Monday, May 31, 2010

All Things Sex [7]

The Economist has written a really enlightening article on Gay Rights In Developing Countries. It's a must read and I'm confident that you'll find the statistics to be jaw dropping.

LG parties are on the rise. LG standing for "little girl". This is where older boys in grades 11 or 12 invite 12 & 13 year old girls to their parties, get them drunk, then lure them into sex. As the media has been known to sensationalize their stories, I'm not 100 % confident I beleive this to be a hot new trend and not just a myth. However I asked my daughter about the term LG and she was already in the know as to what it meant. And for the record, the article was written by our local newspaper, The Province.

Tonight at Libido Lounges Jack & Jill, twenty nine people showed up, plus, Jason and myself. My goodness what a night it was, there was much fodder, wanking, orgasms, laughter and new friendships made. If you missed out, not to worry, it is a monthly event, and it's happening again on Monday June 28th for our members and their guests.

Go ahead, find me in this photo. This is my favorite beach to hang out in over the summer and soon enough the weather will be nice enough that I'll be down there sun bathing nude, a lot. Wreck beach is super wonderful. Of yeah, to find me, click on the photo WB Love. Then look for the last person in the letter V, on the left. I'm wearing a pink cowboy hat. This is further proof that I do get around.

This man actually paints with his penis. Meet Pricasso.