This person is drawn to knowing me as a Coach and Educator due to my passionate living as a sex-positive woman. We share a common interest as we are both Girl Guide mothers and have the ability to love both men and women. Often times I end up being a role model for women who have discovered a truth about their sexuality after they have become mothers when they are looking to share their discovery with others. My voice is loud and strong when it comes to female sexual pleasures and it pleases me to no end to inspire others to find what they need.
Dear Jennifer,
I'm interested in knowing you because you are a Girl Guide mother too! - just like me.
And because you are a parent with an alternative sexuality - just like me.
And because you are a hedonistic bohemian - truth, freedom, beauty and love.
And because you are so open and out and dynamic - not just like me.
Background - I think our paths might have crossed at XXXXXXX. My daughter's sperm donor is Patrick Cat. XXX and XXX are my children's aunts. Not that I have spent really anytime in Vancouver in the past decade, I do know part of that crowd.
More background - I came out a baby dyke in the 1970's; still in high school and easily absorbed into the lesbian feminist community and movement of XXX. Met XXXX in '84 (she was only 19) - we fell in love and mated - careers, cars, home and children - son in 85 and daughter in 1989. We broke up in 1995. Very hard but we survived well. I took that crisis to be the opportunity for me to explore my sexuality, my kink, BDSM, and men. And I did so to moderate extremes.
Now, I am partnered with a man. We live happily in a beautiful prosperous home with my 2 children and his children. Privately, very discretely, we seek to actualize ourselves and our relationship as Master and slave. It is kept secret from family and public. I admire how out you are and know how important it is that you are out.
To make a long story only one of medium length - I am a Girl Guide Mom too! So, given that we share this in common and that I have many matters to discuss with you re. sex and parenting - well, that is why I want to meet you.
cut here for privacy and length
cut here for privacy and length