Because I was teaching my G-Spot & Female Ejaculation class I had taken up with me a volunteer to do the demo on. Deej was kind enough to give up her evening and off we went.
Class was set up and there was still 10 minutes before I needed to start. I was sitting with Deej on the massage table in front of the class talking to other participants about random topics, waiting for my start time.
Hearing the front door, I turned to greet the latest arrivals. Two women, who were very oddly dressed.
These two women came in wearing gum boots, rain coats, garbage bags, hats and holding large open umbrellas. They appeared ready for a flood.
They marched towards the front row and sat down in chairs all the while smiling wildly from ear to ear.
I started laughing right away, it took others in the room a few seconds to catch on.
They were wearing "rain gear" to protect themselves (ha ha) from the ejaculation part of the class. Very funny, I'm still laughing over it.
A photo was taken of us all posing together and the women sent it to me just this morning saying that I could post it to my blog!
So here you go.

Deej called the women dressing up for the class "audience participation" and she's right, it was just that.
My life is blessed to have nights at work that look like this.