This weekend has been exceptionally busy. Wow, am I ever on over drive right now tying up loose ends and readying for a new experience.
Friday nights Orientation was yet another well received. Four hundred and twenty some members thus far have been through our doors and the mandatory new member orientation class. Oh my, are we ever growing at a rapid rate right now.
Saturday nights party, was very very well attended and the play that happened was super exciting to witness and to be apart of in some cases.
Sundays first Nude Yoga class, had a whopping 15 people show up. It went better than we could have hoped for. It was the first of our 3 week trial series.
Tomorrow I leave for Maui and I have no plans on looking back. There will be no work happening on my end for awhile. My computer is to be left behind with an Out of Office Reply already in place and my phones are to be left unanswered.
I've no interest in responsibility this week, this trip is purely selfish. I need a vacation from my world as I know it.