Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Allena arrives in to me tomorrow early afternoon, how exciting for us! Some girl time together before we head off to her class in the evening.

Today I was at the lab having my blood work drawn for the hospital; the woman who took my blood had a good steady hand and managed to keep me calm while doing it as well.

Wednesday morning Bella will take me to the hospital and my Daddy will be there when I get out of surgery and wake up.

Doug on his way out of town for work stopped by today with hot chocolate and warm wishes, and Linnea and I have plans for later in the week while I'm recovering on bed rest.

Keith thank you for the stack of erotic comic books, they'll make my recovery time be more exciting.

and to everyone else who has written in with offers of cooked meals, movies, books, warm wishes and hope, know that I appreciate so much the kindness and thoughtfullness of each of you
