I awoke to snow this morning, and was rather clueless to it's existence until I flung open the drapes finally and got a good look at what so many friends had been writing in their blogs about earlier today. My oh my, is it ever pretty. Luckily too that there is not enough of the white stuff for it to be considered a bother.
My sleep last night was disrupted by unusual dreams of strangers and multiple trips to the bathroom to pee. Both highly unusual occurrences. I did sleep long and hard though, which was a necessity as emotionally I have been rather taxed lately.
Tonight I am teaching a private class to a rather large group of women, all Hanky Panky Home Party Consultants. Assisting them with the tools necessary to better sell their products and match them up to prospective buyers. I am eager to see them all again as it's been awhile since we've networked together and we always seem to have a riot when together.
The rest of my day involves emptying my email accounts and booking appointments for massage, manicure and a facial and if I am lucky a lunch date with a special and uber hot friend.