We spent the first week of September at a Religious Sanctuary nestled in Washington State away from society as a whole.
I was eager for the chance to bond with Jason even further without the distractions of our usual day to day life. The opportunity to be alongside like minded friends for days of end. And the deliberate removal of ourselves from the trappings of modern society to bring us back in touch with our gratitude.
It certainly was not the experience that I had envisioned it to be. False hope, and all that. But it was certainly the experience that I needed it to be.
I grew, and not just physically. I met new friends, and reconnected with old ones. I was challenged, and over came some obstacles. I assessed my priorities and rewrote their order. I worked on some feelings of inferiority and overcame. I was held up high and practiced humility. I was overlooked and did not feel left out. I was shown love and I marveled in its beauty. I triumphed.
I went away with an agenda, and soon after arriving I tossed that plan into the trash. I moved effortlessly with the moment, from minute to minute, day to day.
Reintegrating back into my routine of home and professional life has been easy. It's some what of a relief to return to what I know and am comfortable with.
I love my family, our home, my career and of course myself.