*Should Prostitution be Legalized Before the 2010 Olympics?*
Vancouver- The legalization of prostitution has been a long neglected
topic in the City of Vancouver. It’s time to revisit the question,
consider alternatives, and look at solutions once again. The coming 2010
Winter Olympics make the topic especially timely.
How will a mega-event that will bring thousands of tourists to Vancouver
affect the sex trade in the city? Will the recent implementation of a
sex worker's cooperative help or merely compound the problem and further
exploit already marginalized women? Is there a solution to Vancouver's
sex trade? What about the trafficking of women? Can a rationale policy
that recognizes the multiple dimensions of the sex trade be found?
Please attend a free public forum in order to foster greater public
awareness on this important topic.
Some of the speakers and organizations attending are:
Vancouver Rape Relief - Daisy Khler
- AWAN (Aboriginal Women's Action Network) - Carrie Humchitt
- XPALSS (Ex-Prostitutes Against Legislated Sexual Servitude) - speaker
to be confirmed
- Tamara O'Doherty (Researcher specialization in experiences of
victimization for off-street workers in the sex industry)
- Dave Dickson (Vancouver Police Depart, Sex Worker Liaison)
- BCCEW (British Columbia Coalition of Experiential Women) - Susan Davis
- Jamie Lee Hamilton - Transgender Sex Worker Activist
- Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres - Lee Lakeman
- Pivot Legal Society - Elin Sigurdson
- FIRST – Esther Shannon
The forum will present an opportunity for the public to hear and air
different perspectives on the sex trade. A question and answer session
with the panel will follow the presentations.
**Childcare is provided.**
Time and place:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 6:30pm – 9:00 pm at the YWCA, 733 Beatty
Street, Vancouver.
For more information contact Carly Teng at pforum08@gmail.com
Organized by the Work Less Party