Thursday, June 25, 2009

16 weeks

I am 16 weeks pregnant and in my second trimester. The nausea has subsided thankfully and weight gain has begun.

Last week I saw my obstetrician for the first time, my man came with me and so did my teenage daughter. It was really a family affair.

My hospital of choice has been arranged and a birthing tub booked for me.

My breasts have increased in size at an alarming rate, they are quite literally huge and full. I have cleavage that is impressive as hell.

None of my clothes fit any longer and I can only wear pregnancy pants with the super sexy elastic waist band.

We moved into our newly purchased home this past Sunday and the babies room is already painted. A few boxes of baby stuff already sit in the room awaiting unpacking once the furniture arrives.

Sadly I continue to be overwhelmingly fatigued.

I am surrounded by incredible friends who have been such a great support to me and for this I am so grateful. Times are going to continue to change rapidly.

In mid July we will know if we are having a girl or a boy. We have already found a girls name that we both favor.

If we know one another and I've seemed out of sorts lately, know that it's because there is just so much going on in my life.

I can't wait to have this baby, December is fast approaching.

**side note: Professionally speaking, I am quite behind on my work load and am spending the next 24 hours attempting to catch up