Monday, September 10, 2007


I am working on two new classes.

It has taken some time to organize my thoughts after reading all the material I've felt necessary to review before putting together my outline. The volume of content I have covered over the last couple of weeks has been substantial.

With the outline as the next step in the process, I am feeling pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed by all that I have learned over the years.

There was a time when I could not have held a conversation on sex for more than 20 minutes, and now I speak sex [almost] fluently, by topic and alphabetical as well.

These new classes are more advanced classes, designed for those wanting more from their pre - existing play.

Once completed and ready for the curriculum, it will be time to put the classes on the calendar.

Already I have two separate facilities wanting these finished so they can have me in to teach for there groups and events.

The last six months have been a time of real growth for me as an educator, the accolades from the outside, unprompted have helped me to believe what so many others had been telling me for so long. I am really good and very skilled at what I do.

Some time over the next week I hope to be ready to unveil these exciting classes and a new presentation style to compliment each of them.