tens unit of his perineum and cock, there was still a great amount of sensitive flesh covering his lower abdomen or love trail as some call it. I took that skin and clamped in down with clothes pegs, in two solid rows of eight. Then I closed six more pegs around the head of his cock [the corona] and finally we were ready to start some action.
There is a lot of energy in a 9 volt battery. RC's boy bits found this out fast. I of course quite enjoyed holding the controls to this little box of fun.
I flogged and strapped his back some, but it wasn't cutting it for me. What was missing was his face, I needed the connection with him, to see his journey. Coming back round to face him, I found myself staring in the eyes of someone who was trying hard to retain his composure yet who was losing control of himself fast.
Within minutes of adjusting the dials to pulses not before reached, and my boy was levitated off the table. He went over the top, losing himself to the scene and the moment. Before I even saw what has happening his hands had flown between his legs and he was ripping the leads off of his cock and throwing them to floor.
Triumphant in his feat, the electrical torture ended and what followed was exactly what was needed. (well after I removed all the clothes pegs from him) We packed up our gear, went and caught our breath, then left and drove straight home to bed with one another and a good loving cuddle.