Tuesday, December 06, 2005

wish list

Wishing out loud, upon a bright star this holiday season, these are a few of the things that would please me to no end to receive. Some things that would make my teaching life & activism easier are....

1. sex & sexuality books, videos, DVD's - new/used, current
(no erotica or fiction)
2. CD's/music: to make love to / seduce by / relax with / scene to
3. portable collapsible spanking bench for my car trunk
4. straight jacket
5. violet wand with attachments
6. portable, collapsible white board in it's own case with a stand/easel
7. inflatable people - 2 men & a woman ; )
8. collapsible (folding) double beds x 3

What a unique list of wants & needs to have; there's nothing on this list that won't be put to good use and all in the name of "sex positive education."

Happy Holidays....Jennifer xoxoxoox