Saturday, December 17, 2005

bring it on

Awoke and spent time being still & savored the quiet of a Saturday morning at home in bed. Up later than usual for me, then made my daughter & I breakfast together once I was able to wake her from her slumber.

Cleaned the house so it would be no effort for me when I returned from work, threw dinner in some marinade, then off I headed for a 7 hour shift of work.

My daughter was at home alone awaiting Jim; once he arrived, the two of them headed off to MetroTown to Christmas shop together for the afternoon without my presence.

I drove straight home from work at days end to find the two of them parking in front of the building and hauling in "the loot" from their shopping trip. What a long day we had all had. Jim was falling asleep on the sofa while dinner cooked.

Late dinner for us together, then the gingersnaps were being decorated to give away as gifts. At work today I'd picked up an assortment of candies and icing to decorate with.

Now with the dishes done, we're watching The Sound Of Music and waiting for bedtime. It's a family night in around here and an early one too.

My folks are here tomorrow from the island for my daughters 12th birthday party. What a celebration day it will be, both with seeing them and the party itself with nine, 12 year olds. A bowling party it is to be! Cake is already made and in the car along with everything else needed or even thought of! All that's left is getting the child there. Her birthday is not for a few more days but as of tomorrow and the party, the festivities begin in this house and will not stop until January 1.

with sleep, love & family, anything feels possible today
