Tuesday, June 28, 2005

shaved a woman bald

Tonight at 6:30pm I walked through the front door of a woman's home in powder blue 5 inch heels & matching leather car coat and was welcomed into her world. Taking off my coat and settling myself I turned to see the recipient of my evenings energy. Before me stood the woman whose head I was about to shave bald.

After settling and binding her on a stool in the middle of the room, with music beating in the air and through my veins, I set about my task. Make her bald and return her to her natural state of beauty. Exposed.

Took me a minute to center myself, to find my strength, breathe, then...

Grabbing and twirling large clumps of it together, I chopped off areas of her hair at a time. Falling to the floor, covering her in her own hair. Over and over, with scissors I removed the length that once took much time to grow. I cut until my scissors could do no more and it was time for the electric razor. My focus was so dedicated to her, that I was aware of nothing else.

Standing looking at what I'd done and pausing, I was mesmerized by the transformation. She looked stunning already and where I started out tentative and slow, I was now motoring along and feeling high from the energy we were creating.

Screams, cries of joy but no tears. No mirrors either until it was over.

The electric razor slid over her head in short smooth lines until all hair was removed down to 1/16 of an inch. Which looks like 5 o'clock shadow. How controlled I felt and how thankful for the opportunity.

Blindfolded, she could only hear my words to soothe her spirit as I exposed her bald head to the air and to the light of day. She gasped and I smiled.

A straight razor and I ran it over her head completely once and then a second time for touch ups before deciding we were done.

After spending time winding down with the woman and talking for awhile it was time to leave. It was a feeling I'm not familiar with to walk away from someone after doing something so dramatic with them. It was an exhillerating experience for me and one where I learned some things about myself.

There is this great Chinese/Japanese restaurant that I love on Hastings and Kara and I had a late dinner there together tonight. We haven't had much alone time together lately so any time we can grab we do. Dinner was great, Kung Pao chicken and rice.

And to top it all off, Jims Birthday is today. It is my Daddies birthday but he was out sailing this afternoon in Bellingham, so we are celebrating his birthday this Thursday instead as that is when he is next up.

I'm alone tonight here in the house, thankfully. Without doubt, I'm one of those people who needs alone time. It's the plan for me to actually go to sleep early and get some good rest for myself.

Why might you ask would I suddenly today want a good sleep?

Well, I have a date with the "new guy" at 7:00 tomorrow morning here at my place, that's why! There is a whole blog post to be written on poly & dating surrounding this date, so let me tell you about that tomorrow.

Did you notice that on the right hand side of my Blog is a new heading called Affiliates. Have a look around Tickled Pink Toys. It's a local to Vancouver company, that's run by a friend of mine also named Jennifer. She sells quality adult products (sex toys, lingerie, books etc), in Canadian dollars and is great to deal with.

** I just received an email from the woman whose head I shaved this evening, it was her check in email to me. All is very well for her. The last line of her email said this to me "Sleep well pioneer of a more sex positive world!" And on this very pleasant note, I shall go to bed.


sex activist