Sunday, December 04, 2005

afternoon movie

this afternoon, my daughter and I braved the snowy weather conditions and drove to the local theater. There we sat and watched "Yours, Mine & Ours" a short movie, 80 odd minutes about a man with 8 children who marries a woman with 10 children and how they transition into a family. [turbulently] We had a good time seeing the movie and eating the large bag of Sour Patch kids that we picked up from the concession. Since I've worked much as of late, it was good for my daughter to have some special time with me and it was good for me to be present with her.

Grandma sent money in an envelope the other day, $30 and said to put it towards photo's but since we'd already paid for and ordered holiday photo's we thought Grandma would enjoy knowing we did a family activity together with the money.

The Christmas tree is up and we hope tonight while watching Extreme Edition Home MakeOver to have it completed so this week we can get to the baking and the gingerbread house making. We have wonderful holiday traditions in this house and it pleases me to know my daughter looks forward to these times.

Friday I promised my daughter she could sleep with me tonight, and she's been reminding me about it all day today happily. :) We love our cuddling time and she's most definitely the product of a home where a family bed exists and where love flows freely.

Today I feel the need to be held by an adult. To be rocked for awhile with no noise around me, just silence and an awareness of my own breath and heartbeat. Someone else to steer me and point me in the right direction once I can find up again.

33 years old and still searching for answers to big life questions. When does it get any easier?
