- The food has been purchased and unloaded into the cupboards and fridge.
- The liquor was chosen and bought and is on the counter tops.
- The door prizes are packaged and ready for lucky winners.
- The guest list grew even larger today, and is printed ready to go.
- My clothing choice has been made and sits awaiting me to wear it at the right time.
- E-mail reminders regarding the event have been sent.
- Daughter is away for a few days.
- Volunteers are lined up and set to an hourly schedule.
- New Art Work for the Lounge is framed and ready to be seen by all. (boy bits)
- Music was ordered from a DJ.
I am too busy right now too feel tired, and I have to be up at 6:15AM, as I have places to be VERY early. This makes me feel grumbly already. Not-a-morning-person these days.
Ok, time for me to get my work done, so I can actually catch some shut eye.