Saturday afternoon and my daughter is away at camp this weekend with 18 other friends her age, so I've got the house to myself till Sunday at 1:00.
Last night was the Naughty PJ Party and it was a hugely successful night and one that went off with out any issues. Over 70 people were with us last night at our sex positive event. Doors opened at 8:30 and people started playing quickly and filling the massage tables & beds and there were people playing right up till we closed at 1:00 am. Lot's of new faces as usual lately and of course the return of many old friends. Not to bore you with details, but since my Jim didn't get any "interactive" time with me at the PJ party last night, you can well guess what I was doing at 3:30 am this morning when we finally rolled in to bed.
At 7:45 I woke up Jim as he had to leave at 8:30 to return home to Bellingham - threw some cut up fruit in a bag for him to eat for breakfast and he was off and on his way to go sailing for the day with his parents.
Today has been about cleaning up from last nights event still, dealing with email and vacuuming my house. I even managed a trip to Canada Post earlier this afternoon and a drive out too Surrey to have a quick visit with a friend. Still left is the cleaning out of the rubber maid totes that store all the gear, a round of thank you's to the volunteers and of course, you remembered this part was next, yup, now I have to do all the Laundry that an event of this nature creates! (oh the glamour of being a sex activist)
Tonight I'm off to see the Dr. Nigel show in Vancouver with some friends. Dr. Nigel has been described as a dash of Dr. Ruth, an ounce of Austin Powers and wee bit of “Weird” Al Yankovic. His posters says that "Using a tantalizing mix of songs and standup comedy, Dr. Nigel answers your questions about sex and relationships. Who knows he might even show you his special technique for improving oral sex using a banjo! "Dr. Nigel has me intrigued as to his new technique, so off I head tonight to his show in the pursuit of some good laughts and some sex education.
Feels a little odd to have so much space right now... but with my child away, Jim with his folks, Kara away for the weekend with her partner and Allena at home in Seattle, well it's true, I've got some space. And given that the party was Friday night I've got the rest of the weekend with out any of my poly partners around. We've all been so close lately and doing many things together and I like that closeness. But now that there is room to breathe a little, no work today or tomorrow, no parental responsibilities and no poly partners, wow, well, here I am as just Jennifer.
It's time for me to move on to other things and to start the process of getting ready to go out this evening. I'm going to light some candles in the bathroom and fill a tub with Mango tub butter and have a good long soak. By the time I get out I hope to have figured out what to wear.