Friday, July 14, 2006

child returns

just checked with the airline and my daughters flight is arriving in to YVR on time this afternoon. Finally, she's home from camp in Guelph and we can catch up on all the stories from her time away this past while.

I can't wait to see her, we've got huge mom and daughter plans this evening.


it's 10:02 pm right now. Daughter's 10 days worth of soiled laundry is in the front hall dumped out, the bathroomm still steamy from her shower to remove camping & wilderness residue and the blessed noise of deep breathing in my bedroom as she's sound asleep. She actually fell asleep laying on top of me in the living room after her shower, wrapped in my arms and I had to wake her to get her into bed. At six pounds lighter than me, it's getting kinda deifficult to carry her anymore.

I'm so happy to have her home, where she belongs. There's only so many years of this left now...